246 What is wrong with you?     "Yes." He Xu whispered, not dissatisfied with Artai's order.

  It is also uncomfortable to transfer He Xu away from Artest. He Xu is his companion who has been training together since he was a child, and the two have almost brought them together to this day.

  The two are both subordinates and friends. He has seen He Xu's efforts and dedication for his current position.

   But if you are wrong, you are wrong. If you are wrong, you should be punished. In Artest's red eyes, there is expectation and confidence in He Xu's return to his current position.

   "Let's go, Chen Shao is not in the mood right now, you go to the periphery first, and then Chen Shao will punish you and you will not be able to run." Artai said.

   "Yes." He Xu got up.

  The legs that had been kneeling all night were so numb that he lost consciousness, and he almost didn't stand up.

   Even when he stood up, his legs were shaking constantly, because he couldn't feel his feet were on the ground at all, as if he was lying in the air with no support.

  Leng Shaochen didn't react at all to He Xu's departure. He didn't know if he didn't see it, or he saw it but was not in the mood to take care of it.

  At dawn in the morning, the lights in the corridor were still on. Leng Shaochen's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and blue scum appeared on his chin, and the whole person showed a kind of fatigue and decadence.

  Leng Shaochen was very upset, wanted to smoke but did not dare to leave, for fear that Tongruo had finished the operation because of the effort to smoke.

Artai stood by and accompanied him quietly, and did not persuade Leng Shaochen to take a rest. He also knew that at this time, it would be vain to say this. Leng Shaochen would never be able to leave Tongruo in the operating room. , He went to rest alone.

   "Shao Chen, the operation is over." Artest first saw the light in the operating room go out.

Leng Shaochen stood up, sitting all night, maintaining the same movement, his body became stiff, and when he stood up suddenly, Leng Shaochen was a little unsteady, and he never noticed that his legs were numb. As soon as he stood up, that kind of uncomfortable numbness spread from his legs to his feet.

  Leng Shaochen didn't stand firmly, he staggered two steps, and supported the wall with one hand. Artai quickly held Leng Shaochen's other side with his eyes, and Leng Shaochen stood still.

   waved his arm, motioned to let Artest let go.

  As soon as Artai released his hand, the door of the operating room opened. At first, the seam that opened up seemed to open the door to another world, and Leng Shaochen's heart shook with it.

  Tong Ruo was pushed out and was still asleep after taking anesthetics. Qiao Zhongxuan took off his mask and exhaled heavily.

   "The bullet missed a bit, it was very close to the heart but it hadn't hit. The bullet was all right after taking it out, wait for her to wake up." Qiao Zhongxuan said.

  Leng Shaochen nodded: "Thank you."

  Simple two words, it was a bit difficult to say, and the voice was faintly trembling.

  It can be said that he handed the life of Tong Ruo to Qiao Zhongxuan's hands, which shows how much he trusts Qiao Zhongxuan.

  Fortunately, Qiao Zhongxuan didn't let him down, Tong Ruo was fine.

   "Don't worry, she has to sleep for two or three days, she doesn't wake up so quickly." Qiao Zhongxuan calmed Leng Shaochen and said, also knowing that he was impatient, "The operation was successful, you don't have to worry."

   "Okay." Leng Shaochen nodded, watching Tong Ruo being pushed into the ward.

  Fearing that Tongma would see Tong Ruo when she usually came out for a stroll, she deliberately separated their wards a little bit further.

  Leng Shaochen sat on the edge of the bed, looking at Tong Ruo's pale little face, a little powerless.

  When the little woman woke up, he had to teach her something.

  Zhao Ling feels that she has been a bit unlucky lately, why the accident happened twice, first Tongma and then Tongruo.

  Recently, it’s basically running to the hospital every day, and the hospital is not a good place, so Zhao Ling simply went to the temple to burn the incense, and cleaned the Weiyang Pavilion from start to finish, planning to go to the bad luck.

