Chapter 084: Divinity is coming! KTE-9927-Black Goddess!


“Finally caught up!”

Nick Fury breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Lu Dan had a quick mind and thought of Scarlet Witch Wanda in time!

During the pursuit of SCP-096 Shy Man.

Wanda awakened, and the burst of scarlet power refreshed countless people’s three views, and also made the name of Scarlet Witch completely spread in the list of major organizations.


In the end, it was Lu Dan’s py power that was powerful.

With his excellent ability to deceive, he recruited Scarlet Witch as an extra-staff force of SHIELD.

Captain Marvel is not on Earth.

The women on Earth are beyond the level, and it is difficult to find a strong person who can match Thor.


Wanda is different!

The terrifying power of chaos magic is feared by even the Ancient One!

“Get out of here!”

Wanda roared in a low voice.

Chaos magic completely bloomed, and the terrifying power bloomed with her as the original heart, wreaking havoc all around.

The only remaining sanity prevented Wanda from causing large-scale destruction.

Instead, the scarlet power, like a rope, bound the man who was addicted to the influence of SCP-166.

In her roaring voice.

One by one, people were hung up in the sky, and the scarlet power kept entangled, like silk wrapped around a cocoon.

The figures, overwhelmed by physiological instincts, all fell into a stagnation.

Scarlet power!

The power to distort the world!

This is not just talk!

Even if the Scarlet Witch has not reached the peak level, her terrifying strength is still not to be underestimated!

“Is it over?”

Nick Fury breathed a sigh of relief.

He was happy that he had successfully fooled Wanda.

In his one-eyed eyes, his eyes moved slightly.

Lu Dan was already thinking about how to fool Wanda, an extra-member, into a formal member of the Avengers!

It’s so terrifying just after awakening! Scarlet Witch’s potential is not inferior to Captain Marvel at all!

Once successfully joined.

For the Avengers, the strength is definitely a qualitative leap.

Unlike Captain Marvel, who needs to help the Kree find their homeland and spends most of his time wandering, Wanda is a real earth power that can be used anytime and anywhere!

Don’t be too practical!


Just when Lu Dan was imagining.

The picture on the screen.

It made him widen his eyes instantly.


“How is it possible!”

Nick Fury looked at the screen in disbelief.


“Hulk attacks!”

The beast-like roar sounded from the Hulk.

The angrier, the stronger!

Infinite power expanded in the Hulk, and his body quickly became more than ten times larger.


With pure power, he actually tore the shackles of the scarlet power.

“How is it possible!”

Wanda’s pupils shrank, and she was speechless in shock.


Thunder flashed!

Soon, Thor also broke free from the restraints of the crimson force.

The strange thing is.

The Meowth Hammer in his hand did not seem to be affected by the effect of SCP-166. Perhaps it was the special nature of the material of the Meowth Hammer, or perhaps it was the special care that SCP-166 gave him?

AnswerThe case is unknown!

However, it is certain that Wanda is in trouble!

Thor and the Hulk looked at her with eager eyes. Under the influence of special power, they have become crazy pursuers of SCP-166. They will jointly attack outsiders.

Especially the Hulk.

Under the influence of SCP-166, the strength of another personality in Banner’s heart seemed to have increased countless times.


The absolute power almost stunned Wanda!

“And us–”


The terrifying storm rose to the sky.

In the dazzling lightning, Storm and Jean appeared together.

Both female mutants have outstanding power, and the situation changes suddenly as soon as they appear.


“Just them?”

Nick Fury frowned, with a bit of suspicion in his eyes.

It’s not that he looks down on them.

But Storm and Jean, the strength of the two is basically obvious to all.

Although her strength is not weak, she can barely occupy the upper-middle level among all the superheroes, but compared with Thor, who is the first-line power, and the Hulk who is gradually breaking through…

“Not enough!”

Nick Fury shook his head, his expression becoming more and more solemn.

He lowered his head and frowned.

He tried to find a few powerful female superheroes from his memory to turn the situation around in a short time.

“Storm power?”

Odin shook his head, endured the heartache and looked away, not paying attention to the Eternal Spear.

