“Shanks, finally meet again, I never dreamed that I would see you on the empty island.”

Luffy hung on Locke’s back like an octopus, and his mouth was still constantly fragmented, and the joy of reunion revealed during this was not false at all.

Seeing this, whether it was Sorona Meirobin, or Ganfort, they all showed extremely shocked expressions.

This strong man who came from nowhere, can press the hammer of the powerful Anilu, turned out to be the old knowledge of his own captain / straw hat?

Is there really such a clever thing in this world?

“Nami, what Luffy said in his mouth is … Who is it? Robin asked breathlessly.

“That person, according to Luffy, is the leader of his pirate path, he once lost an arm to save Luffy when he was a child, by the way, it is said that he is still a very powerful pirate, what’s wrong?” Robin. Nami said.

Robin took a deep breath and said, “There are four emperors on this sea who are at the apex of pirates, representing the peak of pirates, and one of them is a red-haired Shanks, if it is the same person as Luffy, then it is more than powerful.” ”

“What? Redhead, Shanks, Emperor of the Sea? ”

Not only Nami, but Solon was also taken aback, never expecting that the ‘Shanks’ who sounded ordinary in Luffy’s mouth would be such a big person.

“You really don’t know anything.” Robin stroked his forehead.

“Naw, Robin, so is that person a red-haired Shanks.” Nami asked.

“It’s not.” Robin shook his head decisively, “Although he is also redheaded, his appearance is indeed very similar, but that person is not red-haired Shanks, and didn’t you also say earlier that the four emperors redhead lost an arm to save Luffy.” ”

“Yes, too.” Nami reacted later.

The discussion on Robin’s side ended, and on the other side, Locke, who was held by Luffy, ‘broke out’.

‘Bang bang’

Three crisp sounds.

“It hurts.” Luffy held his head in his hands and let out a sharp scream, and three large gourd-like bags appeared on his head.

“It hurts, Shanks, why did you suddenly start hitting people, and how did your fist hurt more than grandpa’s loving iron fist.” Luffy rolled on the ground holding his head.

“Where’s the little ghost, roll and play, see clearly, I’m not the redhead you know.” Locke waved his hand angrily.

Karp is Locke’s first ‘enemy’ to come into this world.

The father pays the debt.

In the absence of the dragon, it is good to beat his grandson out of anger, and the right should be to collect the interest owed for forty years.

“Alas~~~” Luffy’s eyes widened in shock.

“You really are not Shanks, your right hand is still there, and there are no scars in your eyes, but how can it feel so similar to me.” Luffy spoke suspiciously while holding his head.

Locke didn’t bother to answer this stunned question, handcuffed the unconscious Anilu with a hailou stone handcuff, and threw it into the cabin of the fighter for later.

Originally, Locke wanted to directly plunder the thunder fruit of Anilu.

However, at the last moment, Locke changed his mind and chose to copy the Thunder Fruit ability, and it was still useful to keep Anilu itself.

Due to Locke’s mid-way intervention, the golden bell sounded in advance, the culprit Anilu was also arrested, and the Empty Island Rebellion came to an early end.

After this great crisis, the gap between the people of the empty island and the Sandians disappeared with the ringing of the golden bell.

What happens to the empty island next has nothing to do with Locke.

It is just that as a great hero who ended Anilu’s rule, Locke inevitably became the center of the evening banquet, and was thanked and revered by both the people of the empty island and the Sandians.

During the banquet, Luffy was like a curious baby who couldn’t be afraid, even if he was beaten with a big bag and his heart was torn in pain, he still kept asking Locke various questions.

After a moment he asked Locke if he was Shanks’ brother; After a while, he wondered how Locke had hurt him, the rubber man.

For Locke’s ‘spaceship’, Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp are all curious and tight, and they have to explore with injuries, touching the east and west.

As a result, Choiba ‘cute’ mixed through the level, and Luffy and Usopp both had a few extra bags on their heads.

The lively banquet lasted all night and finally came to an end for the time being.

Tired people lay down on the ground at will.

“Robin, have you thought about it?” Locke Road.

“Hmm” Robinline moved lightly, walked up to Locke, and bowed slightly.

“I’m sorry, Luffy saved me from the darkness, everyone on the ship is like my family, and I want to continue my adventures and travel with them.” Robin Road.

“That’s a shame.” Locke pulled a small phone bug out of his pocket.

“If you encounter any crisis that cannot be solved in the future, you can contact me.” Locke handed the phone bug to Robin.

After saying that, he strode away without looking back.

A few minutes later, the Kun fighter launched and flew towards some secret cave on the empty island.

Looking at the distant ‘spaceship’, Robin’s pretty face showed a complicated look.

Her life was a tragedy.

In addition to O’Hara’s everyone and the Straw Hat Pirates, Locke is the third person who makes her trust and recognize from the bottom of her heart.

If it had been before the Alabastan incident, Robin would have gone with Locke without hesitation, but now it is…

“I’ll definitely see you again in the future.” Robin whispered to himself.


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