Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3170: Waiting for results

Especially when I think of the unfair treatment I have suffered over the years, my heart becomes more and more unbalanced. Whatever the position of the Patriarch, I must give it to my brother, who can't fight for it.

If you want to compete with Xiao Qing, you cannot have strength. When he was at home, his father never taught him the cultivation method. He was just an ordinary person, and being able to stand in this position requires powerful power to use it. support.

When three years ago, Xiao Cang learned about Dr. Madman’s news and what he was researching, he immediately became interested in finding a way to find Dr. Madman. This was easy to do depending on the strength of the Xiao family.

After learning where the lunatic was, he couldn't wait to rush to the lunatic. Xiao Cang's achievements in scientific research, such a way of thinking at a young age, quickly gained the appreciation of the lunatic doctor.

From then on, Xiao Cang became a student of Dr. Madman and helped him do some experiments. After waiting for three years, he finally got the results, and the use value of Dr. Madman is now.

"In the eyes of students, teachers have always been geniuses. They are just stupid people outside who cannot understand what you are doing, because what geniuses think is different from those stupid ones."

Although Xiao Cang couldn't wait to get the final results, Xiao Cang knew in his heart that it was not the time now. This experiment was still more than 20 hours away from being completed, and he still had to wait during this time.

What's more troublesome is that China has already taken action. China's war wolf is here, and a battle with the Black Dragon Society will eventually break out. Maybe just now, they have made an offensive plan, and this underground laboratory is no longer safe.

"Teacher, I heard that China has already dispatched a special team of Wolf Warriors, and it is about to launch an attack on the laboratory. This time, I am afraid that I cannot escape the underground laboratory."

Xiao Cang reminded him, but Dr. Madman didn't care about this at all and continued to do his own research work, as if he could not hear what he said before.

Dr. Madman sorted out the final research data, and these are enough. For him, the experiment is all, and the rest does not matter.

"Those are left to the people of the Black Dragon Association. We only need to do our own research. If they lose in the hands of those Chinese people, I have a way to protect myself."

"It turns out that the teacher has already figured out the way out, so I don't have to worry about anything. It must be right to follow the teacher."

Xiao Cang smiled and didn't laugh. This old thing was not as simple as it seemed. Before, even the Wolf Warriors team had been teased by him. After searching for a long time, he found a copy.

He was a little surprised at the time, Doctor Madman would not put himself in a dangerous place, especially at that time the Chinese Wolf Warrior team had already rushed to the boat.

The old thing is not in a hurry, arranges personnel to stop, and is still busy with his own work. It turns out that he has planned for all this long ago. What he saw is just a copy.

At the same time, Xiao Cang also had a question in his heart. He could not tell whether the person standing in front of him was Dr. Madman himself or just a copy, whether it was real or fake.

"Teacher, would you like to take a break first, students, I am here to stare at you, if there is any unexpected situation, I can inform you in time."

"Okay, don't bother you. I have survived so long, not so much time."

Dr. Madman insisted on coming by himself, and Xiao Cang had nothing to do. In order to avoid arousing suspicion, he could only leave the laboratory temporarily and wait for new news.

Twenty-three hours and 40 minutes are left before the final completion. This period of time must be waited. For this moment, he has waited for so long and suffered so much humiliation.

"Then teacher, I'm going out first. If you have anything to tell, you can call me anytime."


Xiao Cang left the laboratory, but when he finally left, he kept a hand and quietly approached a network cable, cut a hole with a short knife, and connected a black object to the network cable.

In addition to his normal identity, he is also a computer hacker, and there is no network terminal he can't get in. So when Xiao Cang left, the moment he closed the door, his face showed a confident smile.

"Old thing! Do you think you can hide it from me like this? As long as it is the information I want to know, it can't escape my eyes."

Turning on a mobile phone, the screen on the mobile phone clearly showed the scene in the laboratory. At this time, Xiao Cang could see everything Dr. Crazy was doing.

At the same time, he also used this procedure to hack into the entire network monitoring system of the underground laboratory, and all the components of the underground laboratory showed an image, which was displayed in front of Xiao Cang.

He suspected that the Dr. Madman he saw in front of him was still not him. Perhaps Dr. Madman himself was hiding in the secret room at this time, paying close attention to the situation outside.

I want to use network monitoring to find out some clues, but I have searched all the places, and there is still no discovery, when Xiao Cang wants to give up.

An accident occurred. According to his understanding of this underground laboratory, the design of the entire structure was basically symmetrical, but at the third underground level, there was obviously a huge vacancy on one side.

"Is this place individually designed like this? Or is it..."

Xiao Cang thought of something, and quickly took out the surveillance camera next door to this location, modified the surveillance shooting position, adjusted it to the ceiling, and he found something unusual.

The construction of an underground laboratory is not like it is on the ground. The most important thing is ventilation. This must be done well. Everyone is in the laboratory.

Because you need to breathe if you want to live, and to breathe, you need an induced draft fan, which pumps and transports the outside air to the inside, and the inside air is drawn to the outside. This is a cycle.

However, there is obviously a ventilation duct on the ceiling extending towards the next wall. This is a room for experiment specimens, with a wall on the side, and nothing else.

"Hehe, I found it. This old thing should be hiding inside, so no matter what happens outside, he looks indifferent because he is not there at all."

Xiao Cang was very excited, so it is very likely that the experimental results he saw before are also false, and the only real thing is a word said by Dr. Madman.

Now the experiment has not been successful, and the countdown has entered. During this period, he needs to wait for more than 20 hours. In more than 20 hours, he must find a way to sneak into the place where the lunatic really is.

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