He focused on the battlefield.

Storm’s superpowers are not bad, but they are far behind Thor.

As for the other one?

Just ordinary mind control, telekinesis, the simplest use of superpowers!

It’s even more not worth mentioning!

“Not enough!”

Odin shook his head and made a simple comment.

It’s a pity that the Ancient One had to meditate for a period of time to suppress the balance of power in her body because of excessive absorption of the power of the dark dimension. Otherwise, if she took action, she would definitely be able to easily solve the target.

“What a pity…”

Odin shook his head.

He felt a little sorry for the radical behavior of the mutant group.

It was just… hitting a rock with an egg…

“No! Charles wouldn’t be so stupid!”

Magneto shook his head.

The one who knows you best is always your enemy.

Magneto is undoubtedly the one who knows the personality of the X-Grant the best.

He is cautious and prudent. He will never play the trump card in his hand without absolute certainty.


He still has the “ridiculous ideal” of mutants and humans coexisting peacefully in his heart!

Without absolute certainty!

He will definitely not take action easily.


“There are other things!”

Magneto frowned and racked his brains, trying to find clues from it.


Soon! He won’t have to think about it.

Because the answer has clearly emerged!

“Her superpower is so terrifying?! How is this possible!”

Magneto stared at the screen.


It can’t even be called a superpower, right?

On the battlefield!


The dazzling flames shot up into the sky.The shadow of the majestic phoenix intertwined with Jean Grey.

As if a god had descended from heaven, the nearly infinite power in her body allowed her to instinctively manipulate the surrounding materials and energy molecules, and all forces changed according to her will.

The mental power was fully awakened!

The tranquil expression turned into an indifferent look, as if an ancient god was overlooking the world.

Sand turned into diamonds.

Scrap iron turned into gold.

Wood turned into steel.

All material transformations were just a thought for the Phoenix girl.

Even if it was just the intervention of X-Men, the awakening that was forcibly catalyzed, the temporary burst of combat power was still beyond everyone’s imagination, spanning all timelines, transcending the multiverse, and being the most powerful among mutants…

Various titles were added to it.

Even if it was just a young phoenix that was forcibly catalyzed.

Terrifying power!

It was also beyond expectations!

The power of the Hulk could indeed be increased without limit.

After continuous expansion, it is enough to crush the horror of the multiverse. However, Banner’s body and spirit are obviously unable to bear this unlimited impact.


Huge force vibration!

The impact of the Phoenix force finally overloaded his strength, and his whole body was exhausted, and he fainted directly. (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


“Phoenix force?!”

“There is such a power in the atrium!”

Odin’s pupils shrank.

Phoenix force! From the original universe, born at the beginning of all things, it is a chaotic and immortal, eternal but impermanent existence, and the son of the universe. It is the embodiment of life and spiritual power in the original universe, symbolizing life and emotion…

Countless definitions are imposed on her.

And the unchanging!

It is powerful!

Power beyond imagination!

In a sense, the complete Phoenix force can control the power of the infinite universe!

In other words!

If that mutant can fully activate the Phoenix Force, she can even manipulate any person or object in the infinite multiverse and change their rules at will.

A supreme being more divine than gods!


Odin was on full alert, gathering the power of the gods of the entire earth to deal with the Celestials.

In front of her.

It was just a child’s trick!

Even though Jean is far from awakening to the strongest, the supreme Phoenix Force has given her the power of immortality. From the perspective of status, she is even the first in the multiverse.


The observer frowned.

Something beyond the timeline has happened again.

According to normal progress, the awakening of the Phoenix Force should not be so early!

The observer is eager to correct it.


Looking at the containment on Earth that is beyond common sense, he stopped immediately.


There is no greater accident than this!


The observer sighed deeply and sat down on the stone dejectedly, feeling that something was wrong with the world.

“Immortality, power beyond the universe?”

Dr. Manhattan’s pupils shrank.

He was one of the few strong men who could see the essence of the Phoenix Force. His brows were slightly furrowed and his eyes were deep.

“I didn’t expect…””Besides the Foundation, is there such a terrifying power?”

Manhattan shook his head.

