Remember in one second

Have you been to the South these days?

Yes! The old man stood up abruptly from the maza: I left the day before yesterday, went to Hong Kong, and will be back tomorrow.

Lin Qingyin nodded: You can call your youngest son, and talk to him about the person you met while you were on the mountain, you might as well ask a few more questions, maybe there will be a pleasant surprise.

The old couple looked at each other in surprise and quickly took out their mobile phones to call their son. The fortune-teller next to them who was in a hurry didn't rush to see this, but stared at the old couple nervously.

Xiaohui? Did you go to any mountain today? The old man waited nervously for a reply after asking, and nodded to his wife in surprise after a few seconds: It was said to be in Lantau Island in Hong Kong, and I went yesterday afternoon.

The old lady stomped her feet in a hurry. She snatched the phone over because of the old man Moji, and said cracklingly: Xiaohui, I found a master today to settle your brother's business. The master said, if you are on the mountain When you meet someone who is chatting, ask more about the situation at home, maybe it's your lost brother.

Li Hui on the other end of the phone shook his head helplessly, clutching his forehead, agreed twice and hung up the phone.

This old couple is real. Li Hui complained to the man opposite: I don't go out to fortune-telling as soon as I'm at home, and I ask people to ask more questions, maybe I'll meet my lost brother. Isn't that bullshit?

The person on the opposite side said in Mandarin with a Hong Kong accent: The people on our side also believe in this, and we like to do the math! What's more, it's a big thing to lose a child, so naturally we have to try more luck. already.

That's true. Li Hui sighed melancholy: It's just that my brother has been lost for 30 years, and if people wanted to recognize each other, they would have found it long ago. But I dare not tell my parents about this. , the old couple is obsessed! My family used to live in the family building of the factory staff. My house has a small courtyard on the first floor. Others' yards are not warehouses or other places to put things, but some jujube and pomegranate trees. In autumn, there are many fruits. I can't finish eating all the food. There is nothing in the yard of my house. My dad made one tall and one short in the yard. He said that it was my brother's favorite game when he was a child. This is the battlefield between him and my dad. Each person commanded a group of tanks and simulated battles every day. The day my brother was lost was because the small tank in his pocket when he and my mother went to the street didn't know how to drop it. My mother said to take him there after dinner. I looked for it, and when I came out after cooking, I found that the door to the yard was open, and my brother didn't know where he was going.

Li Hui wiped the corners of his eyes, and his voice was a little astringent: Then the factory closed down, and our area was going to be demolished to build a shopping mall. My parents and my mother cried and died, saying that if my brother came back, he would not be able to find a home, nor would he be able to eat. The pomegranate from Aunt Liu's house next door. Li Hui said with a bitter smile: The pomegranate from Aunt Liu's house is very sour, we don't like to eat it, I don't believe my brother likes to eat that.

Li Hui babbled for a long time, and after he finished speaking, he realized that the expression of the man opposite looked a little weird, and then he realized that he had lost control of his emotions just now: Sorry, Mr. Zhang, I made you laugh by talking about so many trivial matters at home. already.

Li Hui? Your surname is Li, right! Mr. Zhang was speechless: Is your father also surnamed Li?

Li Hui glanced at him a little surprised, and said incredulously: Of course my surname is Li, I am my father's own son.

Does your home live in the dormitory of a textile factory? Mr. Zhang was a little excited and a little annoyed: But I can't remember where my home is, nor can I remember my parents' names, I don't even have my first name. I know, I just remember my mother calling me Dabao.

Li Hui's eyes widened abruptly, and the two looked at each other, Mr. Zhang's voice trembled a little: To tell you the truth, I was kidnapped when I was a child, and was taken to several places until my adoptive father took me here. Hong Kong has only settled down.

He looked at Li Hui with tears in his eyes: I have very little memory of my childhood, but I always remember the scene when my father and I were lying in the yard together and charging into battle. My mother said that there was not one child in the entire textile factory. It's as expensive as my clothes.

Li Hui swallowed and recalled what the old couple said on the phone just now, asking him to ask more questions from the people who were chatting, maybe he could find his lost brother? ! !

Which Daxian was this looking for? The brother who has been looking for 30 years actually met like this? This is too bizarre!

Li Hui didn't know what to say. He quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket. Last year, the old lady said that the old photos at home were all yellow and wrinkled, and he didn't know how many years they could keep them. send to turn over

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