Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3040: Leaving is a choice

Meng Nana knew her situation very well, she couldn't go back with Xiao Yi.

Although I also want to be by Xiao Yi's side, there are only some things, not what you want, you can do what you want.

"Xiao Yi, I also want to go back with you, and Xiao Huan also wants to see her father every day."

"I can't disrupt your current life because of myself, let alone take my daughter back to China, it is not safe now."

"When I first arrived abroad, they could easily find me. I don't want me and Xiao Huan to be a burden to you. You should understand this."

Xiao Yi looked down at the child on his lap. Xiao Huan didn't know when he fell asleep.

Even though the two little hands were asleep, they still held Xiao Yi's fingers tightly and didn't let go.

He didn't understand what Meng Nana said, but Xiao Yi realized that she was powerless.

Every time I grow up I feel that I can protect the people around me.

But now Xiao Yi found that his own strength was still insignificant.

You can't protect your own woman, nor can you protect your own children.

"I'm really useless!"

"Xiao Yi, don't say that. You have always struggled by yourself."

Meng Nana put her hand on the back of Xiao Yi's hand, she knew Xiao Yi's hardship.

"It's different now. You have me, your wife and friends around you, and your daughter."

"No matter what happens next, we will follow you to face it."

"So you must protect your own safety in the future, because now you are a person with a family."

Xiao Yi's finger touched Xiao Huan, and his immature little face, holding a finger of Xiao Yi, could sleep peacefully.

"For you, for them, and for our children, I will personally create a world that belongs to us."

This is the strongest thought in Xiao Yi's heart. He must protect everyone around him.

"Regardless of who is standing in front of you, we will live a life without controversy together at that time."

"I believe, I believe there will be such a day."

Meng Nana leaned on Xiao Yi's shoulder, breathing the breath of Xiao Yi's body, all of which was so precious.

The eyes of the two people shifted to the bed at the same time, and Meng Nana showed a shy look.

Putting the child back into the crib, Xiao Yi embraced a princess, holding Meng Nana and walked to the window.

The curtains in the room closed automatically, blocking the shameful scene.

Reunited after a long absence, I have long been unable to bear longing.

Like a tide, it burst out at this moment.

Meng Nana hooked Xiao Yi's back with her hands, her beautiful eyes were like water, staring at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi leaned over and leaned forward, and the two people merged together at this moment, and their thoughts were sublimating.

At the moment when Xiao Yi and Meng Nana were together, the man with Facebook was alone, sitting under a sycamore tree outside.

There was a swing hanging under the plane tree, and he reached out and took off the mask on his face. Xiao Yi would not come out at this time.

"Time is running out. They already know the existence of Xiao Yi, and sooner or later they will act."

In Xiao Huaili's eyes, Xiao Yi would never be allowed to live, and he would get rid of him if he tried to find a way.

Even the old man, knowing he still has a grandson, did not pay attention to it and was completely pretending to be confused.

After Xiao Qing's wedding, it was the beginning of Xiao Yi's troubles. Now the entire Xiao family's minds are concentrated on this wedding.

Once Xiao Qing married that woman from the Jiang family, Xiao Huaili would receive the powerful help from the Jiang family.

As a result, Xiao Yi's chances became even more slim. At this moment, he had to do something.

"I have waited so long for this. Second brother, your hatred, even if you don't hesitate to do anything, I will make him pay the price he deserves.


Two hours passed in a hurry, and the time to get together was so short.

Xiao Yi still has things to do in Wenrou Township Hero Tomb, he must leave at this moment.

Looking at the sleeping Xiao Huan in the cradle, Xiao Yi lightly pecked the little guy on the forehead.

"I still have things to do. You wait for me here, and I will come and pick you up soon."

Xiao Yi said to Meng Nana, this time he left alone. .

It turned out that he was not asleep, just to allow Xiao Yi to leave with peace of mind, so as not to worry about it here.

"Xiao Huan and I are waiting for your return."

Xiao Yi put on his clothes, left here, and came to the courtyard.

The mask man in the yard seemed to have been waiting for him, and Xiao Yi stepped forward.

"Two hours is already here, let's go first."

"You are quite punctual. I thought you would accompany you with more women. If you just leave, wouldn't you seem ruthless?"

The facial makeup man, Xiao Yi's eyes seemed to understand a lot at this moment.

"Because there are still things waiting for me to deal with, I must use my own hands to create a home for them that belongs to us."

"It seems that you understand, and you didn't let me run this trip in vain."

"It's just that I can't take care of their mother and daughter now, so I have to trouble you."

Xiao Yi said, the Facebook man didn't say anything, and walked in front of Xiao Yi.

It seemed impossible for Xiao Yi to find a way to formulate a few sentences from the tone of this person's speech.

The two left the yard, and instead of going with Xiao Yi next, the Facebook man took out a ticket.

"There is a flight from here to S city. I have already booked the ticket for you."

"Thank you……"

"Remember what I said, even if you want to die now, it's not the time yet."

Xiao Yi took the ticket, and there were still three hours before the plane took off.

"I will arrange for someone to take you to the airport. The two of them are safe here. No one will come to the door."

The Facebook man walked towards the side of the street. Xiao Yi took the ticket. At this moment, a car came to him.

It was the driver who greeted Xiao Yi and the others before, and was responsible for sending Xiao Yi to the airport.

"Mr. Xiao, please get in the car, the master has ordered me, and then I will take you off."

Xiao Yi glanced back, then got in the car and hurried towards the airport.

With this unfathomable Facebook man, here to protect Meng Nana's safety, Xiao Yi doesn't have to worry about it.

In addition to mobile phones and passports, personal information is prepared, and it is more comprehensive than Xiao Yi thought.

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