Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 1230: Han Batian's consideration

Ma Teng said to the people here, these people nodded quickly, working on Ma Teng's side is also an opportunity, no one wants to offend Ma Teng because of this.


"We won't say it."

Han Batian and Lao He had already left for fifteen minutes. At this moment, Ma Teng couldn’t control both of his legs. He stood here shaking, and never thought that the so-called Han family actually had this. Ability.

Previously, I just felt that the Han family had been living in seclusion in the courtyard, no matter what it was, some connections in City S must have been broken long ago. With this judgment, Ma Teng felt that Han Batian had nothing to do. Threatened.

Today, he didn't expect that Han Batian brought people to teach Ma Teng a lesson about what is called a lean camel than a horse. This is the truth. The Han family's strength is unfathomable.

"What are you guys doing in a daze, hurry up to get me aside, roll me as far away as possible, the waste thing has no effect at all!"

After sending the person under his hand to leave, Ma Teng unfolded the previous piece of paper again. Such a piece of paper, like a bomb, has invisible majesty.

A list clearly states how much money Ma Teng has for tax evasion and tax evasion over the past few years. Every transaction is clear. There are also some shameful businesses. In Ma Teng, the most important thing is to use inferior products. One point is that Ma Teng is a very serious crime. If this crime is announced, Ma Teng will spend the rest of his life in prison.

"Damn it, the Han family actually knows so much. Although I have dealt with the people of the Han family today, it is always a big threat to me. I must find a way to get rid of this threat. "

Ma Teng's face turned gloomy again, and his heart was very clear that Han Batian did not announce these things today, and one day he will also have a handle in Han Batian's hands. Threatened.

So what Ma Teng is thinking at the moment is to think of a way to completely eliminate this threat, so that there is no need to fear anything in the future. This idea has already germinated in his heart. For Han Batian, there is no doubt that there will be something. Threatened.

Han Batian and Lao He drove away from here. Lao He didn't speak on the road. When he was about to arrive at the Han's house, He really felt a little puzzled in his heart and said to Han Batian.

"Master, why didn't you publish that material before, as long as it is published, the Ma family can at least be half broken,"

Han Batian, who was sitting in the co-pilot position, guessed it in his heart. Lao He must have such a question. He wanted to do things more definitely, but in Han Batian's heart, there was a deeper consideration. .

"Old Ho, you think things are simpler, if I easily knock the Ma family down, I'm afraid the Han family will not be far away."

"Master, what do you mean?"

"Now I have withdrawn from the military area. Many people know this fact. But if the Ma family is easily knocked down by me, someone will immediately notice. Perhaps the Han family’s launch is only on the surface. In this world There is still a huge network of relationships in the Han family."

Han Batian sighed, he didn't want to get involved in any more battles, so he was merciful today and didn't completely ruin the Ma Family.

"The Han family has lived in the courtyard for too long, too long. Some people also hope that the Han family has been so calm. If I break the Ma family down, there will be a storm to divide the Ma family industry in S City. At that time, there might be a second Ma family. Instead of this, I would give Ma Teng a threat and let Ma Teng understand that it is not that the Han family is incapable, but that I am too lazy to deal with him."

After listening to what Han Batian said, Lao He was thoughtful here, and then nodded, understanding Han Batian's intention.

It was exactly like what Han Batian said. Some things are not as simple as they seem on the surface. Although the Han family has always lived like this, secretly, I don't know how many eyes are staring at the Han family.

"Master is so wronged. You shouldn't have retired from the military area at the beginning. Now that you don't have any real power in your hands, others will naturally think that the Han family can just bully."

Han Batian raised his head and looked at the scenery outside the car window. In Han Batian’s eyes, a huge city had a strange feeling. He didn’t leave the house much on weekdays. He just wanted to be in the courtyard. Spend your old life.

"Tired...too tired. He died like this at the beginning. I mobilized the troops of the military area, but was stopped by the people above. From then on, I was tired of this kind of life, let alone seeing those people's faces. "

"I just heard about it. The fighting back then was too tragic. Master, you are right. It's better to live a peaceful life like this."

Lao He sighed. He was still under Han Batian's hands. After a major incident happened that time, Han Batian took his troops away from the military area in spite of violating military discipline, just to help his friends.

However, when Han Batian was stopped by someone above and he was not halfway there, he had received news that the friend was dead, and since then, Han Batian has changed like a different person. Without ambition, I just want to live this kind of life.

"Ease...This kind of day, I'm afraid it won't be long, you look at the clouds in the sky, no matter what season, they will never maintain the same shape, as long as there is wind, they will immediately flutter, and this A wind of the wind is coming soon!"

Han Batian said, this kind of remark has another meaning. He didn't understand it, and thought it was just Han Batian's emotion. People will have different views on some things when they are old.

"Old friend, do you know that your son has grown up? Sooner or later he will know the truth and use revenge to appease the undead of you two!"

With such an incident today, Han Batian used his own practical actions to sound the alarm to the people living here, and let the people in S City understand that the current Han family is still the same as the previous Han family. Tiger with claws.

If anyone doesn’t open their eyes and wants to offend the Han family, today’s Ma family will end up. Through today’s events, we already know the strength and temper of the Han family. No one will touch the Han family’s taboos anymore. Just stay away obediently.

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