Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3178: First encounter

Zhanspear said without hesitation that he was considering the right direction. As the core part of this underground laboratory, it is natural to ensure safety.

Especially how many people are staring at this lunatic. Once the lunatic has an accident, everything that the Black Dragon Club put into it will eventually be in vain.

"You're right. If I am this madman doctor, I will hide in a secret place. The last time we suffered a loss, the madman took himself as the main body and copied his experimental body."

"This is really a trouble. I don't know how many copies this lunatic has made. It doesn't take a lot of energy and hard work to get rid of the lunatic himself."

Xiao Yi considered this level, and he can be sure that Dr. Madman is in this underground laboratory. As for where he is, it is unclear.

Dr. Madman made a copy of himself, and he could make a few more copies and put them outside to confuse the eyes of the enemy. The Wolf Warriors team and Dawn worked together. Only by getting rid of the madman, the mission was completed.

There is no way for War Spear. The replica and the body are exactly the same. Even if Dr. Madman is placed in the middle of the replica, no one can distinguish it.

"The captain wants so much to do. If you follow what I said, you can simply put this underground laboratory in one pot at the end, and then no one will be able to escape."

"It's not that simple. Do you think the Black Dragon Society didn't take this floor into consideration when building this underground laboratory? It can be imagined that many places in this underground laboratory were treated with explosion-proof treatment."

Even if a bomb is used, there will be places where the power of the explosion cannot be destroyed, and once the Black Dragon will lose the game, the lunatic doctor can imagine that he has already arranged a way out.

Before the start of the action, Xiao Yi took these factors into consideration. The Spear was scratching his scalp. He was worried about this matter and couldn't think of a better way.

"I said, Captain, don't sell it. I think you must have a way to clean up this lunatic doctor. Don't let me continue to guess. I really can't think of how to find this lunatic."

"You said it before, if it's you, he will hide in the safest place in this underground laboratory, so we don't need to find it, he will come out by himself."

The ant nest referred to by War Spear is very appropriate. When the queen in the ant nest feels that the nest is unsafe, she will find a way to move herself away from this dangerous place.

Xiao Yi believed that the current Doctor Madman would definitely not take any action if he waited and watched the development of the situation and the black dragon would have an advantage.

But if the Black Dragon Society was defeated, he would not choose to be buried here. The old guy didn't get rid of him after several blows. He was very smart.

"What we can do now is to add fire to this ant nest vigorously, just like ants in a hot pot. When the fire burns, they will be anxious themselves."

Zhan Spear understood Xiao Yi's meaning. It is no wonder that Xiao Yi looked calm and unhurried since entering the underground laboratory. He had already had plans in his heart.

"Captain, when did you become so bad? It seems that our fire is the key. This kind of harmful experiment must be completely resolved this time."

War Spear discovered that the captain they were familiar with had changed and was no longer the former death god.

The underground laboratory rang the alarm and entered the first level of alert. All the guards were ready to fight and obey the dispatch orders at any time.

At this moment, the team of more than one hundred people, divided into six parts, has already begun to move. They are arranged into a net and are constantly advancing towards the periphery of the laboratory.

Careful investigation of the places passed by is focused on finding the location of the dead. At this speed, it will not take long before they will be close to the area where Thor and the others are located.

"What about Thor? It's coming to our side soon."

A team of sixteen people, only less than a hundred meters away from where Raytheon led the team, Raytheon thought about it, Xiao Yi has other things to do, he needs to direct this action .

Under the snow, shoveling engineers dug a channel, Thor divided all the personnel into single hidden, now is the time to come in handy, Thor has assigned the task of combat.

"Everyone pays attention. It is a single combat unit. This is a group of Black Dragon Detective soldiers. The purpose is to find out where we are in ambush. So only a few people are needed to move, and everyone else will be hiding in place. work."

Raytheon named a few people to participate in the action, and the others were on standby. They just dealt with these ordinary people. There was no need for everyone to expose their location, and the other personnel remained hidden.

Several people started to move. They circled and followed the excavated passage to go around behind these people. They occupied a position and fought their own battles, leading these people away from their hidden positions.


With an order from Thor, the muzzle came out from under the snow. Four machine guns fired. A fire snake burst out from the muzzle, and a dense bullet shot out and hit the person.

The sound of gunshots represented the beginning of the battle. The members of the Black Dragon Association kept falling down, realizing that the opponent had launched an attack, and they immediately organized a counterattack, turning the direction and forming a gathering.

Taking advantage of the number of people, the gunshots were intensively pressed towards the position where the shots were fired, but their series of shots received zero effect.

The location where the shot was fired has long since disappeared. They always adhere to a principle, that is, to change a place with one shot to avoid being suppressed by enemy fire.

Relying on the advantage of the number of people, I finally found that there was no figure, and a ricochet was buried in the snow. At this moment, he jumped out of the snow, watching the trap.

These people from the Black Dragon Club were unable to avoid them in time, and jumped to the top of their heads and exploded. They were instantly killed and injured, leaving many broken limbs and arms in the snow, and the snow was stained red.

"Damn... the members of the Wolf Warriors are not ordinary people. You must stay vigilant and not follow their way."

In terms of the individual combat capability, these members of the Black Dragon Association are far from the Wolf Warriors. Their combat effectiveness is not on the same level. They only rely on the superiority of numbers, and they will soon be defeated.

The four people cooperated with each other and there were gunshots everywhere. I couldn't tell how many people there were. They could only look at them. They fell one by one, and soon more than 100 people fell halfway in less than five minutes. child.

Seeing that there are so many people in me, it seems that they are not enough for others to level up. If this continues, more than a hundred people will be killed sooner or later. The dead are too unlucky, and the living people have fear in their hearts. Go down.

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