
The button on the back of the golden phone bug was pressed by Locke.

On the surface, the island of justice remains calm and unchanged.

However, at this moment, the naval headquarters entered a state of intense preparation because of Locke’s behavior.

‘Wei Oh’ ‘Wei Oh’ ‘Wei Oh’

The moment Locke pressed the golden phone worm, the matching silver phone worm far away in the navy headquarters emitted a unique alarm sound, representing the execution of the demon slaughter order.

Marine Fordo, headquarters of the Navy, Marshal’s office.

Sengoku stood by the window with a sad face, looking at the naval headquarters that was busy with the demon slaughter order, and the wrinkles between his eyebrows became more and more profound.

“Damn, what happened over there, the green pheasant is going to launch a demon slaughter order against Justice Island, is there any change in the capture of the son of the demon over there? Doesn’t it mean that everyone has already been caught? Sengoku said to himself.

Even though he knows that Justice Island is the face of the world government, once the demon slaughter order is launched, it cannot be canceled, even the Warring States who are marshals do not have this authority, and can only quietly wait for the final result.

“Let’s hope nothing unexpected happens.” Warring States muttered to himself, and his heart was uneasy.


In the harbor of the naval headquarters, five vice admirals of the naval headquarters led ten top warships and 10,000 elite navies to assemble and marched along the current to Justice Island.

Meanwhile, the Aniès Hall of Justice Tower is in ruins.

After venting all the anger and pain on Spandam, the haze that had shrouded Robin’s heart dissipated a lot.

However, when Robin saw the golden phone worm in Locke’s hand, Robin’s pretty face suddenly turned pale again.

The Spandam father and son did hate her, but the real shadow in Robin’s heart was the demon slaying order represented by this golden phone worm.

“Don’t, be careful, don’t touch that button.” Robin said anxiously.

“If that’s the case, I’ve already pressed it before.” Locke replied with a smile.


Robin’s face turned pale in an instant.

“You pressed, really pressed, how can you? This is a demon slaughter order, it’s not good, the whole island will be razed to the ground by cannon fodder, and the O’Hara incident twenty years ago will be repeated. ”

Robin’s delicate body couldn’t stop trembling because of fear, and his eyes gradually lost focus.

“Calm down, Robin”

A large, powerful hand landed on Robin’s shoulder, awakening her from her nightmare.

“It’s just a small demon slaughter order, nothing remarkable.” Locke smiled gently at Robin.

This gentle smile seemed to have some kind of infectious power, which gradually calmed Robin’s restless heart.

But if you want to completely eliminate the shadow of Robin from the Demon Slayer Order twenty years ago, you need to let her see some pictures with her own eyes.

“Hey ~~~ Robin, can you hear me? We’re here to pick you up. On the other side, on the roof of the Inquisition, Luffy shouted at the top of his throat.

“Robin, it’s really good that you’re okay.” Nami shouted.

“Miss Robin”


Sanji, Chopba, Solon, and the sniper king Usopp all came to the top of the Inquisition and greeted Robin happily.

Without the navy’s obstruction, the Franky family also arrived at the court smoothly.

“Big sister Robin, where’s Big Brother French? Have you seen our big brother. ”

A loud roar came from under the ruins.

Frankie opened the stone slab again, squirmed to the edge like a caterpillar, and when he saw his dear little brothers on the other side, French was immediately moved to tears.

“Brother Frenchy, it’s great that you’re okay.”

“Wait for us, big brother, we’ll put down the drawbridge and come and pick you up.”

The French family laughed excitedly.

“Bastard, you are really the best little brother under the sun.” French cried.

However, Frankie’s joyful mood did not last long.

The next moment, Franky only felt that the chrysanthemum was tight.

A strong force between his double strands kicked his whole person up, across the entire waterfall, and landed right on the roof of the opposite Inquisition.

Everyone who watched this sudden scene was stunned, and they couldn’t react for a while.

“Mixed… It’s so painful” Frankie’s tears swirled with his face on the ground, but he dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, after all, he had witnessed Locke’s battle not long ago.

For Locke, a strong man among the strong, Franky dares not provoke no matter how bold he is, and no matter how grieved he is, he can only break his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

“Hey, the red-haired one over there, I don’t care who you are, if you dare to do this to Miss Robin later, I will definitely not spare you.” Sanji suddenly warned angrily.

Locke ignored Yamaji’s yelling and looked at Robin.

Robin took a deep breath, stepped forward a few steps, and looked at his partners on the other side.

“Luffy, Nami and everyone, thank you so much for taking the risk to save me, now that I’m safe, it’s time to retreat, and soon after, reinforcements from the Navy… The Demon Slayer Order is coming, and the island will be razed to the ground. Robin said.


Hearing this, Nami, Qioba and the sniper king under the mask all looked panicked.

The people of the French family were also taken aback.

“The Demon Slayer Order is coming.”

“Justice Island is going to be razed to the ground!”

“Then we have to leave quickly.”

Everyone shouted in panic, and everyone except the Straw Hat Regiment began to retreat as soon as possible.

“Robin, of course we have to go together, wait for us, and immediately the drawbridge can all be lowered.” Luffy Road.

“No thanks.” Robin refused.

“Miss Robin, what did you say?” Sanji was puzzled.

“I said I don’t need it anymore, I have decided, the last time I was on the empty island I made the wrong choice, this time I will make the right decision.” Robin said calmly.

Nami: “Robin, what’s wrong with you?” ”

“Luffy, I’m leaving.” Robin forced a smile.


Everyone in the Straw Hats was shocked.

“What nonsense are you talking about Robin, it’s already fine, we can come and pick you up soon.” Luffy Road.

“Don’t make jokes like this at this time.” Solon is also an opening.

“Robin, come back.” Choiba retained.

In the face of the retention of his partners, Robin bit his red lips and shook his head firmly.

“Everyone, I really want to continue to travel with you, but the more I want to be with you, the more you will be affected by my fate, no matter how long I walk on the sea, there is a huge enemy that cannot be shaken off, because my enemy is the world and its darkness…”

“Whether it’s that time, this time, I’ve already involved you twice, and it will definitely happen again in the future, if this kind of thing keeps happening, even if you people are good, one day you will treat me as a burden, betray me, and abandon me.”

“This is what I fear the most, so I want to leave when you don’t dislike me yet, leave with good memories, and never be a burden to you, you are just like me and the daughter of Vivi of Alabastan, although I am not on your ship, but we will still be partners, and we will definitely meet again on the sea in the future.”

“Now let’s say goodbye with a smile.”


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