Remember for a second

A thousand dollars for a calculation is a bit too wasteful to spend on a class quiz! You don't need to spend money on your own fortune-telling, right?

After writing the last word, Lin Qingyin put away the pen with satisfaction, and reached out and handed the test paper to Li Yanyu who was standing behind him: Teacher, I'm done!

Li Yanyu took the paper and nodded aggrievedly: Then you can review and review other content by yourself.

As soon as the words fell, Li Yanyu saw Lin Qingyin take out a book of English writing for the college entrance examination from the hole in the table, and also took out the turtle shell.

Li Yanyu's tears were about to fall when he saw this scene. Are you preparing to count the composition for the next English test? I haven't posted the topic yet!


The injured students all went back to school after taking a day off. The high school classes are no different than other times. It is very likely that the next day's class will not be able to keep up with the content. As long as they can get out of bed, the parents have to carry them to the school. Come.

They come, they all come, but each one looks particularly miserable.

Shu Junyi, who performed the standard vertical fork in public, finally experienced the indescribable pain of Li Mingyu, and also understood the difficulty of Li Mingyu walking with his legs tucked, because he was worse than Li Mingyu.

Shu Junyi's strain was more serious, and he had to go to the hospital outpatient clinic for anti-inflammatory injections during the day and at night. In fact, the injection is not a big deal. It is that the process and location of his injury are too special. Even the nurses in the hospital know him and can't help laughing when they give him the injection. To the double whammy of body and mind.

He felt that it was the first time he had been so humiliated in more than ten years of his life!

Also feel ashamed are the burnt female classmates in the class.

The girls who were scalded all had red blisters, which could be bandaged on their hands, but only exposed on their faces. The big red and watery blisters were coated with oily scalding cream, which was especially attractive. People are paying attention, this is life-threatening for girls who pay attention to appearance. But the parents did not allow them to ask for leave for such trivial matters, and they were all forcibly sent back to school.

Many girls in Dongfang International High School have the habit of putting on makeup, and these scalded ones are no exception. Usually, they don’t go out without applying foundation, but now they are better, let alone foundation, even plain makeup has become a problem for them. extravagance. But they didn't want the boys in the class to see their honor and they had to wear masks to go to school one by one, not to mention wiping yào, even the blisters were tightly wrapped in the masks, but they didn't. Knowing that the blisters are wrapped like this can make it difficult to heal.

The girl who likes to lie to Lin Qingyin was the most severely burned, and within a few days, the blisters she covered tightly were infected. When the parents knew what was going on, they scolded her again, and hurriedly sent her to the burn department to squeeze the pus, and then took her to the outpatient clinic for anti-inflammatory injections.

Shu Junyi, who was getting an injection, almost vomited when he saw her appearance, took out her mobile phone and took a picture of her and sent it to the circle of friends to ridicule; the girl who was infected with purulent anger had red eyes, she took the bottle and turned it around. After inquiring about Shu Junyi's condition, he immediately posted what Shu Junyi had been trying so hard to hide in his circle of friends.

The next day, all the students in the class looked at Shu Junyi with the same eyes. Even Li Mingyu, who was doing splits in the first few days, was cared for by the strange eyes. This is the person who was injured in that part. I don't know if he can use it in the future. .

Soon Shu Junyi and Li Mingyu gained a nickname, Eunuch Shu and Eunuch Li.

This is the greatest shame for sixteen or seventeen-year-old boys. For the first time, they also experienced the harm of verbal violence. The pain of life is better than death!

This is not the end, the students in the second and first class of high school found that they have been a little unlucky recently. It is a trivial matter for bicycle tires and private cars to go to school to find that the tires are punctured with nails. They will fall flat and face down when they encounter a puddle, their trousers will crack when they bend over and squat, and bird droppings will fall from the sky when they wash their heads to go to school.

In the school, it is not only the students in the second and first class of high school who like to bully their classmates, but there are also many other classes.

But the same classmates with bad hearts have good students with pure and kind hearts. Lin Qingyin used the school's trees and pond water to set up a natural formation to see if there are still those who fall every day and are disgraced. energy to bully others.

Under the action of the formation, everyone's luck has changed silently. Those who are kind-hearted and like to help others have good luck recently; those who do not bully or help others remain the same as before; For fun, students who like to use school violence to show their ability can be described as a dark cloud cover, and this kind of change is not only effective in school, as long as the luck turns bad

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