The containment this time was too strange, and he had no interest in getting involved.

“If it is judged…”

“Will I be counted as a human male?”

Dr. Manhattan’s eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the blue skin reflected in the glass, his expression was a little complicated.

“Mutants…are rising…”

Nick Fury murmured in a low voice.

He had this feeling since he saw the phoenix phantom behind Jean, which was like a god descending from heaven.

When Doctor Strange conveyed the words of the Ancient One and told him the concept of the Phoenix Force.

This idea was completely confirmed in his heart.

“The power of mutants?!”


“Can I?”

Nick Fury frowned, and the almost instinctive PY power began to stir again.

“Phoenix shockwave!”

The brilliance of the flames soared into the sky, and the shockwave in the shape of a phoenix swept forward.

Easily defeated the extremely powerful Hulk.

Thor was even knocked unconscious by the aftermath.

Phoenix Girl doesn’t need to control the size of her power. Phoenix has the power of resurrection anyway. She can easily resurrect the dead. This is completely an instinct for her.

Under absolute power!

SCP-166’s “flower protectors” army soon suffered a large-scale reduction in personnel.

It was also targeted early.


When the superheroes fall one by one and are affected by the power of SCP-166, the young phoenix may not be able to hold on.

However! There are obviously no assumptions in the world!

“Give it to me!”

“Get out of our time!”

A majestic roar sounded from Phoenix Girl, as if it was a judgment from the gods.

Endless Phoenix power bloomed and suppressed SCP-166.

Without those crazy “flower protectors”, Phoenix Girl quickly suppressed SCP-166.


The first successful containment case of mankind.

It is about to be born in full view of the public.

The next moment!

“No, don’t kill me.”

“I’m scared!”

The succubus girl Gaia stared at the front with tears in her eyes.

The Catholic rosary beads in her hand seemed to be praying for the protection of God.

Phoenix Girl is not a man.

Of course she will not be affected by the effect of SCP-166.


The rosary beads in SCP-166’s hand…


Invisible waves bloomed on her body, spreading outward like ripples.

Light and shadow appeared behind her.

The terrifying waves soared into the sky, and the surrounding space emitted waves of ripples, as if it could not bear this terrifying existence and began to collapse inch by inch.

The breath continued to expand.

It was like…

Some kind of terrifying existence was coming!

The shadow continued to expand, and before the arrival of the Phoenix Power, it had expanded to the extent of covering the sky and the sun.

Before the attack of the Phoenix Girl arrived.

Divinity bloomed!

It was clearly just an illusory figure, but he actually stretched out his arm from nothingness.

The arm was delicate and white, like a white jade lotus root.Just a glimpse.

It can make countless people sure that this is definitely an extremely elegant goddess, making people yearn for and admire her.


It is such a white arm.

It stretched out from the void and gently reached out to the Phoenix Girl who rushed over, and actually suppressed her power.

Raised the palm.

Pinched the Phoenix Girl’s vitals, just like holding a chick.

The terrifying Phoenix power is like a joke in front of her.

Manipulate molecules?

Travel back in time and space?

Control the mind?

All kinds of horrifying powers have lost their use in front of Him.

The glory of divinity bloomed.

Suppressed the Phoenix Girl.

The Phoenix shock wave that was just looking down on everyone was all received by His hand.

Undoubtedly powerful.

Countless people were speechless!


His familiar appearance and dazzling divine radiance.

“I knew it!”

“I knew it!”

Nick Fury paced back and forth, growling and frowning, and he was in a bad mood.

He knew that the contents of the exposed text should not be underestimated, let alone ignored.

SCP-166 is suspected to be some kind of mysterious ancient existence.


Isn’t this confirmed!

Moreover, judging from the posture, it is not just ordinary ancient.

The vast radiance flows.

As if to replace the rules in the universe and forcibly replace the original parameters, the domineering posture is exactly the same as the radiance flowing from the three brothers of death.


It is far inferior in strength.


The essence of power is definitely the legendary – divinity!

In other words!

In SCP, another god has descended!

And this time the god!

It is obviously the mother of SCP-166! That ancient mysterious existence! .

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