Remember in one second

Draw a horizontal line and fill in c...

It is said that relying on intuition to solve the problem is too slow, which is better than the tortoise shell!


The day's exams were over, and Lin Qingyin left the school dizzy, feeling even more troubled than when she was trying to figure out the secrets in her previous life.

She rubbed the sun xué, she has another day of exams tomorrow, but she can't get the energy to read, and she doesn't want to read for the time being. She just wants to have a good rest. Why don't she count her fate and relax.

Lin Qingyin took out her mobile phone and called Fatty Wang: Ask if anyone wants to fortune-telling, arrange five, and I'll wait for them in the park!

Chapter 22 The mother who came to find relatives

Lin Qingyin ate something near the school and drove to Civic Park. After getting out of the car, she ran into Jiang Wei just a few steps away. Jiang Wei was overjoyed when he saw Lin Qingyin's disheveled look, and leaned over to look at her gloatingly: How was the exam today?

Not so good! Lin Qingyin said gloomily, The teacher won't let me use the tortoise shell to calculate the answer, I can only rely on my intuition to solve the problem, which will delay things.

Jiang Wei almost spit out the Coke in his mouth: You are also the top student in the senior high school entrance examination. What do you think about taking the tortoise shell test? The teacher didn't kick you out of the classroom. It's really kind and kind.

Lin Qingyin gave him a sideways glance and did not speak. Jiang Wei rubbed his nose and assured him, I'll help you make up lessons, I'll be on call, and I'll make sure you keep up with the progress in the shortest possible time.

Actually, what worries me the most is English. Lin Qingyin pondered her words: I have a headache when I look at it, but I don't know how to write an essay.

Is your English so poor? Jiang Wei scratched his head in confusion: How did you get first in the high school entrance exam when you said you were not good at everything? Are you relying on intuition?

Of course not! Lin Qingyin glared at him: At that time, I had real talents to learn, but... Lin Qingyin said half-heartedly: I didn't pass the exam at the end of last semester, and when I got home, I was so angry that I jumped into the river, and when the police took it out, I almost forgot what I had learned.

Jiang Wei was stunned: Little Master, you have such a big temper!

Don't say it's useless. Lin Qingyin asked directly: How about you just say my English? In fact, I don't have many requirements. I can get all the multiple-choice questions right by relying on me. The key is the writing question at the back. What shall we do?

You can do all the multiple-choice questions correctly! ! !

Jiang Wei felt that this sentence was simply hurting all the students! Even he was no exception. He was holding an English-Chinese dictionary and memorizing it back then.

I think I need to memorize the dictionary first. Jiang Wei looked serious and didn't look at Lin Qingyin's eyes: Oxford English-Chinese Dictionary is very good, you know what each word means, isn't it easy to write this? ?

Lin Qingyin glanced at Jiang Wei, always feeling that there was a schadenfreude under his serious expression.

Then you have to memorize the text. The more you recite, the more sentence types you can master. When writing a text, you can use one sentence to apply it.

Also, it's a matter of brushing the questions. This method works regardless of which subject it is.

Although it seems to be the right way to say it, but...

I can't recite it! Lin Qingyin looked innocent: I don't even know how to pronounce those words.

Jiang Wei suddenly felt his head was big, is this the plan for him to start teaching from phonetic symbols?

You really can't go to New Oriental to study, they are more professional.

Lin Qingyin's eyes suddenly lit up, is her dream coming true so soon?

Jiang Wei didn't notice her expression: Are you going to study at night or on Sunday? But come at your time.

Lin Qingyin swallowed: Sunday, I can eat more during the day.

Jiang Wei didn't quite understand the meaning of Lin Qingyin's words, was he afraid that he would be hungry after making up classes at night?


While the two of them were talking, they had already arrived at the entrance of Citizens Park, and Fatty Wang had been waiting there for a long time to see Lin Qingyin running over happily: Little Master, the first person today is from Team Cha, maybe there are more Other extra money.

Lin Qingyin felt that this was the second good news she heard today besides going to New Oriental.

Jiang Wei had to buy cooked food to go home, greeted the two of them and left. Lin Qingyin didn't go under the old tree this time, and there was no light in that place at night.

There are many small pavilions in the Civic Park for people to enjoy the shade and rest. Lin Qingyin has been here for so long and is familiar with Civic Park, so he directly chose an octagonal pavilion by the lake that is closer to the ancient trees.

The octagonal pavilion has individually illuminated lamps, as well as stone tables and stone chairs, which are relatively convenient.

After the two entered the pavilion

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