  Leng Shaochen simply stayed in the hospital, Zhao Ling brought Leng Shaochen a change of clothes and daily necessities.

  Tong Ruo really, like Qiao Zhongxuan said, woke up on the third day.

The anaesthetic on    had passed away long ago, and Tong Ruo accidentally got involved in the wound when he woke up.

  She took a breath of pain, her chest pained as if countless needles were pricking her.

  Leng Shaochen turned her back and called on the balcony.

  The door of the balcony was closed, and Leng Shaochen's words came over without a sound. Across the door, the sound was buzzing and could not be heard clearly.

   talked for about ten minutes, Tong Ruo also looked at him for ten minutes, looking at his back, Tong Ruo swallowed his saliva, a little afraid to face him.

  Leng Shaochen hung up the phone, and as soon as she turned around, she saw that Tong Ruo was awake. He was about to rush up excitedly, but desperately restrained it.

  He opened the balcony door and walked into the house with a cold face. Although one face was cold, she was still afraid that she would catch a cold, so she carefully closed the balcony door.

  Tongruo looked at him with a guilty conscience, Leng Shaochen kept his face so cold and pressed the bell on the bedside.

  It didn’t take long for the doctors and nurses to come over and give Tong Ruo a routine check-up.

"Don't worry, Shao Chen, Miss Tong can heal the wound with peace of mind, and there will be no other impact." The doctor said, "Pay attention to the wound these days. The wound is healing. Don't do any major movements to tear the wound. Especially when the wound is like this. You must be more careful when you are close to the heart."

   "Well, I see." Leng Shaochen nodded.

   "Then Chen Shao, Miss Tong, just ring the bell if you have something to do." The doctor said, and took the nurse away.

  As soon as the doctor and a few nurses left, the room became quiet again, and even Tong Ruo could hear the sound of swallowing saliva.

  Leng Shaochen stood beside her and looked at her, but didn't say a word, his eyes were cold, and Tongruo's heart was hairy.

  Tongruo bit her lip, then said weakly and weakly: "I'm sorry..."

  Leng Shaochen curled his lips coldly: "What can you do to sorry for me? How nice are you, you are willing to follow Chengye for me, and don't even sacrifice your life for me. How can you be so good to me?"

  Tong Ruo trembles, Leng Shaochen is so yin and yang, she sounds really uncomfortable.

   "Chen, don't do this, I... I'm sorry, I just... want to help you, don't want to be your... drag." Tong Ruo whispered. "cough……"

  Her wound has not healed completely, she can't get emotional, and her chest movement will undulate, and the wound will hurt.

  I just heard Leng Shaochen's yin and yang strange, obviously in the opposite direction, when she was anxious, her chest couldn't help but panting and panting, and the wound was involved, causing pain and pain.

  "You are still injured, what are you doing with such a big move!" Leng Shaochen said anxiously, unbuttoning her hospital gown and exposing the wound on her chest, but fortunately, the wound was not torn.

  Although he reacted in a hurry to this matter without any other years, but he suddenly came to undo his buttons, Tong Ruo couldn't help but blush.

  He watched carefully, so close to her chest, the scorching breath sprayed on the skin that was not wrapped in gauze, staining a piece of red.

  After confirming that it was okay, Leng Shaochen buttoned her again, his eyes touched the pink skin, and it dimmed faintly.

   "Chen...I know I was wrong, can you forgive me?" Tong Ruo looked at him pitifully.

  She knew that the most unbearable thing about this man was that she acted like a baby, so she immediately relented when she asked softly.

   But this time Leng Shaochen was determined to teach her a lesson. After knowing that she was okay, he sneered again: "Wrong? Where did you go wrong? Everything is for my good. What is wrong with you?"

  Leng Shaochen is now holding a fire in her heart. If this woman was willing to have 100% confidence in him at the beginning, how could such a moth come out?

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