Remember for a second

same place.

Li Li's mood was a little complicated, and he said after a while: I went to Doll's house. There are a lot of clansmen living in his house, but his clansmen did not welcome me very much, saying that I would bring them the disaster of genocide. Doll is very lost. He took me out of the clan and said to take me to the mountains. On the mountain, we walked and played, and saw many rare animals and strange landscapes. My head hurts like being stabbed by a needle, and then I feel like I can't help but run back.

After Li Li finished speaking, he still felt a little unbelievable: I was thinking about the exam, and I kept looking at the sun. It felt like I came back after playing for a long time, and I didn't stay in the mountains at all.

One day in the cave is a thousand years. Li Dazhuang sighed: Fortunately, it was only a waste of two years.

The room suddenly became quiet, Li Li was still sad about the college entrance examination she missed, and the Li family was a little worried about what she went through. They were really afraid that if they didn't watch it one day, Li Li's soul would be abducted by the goblin again. .

Old Man Li pulled out the cigarette holder, didn't light it, just took two sips with the cigarette holder in his mouth: If you can't, send the girl to the city to repeat the study, keep her away from the mountains, and don't let that goblin doll find her again.

Grandpa, that doll didn't mean to harm me. Li Li said with some embarrassment: I ate his fruit first before causing the trouble.

Old man Li stopped talking. Just now, Master Lin had already said how precious the fruit was, and it was rare to find a fruit that could make a person live a hundred years. But to be honest, he would rather his granddaughter just go to college and go to work outside, rather than having such a bizarre opportunity, for fear that one day the granddaughter would disappear.

We'll find a way to pay! Old Man Li said sullenly, We have several hundred-year-old ginseng at home. If it doesn't work, we'll pay him the one.

Lin Qingyin sighed softly: But what if she met a ginseng doll and ate ginseng red fruit?

Chapter 123

Hearing the words ginseng doll and Zhuguo, Old Man Li and Li Dazhuang stood up abruptly, shocked. They have collected ginseng from generation to generation, and what they hear most is the legend of ginseng dolls. The various rules of their ginseng harvesting are also due to the legend that ginseng can transform people. But the legend is a legend after all. Although they were in awe and strictly followed the rules when picking ginseng, they didn't really believe in the transformation of ginseng into human beings, so when they heard the four ginseng dolls, they were all a little stunned.

The doll looks fat and white, with a red apron and two braids tied up in the sky, it does have a smell of ginseng on her body. Li Li frowned in confusion: It's just that the doll is alive and well, it looks special. Cute, is it really ginseng?

Old man Li didn't know how many years of ginseng it was, but his family had ginseng for hundreds of years, but they didn't have the ability to turn into a doll. But his granddaughter not only met ginseng dolls, but also ate ginseng red fruit.

There are also many legends about ginseng and red fruit. The most widely spread locally is the story of a goddess who eats ginseng and red fruit and gives birth to a son who is given the surname Aixin Gioro. There are many other legends, but they are similar in detail. Basically, each ginseng can only bear one ginseng red fruit, and eating ginseng red fruit means that you are willing to marry this ginseng.

Girl! Old Man Li sighed: You don't know what eating ginseng and red fruit means?

Li Li shook her head. Although she listened to legends and stories a lot when she was a child, but after school, she was busy with her studies and friends, and liked to read various extracurricular books.

Li Dazhuang's lips moved, he wanted to say that this kind of thing was not true, but he swallowed the words again. It happened that Li Li Lihun met the ginseng doll, who would dare to say that what happened to Zhu Guo was fake. He patted his forehead twice with some headache. Not only has his daughter been demented for two years, but she also had a marriage inexplicably, which made him really not know what to do.

Seeing his father and grandfather both frowning, Li Li asked nervously, Is there something wrong?

Hey! Old Man Li glanced at his granddaughter without words: If you eat someone's Zhu Guo, you have to be a daughter-in-law to someone else.

Daughter-in-law fu? Although Li Li was a little depressed because he missed the college entrance examination, he still laughed dumbly after hearing the word daughter-in-law fu: That's still a little baby, a tummy dares to run all over the mountains and fields, what kind of daughter-in-law should I be for him? .

Li Li said it easily, but Li Ke's expression was a little nervous. After all, Li Li was demented for two years and they couldn't do anything about it.

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