Remember for a second

Don't tell me what I'm saying! The fifth man actually had a snack, Jiang Wei smiled at the spicy sticks he handed him, and said nonchalantly, What's the cliché, anyway, I'll be there after a while. You'll know, it's not idle chatting.

The fifth man thought about it and felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said, and suddenly his mouth was loose like the waistband of his trousers, and he went out and bald at everything: The place we are going is in the deep mountains, where my master discovered when he was young. It is said that the compass When I got there, it failed, and the multi-spirited magic tools were not easy to use. At that time, my master felt that there was a treasure there. At that time, his ability was low and he did not dare to tell others. , is very mysterious. My master has worked hard all his life, but he still has not fully understood the place. Last time he got a stone there, and the stone smelled of blood. After studying for a long time, my master said that this is the start of the next formation. The key is to use someone with similar blood as an introduction to open that formation.

Jiang Wei understood: Co-authoring, I am the pào Hui that your master was looking for!

It can't be said to be pào ash. The fifth shoved the last hot stick into his mouth and said nonchalantly, Just drip a little blood on that stone, it won't kill anyone.

Jiang Wei took out a wet towel and wiped his hands, then asked casually, Then how does your master know that I am the right person.

It's not because of the gold bug! My master kept it and the stone together for several years. I guess it smells of blood in its dreams. The fifth brother showed a regretful expression: Unfortunately, So dead, why do you owe your hand so much, what are you doing with a straw and poking it.

Jiang Wei smiled at him: It's not idle! I don't think it's necessarily because I stabbed it to death, it may also be that the bug finally got rid of the smell of blood, turned its head and encountered me again, and my blood The smell must be stronger than that of stone, and the worm will kill itself in despair.

You can really talk! The fifth man laughed twice and said, But don't say it, it's really possible, that little thing is very smart.

This kind of talk of the old fifth made him panic. If he talked too much, he would go out on his own without asking. Anyway, in his opinion, Jiang Wei couldn't run away again. It didn't matter to tell him these things. Also know what happened.

I told you that my master was struggling to find this blood. It took several years of effort. This time, my master asked an old friend to do the math, and I just happened to meet you. The fifth said this forbearance. He couldn't help laughing: You said that you are not an inch. Master Zhu, who was doing fortune-telling for my master, didn't expect such a coincidence. He was shocked when he found out.

As soon as he heard that the fortune-telling was calculated, Jiang Wei's ears moved slightly: What is Master Zhu? Why haven't I heard of it?

You don't know it's normal, and you can't get in touch with ordinary people. You are a fortune-teller master in Huadu, but you have the ability. The fifth man couldn't help but mutter: Recently, there is a Lin Qingyin in our north. Master Lin is also quite famous, it is said that he is good at hexagrams at a young age, and his face is even more amazing, but it is difficult to get along with people.

Jiang Wei felt strange when he heard this comment. In his eyes, the little master's coldness could not last for a second. Mengmeng was so cute, how could it be difficult to get along with him.

Really! The old fifth nodded solemnly: I heard from my master that many people from the Xuanmen who fought with that Master Lin were killed by lightning for no reason. You said one was a coincidence, The two are accidents, and if there are too many, you have to think more, this Master Lin may want to exclude dissidents, and one is the only one!

Jiang Wei almost laughed, why didn't he know that his little master still had such lofty ideals!

Seeing Jiang Wei's smirking expression, the old fifth thought crooked, thought he didn't believe him, and said anxiously, Really, when Master Zhu and my master called me that day, I happened to be waiting in the back, and I heard it clearly. Yes. Master Zhu has already teamed up with many colleagues to fight with that Master Lin, and I will go with my master when this matter is over. If it weren't for this, Master Zhu would not be so kind to my master. It is he who is reluctant to give up such a powerful help from my master, after all, in the Fengshui world, my master's organ skills are among the best.

The old fifth bragged about his master eloquently, and the fourth hurried over with his trousers. He knew the old man's broken mouth, and as soon as he came over, he asked vigilantly, Old five, what are you talking about with this kid?

I didn't say anything, I praised our master! The fifth child smiled foolishly, and threw the bag of spicy sticks in his hand: Fourth brother, let's hurry up and chase after master, master will be angry later.

Everything that should be asked has been asked, Jiang Wei also

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