Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3033: Zero survival

No matter how fast Xiao Yi reacted, it was too late at this time.

In order to deal with Xiao Yi, Yamamoto Okao of the Black Dragon Club used his own men to make a human body bomb.

At the last critical juncture, Xiao Yi grabbed a large oil drum on the deck. Before he could hold it firmly, the bomb exploded.


With the powerful impact, the entire ship shook.

Xiao Yi was hit by an oil drum, and under the impact of the explosion, he became a cannonball.

He was ejected and fell into the sea.

This was something that no one had expected, and it was too late by the time I realized it.

The third elder's boat docked aside, and was pushed a few dozen meters away under this shock wave.

Looking at the flames that rose after the explosion on the ship, at this moment the three elders knew that the ominous premonition had passed.

"What's the matter? Why did it suddenly explode?"

"Bombs were installed on the ship. From the beginning, this Yamamoto planned to die with us."

No matter what the final result looks like, the three elders can only wait here for now.

Wait for the final result.

With such an intensity of explosion, approaching the result is a dead end.

five minutes later……

The second elder and Qinglong were very good at water, and quickly swam from the position where they fell into the sea to the boat.

Seeing that they are all safe and sound, the heart of the three elders can finally let go at this time.

"It's really great to see you come back safe and sound."

Zhu Que's body was still immersed in the water, she asked at this time without seeing Xiao Yi's figure.

"Where is Xiao Yi?"

The second elder's expression was a little lost, and he was careless this time.

It was originally to protect Xiao Yi, but Xiao Yi was in danger.

" his last time, he was hit by the shock wave of the explosion into the sea."

"No, I'm going to find him!"

"You kid, calm down. You spent a lot of energy just now. Let the people on the boat look for it."

Suzaku didn't listen to the words of the second elder at all, and turned and swam towards the previous position.

"I'll go with her, lest she has any accidents."

Qinglong followed closely, and the two must find Xiao Yi.

But just as they approached, the entire Yamamoto and their ship exploded again.

This time the explosion started from the inside, and a ship disintegrated into several parts, slowly silent.

The parts on the ship fell from above like rain, and people couldn't get close at all.

"There are also bombs in the ship. It seems that Yamamoto has made the final preparations in order not to leave traces."

"Damn it! Let the ship approach first and find a way to find Xiao Yi."

The second elder ordered that the explosion cannot be approached and can only stay in a safe area.

Some physically strong people on the boat jumped into the sea to find someone at this time. Nine people were dispatched to look for.

Suzaku plunged into the sea. She believed that Xiao Yi would be fine. This kind of person would be too fate.

How many times I have passed through a distressed situation, this time I will definitely be safe.

"Where? Where are you? Don't hide, come out, I have already seen you!"

Two hours later...

In these two hours, the people on the ship did not stop searching.

I searched all the places nearby and dived into the sea to search, but the sea was not bottomed.

Normal people's dive is limited, and Xiao Yi has not been found.

"Apprentice, let's go back first. I have been searching for so long without any gain. This time, Xiao Yi, I'm afraid..."

The third elders couldn't say anything, and he felt very uncomfortable in his heart, let alone Suzaku.

Now the third elder regrets it. If he knew that, he should let Xiao Yi retreat instead of tempting Yamamoto to appear.

He didn't know how to explain to Ji Jiangyue when such a change occurred.

Suzaku sat on the side of the ship and soaked in the sea for two hours, her body's strength had reached its limit.

"Impossible, Master Xiao Yi will not die, he must be alive!"

"You should understand in your heart that this is not on land, but in the depths of the sea."

The third elder persuaded that he did not believe that Xiao Yi was dead, but he could not find any trace of Xiao Yi now.

The sea is bottomless, and people can't find it if they sink, plus it's still in this situation.

Two hours...People don't know where they have been, the third elder comforted Suzaku.

"Go back first, this is the high seas, and it will change after a while."

For the sake of the overall situation, the Three Elders, if the Black Dragon Association had another arrangement, rushed out some perverted warriors at this time.

They all stay here, and the best option right now is to go back and make plans.

"Master, I..."

"I know you feel uncomfortable. This time it was your master's fault. I shouldn't let him take the risk."

The three elders regretted it, but regretting now was useless.

If there is a chance, he would rather die instead of Xiao Yi, but all this is a foregone conclusion.

Before it was still a ship, only some debris remained at this time, floating on the sea.

Suzaku closed her eyes and shed two tears.

"Xiao Yi, you must never die!"

The ship sails in the direction back, and a battle can be said to be a victory or a defeat.

Xiao Yi's strongest combat effectiveness is compromised here. Once this news is sent back, I don't know what kind of response it will have.

First of all, the three elders felt that the Han family was a sad pass.

This time he could only visit the door in person to make amends to Miss Han of the Han family.

There is no bottom in the depths of the sea. The deepest part of the sea here can reach more than 8,000 meters.

People are constantly exploring and discovering the sea, but in the end, the power of mankind is really too small.

The sea that I learned is just the tip of the iceberg.

Xiao Yi was fainted by the shock wave of the explosion and fell into the sea.

The endless sea water pressed his body and kept sinking. At this moment, a virtual appearance appeared.

"Apprentice... wake up!"

"This child was physically exhausted before and cannot wake up temporarily."

"I have to think of a way to save his life, how can the disciple whom I choose to die so easily!"

Zixu's fingers squeezed out a magic formula, a blue barrier, which enveloped Xiao Yi's body.

This barrier can protect Xiao Yi's life, and Xiao Yi will not be in danger for at least three hours.

"I can only do this step. The next step is to see if your little guy's good fortune can pass this level smoothly."

After doing this, Zixu's spirit body entered Xiao Yi again, protecting Xiao Yi's heart.

As long as Xiao Yi wakes up within these three hours and leaves the depths of the sea in time, he can get through this dangerous situation.

With the passage of time, a black shadow passed by the depths of the sea and flashed around Xiao Yi's body.

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