Remember in one second

I will file for divorce. Li Wei bent down, picked up the bag and carried it on her shoulders, smiled at Liu Kangnian: You wait for the court's summons.

Liu Kangnian's lips were trembling and he didn't know what to say. At this moment, Li Wei remembered something, turned around and went to the room. After a while, he took out an envelope, took out two photos from it, and shook it in front of Liu Kangnian: I still I have hidden intimate photos of you and other women, and I will give them to the court together.

Liu Mengyang's expression changed, he reached out and grabbed the photo, glanced roughly, and cursed bitterly, Shameless!

Liu Kangnian's face turned pale in an instant, and he weakly defended himself: You really want a grandson, your mother can't give birth to her because she is too old, so I found someone. But it didn't work out later, the price she asked for It's too high, and the money doesn't come together.

Liu Mengyang didn't want to hear what Liu Kangnian had to say anymore, she shook the envelope: I will give you the old house, and all the other properties will be given to my mother, otherwise I will support my mother to sue you, and the evidence of your cheating will also be brought to court. .

Hearing this sentence, Liu Kangnian panicked immediately, and he would retire immediately. If this kind of thing was exposed at this time, he would lose face for a lifetime.

Yangyang, I'm your dad, how could you treat me like this? Liu Kangnian showed a sad expression: Dad is really sad when you are like this.

Liu Mengyang chuckled lightly: Dad, stop pretending, you never liked me since you were a child, you never cared when I was beaten and scolded by me when I was a child, and every time my mother went up to protect me and her desperately. When I grow up, I can't beat me, but you are trying to educate me every now and then, and even the day before my college entrance examination, you brought my uncle's two-year-old grandson to the house, saying that he would live for a week. If it wasn't for my mother staying in the hotel, I still don't know if I would be able to get into the university, and I don't know what she has in mind.

Actually, it's not the first time that my mother mentioned divorce to me. My mother told me when I got the admission letter, but I didn't agree at that time. Liu Mengyang glanced at Liu Kangnian and smiled sarcastically: You Don't show a moved expression, I'm not because of you, I'm just worried that my mother has worked hard for me for more than 20 years. If I get divorced, I will have no source of income and no insurance, and life will become difficult. I don't want her to get old Go out to endure hardship. But now I know that my idea is wrong, I shouldn't think about it from me, I should respect my mother's opinion. Dad, if you want our family to get together and break up, take your ID and go to civil affairs with my mother If the bureau is divorced, the old house belongs to you, and the rest belongs to my mother. If you don’t want to…”

Liu Mengyang smiled slightly: My daughter can only be unfilial.

Liu Kangnian was a little flustered: A matter as big as a divorce must be discussed, and I have to talk to you.

You can negotiate with me for a lifetime after you get divorced. Liu Mengyang fanned the envelope in his hand: She has no say in this matter.

Looking at Liu Kangnian who was panicked and didn't know what to do, Li Wei prepared all the documents and grabbed Liu Kangnian's arm: Let's go, I really want to wait for me to sue!

Liu Kangnian's head drooped down, and he was dragged out by his wife in desperation. He was used to a house that his wife took care of, but he didn't really want a divorce! Woohoo!


After calculating the ten hexagrams, Fatty Wang put the gifts brought by the uncles and aunts in the trunk and prepared them for the little master to send home. In the process of packing the box, Li Wei passed by with her daughter, and saw Lin Qingyin suddenly showed a pleasant smile: Little Master, we meet again.

Lin Qingyin looked at her face and smiled slightly: Congratulations, you are reborn.

Fatty Wang closed the trunk and greeted Lin Qingyin: Little Master, let's go.

Come on! Lin Qingyin smiled at Li Wei, not forgetting to mention: The fifteenth day of the first lunar month is a good day for opening.

Li Wei nodded vigorously and watched Lin Qingyin's car leave.

Mom, who is this? Liu Mengyang asked curiously.

Li Wei smiled: This is my noble man! The most famous little master in Qicheng is the champion of the college entrance examination last year.

Liu Mengyang showed a surprised expression. It turned out that this is the little master who is like thunder, and he is as good-looking as the rumored one!

Chapter 128

The uncles and aunts gave too many things, Lin Qingyin only took half of it, and left the rest to Fatty Wang. Lin Qingyin and Fatty Wang, with a jar in the left hand and a bag in the right hand, moved things into the villa in large and small bags, and when they opened the door, they found that there were guests at home.

As soon as Fatty Wang came in, he saw a chubby little doll in the living room, and his footsteps suddenly slowed a few beats. Fatty Wang's daughter-in-law Li Ying

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