Remember in one second

Yucheng bumped like this, and the jar in his hand fell directly to the ground and smashed into pieces.

A mass of dark objects flew out, making a humming sound, and instantly surrounded Chen Yucheng and Li Qinglan.

Seeing this tingling scene, the Jiang family involuntarily took a step back and watched this heartwarming scene intently.

In just a few seconds, Li Qinglan felt the piercing pain on his face and arm. While waving his hand to drive away the worm, he hurriedly opened the door and rushed out without looking back. Chen Yucheng was bitten by his crying father. The one who called mother, clutched his head and panicked and ran after him.

The worms flew away with the two of them without falling. Jiang Wei checked the living room and saw that there were no worms missing before closing the door. Mother Jiang came back to her senses, slumped on the sofa and laughed: The little master is too accurate, look at the cowardice of those two people.

There was a loud thunder, and the originally sunny sky fell down in an instant. The branches and leaves were rustled by the strong wind, and the air could vaguely smell the unique smell of soil when the rainstorm came.

Fatty Wang, who was sitting and texting Jiang Wei, remembered that the little master said that he would open the window to watch the fun after the thunder and rain, and immediately jumped up from the sofa, opened the window, opened the camera, and turned on the video recording mode.

Hey, I don't know if the lively thorns for a while are not exciting?

Chapter 17

As soon as he turned on the camera, Fatty Wang heard screams coming from outside, and saw two people rolling and crawling running over not far away. I don't know if these two people had digged out a hornet's nest, a bunch of flying insects were crazy chasing them, the number is like a dark cloud.

Fatty Wang subconsciously chased the two figures with the camera. At this moment, a bolt of lightning crossed the sky, followed by a loud noise, and a bolt of lightning descended, hitting the two running people, and then a huge fireball ignited Those bugs were burnt clean.

The raindrops crashed down like beads, converging on the ground into a stream of water that flushed the worm's corpse into the roadside sewer.

Fatty Wang: ...

He seems to have guessed who these two unlucky bastards are, but he didn't expect the retribution to come so quickly, what a fucking thrill!

After trying to understand the identities of these two people, Fatty Wang quickly called Jiang Wei and asked him to come out to watch. Jiang Wei's house was only four or five minutes away from here. Watching the tragedy of the two people together.

Seeing the fate of these two people, Jiang Wei felt refreshed. In the past two years, the family has been unlucky to drink cold water and jammed their teeth. If it wasn't for their willpower, they would have wanted to commit suicide by jumping into a river hand in hand.

Fortunately, I met the little master.

Jiang Wei took his arm and touched Fatty Wang: Where's the little master?

Fatty Wang pointed to a restaurant next to him: Today, the host was there for dinner. In fact, he had already finished eating. The little master figured out that he could see the excitement here, so he has been waiting here.

Jiang Wei and Fatty Wang entered the private room. Fatty Wang was afraid that Lin Qingyin would not be able to see clearly inside, so he described the scene in great detail, and smacked his lips with emotion: It's really bad enough to be struck by lightning, I don't know. Does it hurt?

Lin Qingyin paused while stroking the tortoise shell. She recalled the scene of transcending the calamity in her previous life and couldn't help sighing: It's okay, it hurts a lot at first, but I'm used to it.

Jiang Wei and Fatty Wang: ...

I always feel that the little master seems to have experienced something extraordinary.


The police and doctors who rushed to the scene after receiving the call were a little stunned when they saw the tragic state of the two. It was the first time they had been struck by lightning for so many years. Although the onlookers didn't say a word, they couldn't help but muttered in their hearts: What a sin!

The doctors didn't have time to think about such a mess. They divided the two groups into two groups to carry out examinations and first aid at the same time. Li Qinglan's pupils were dilated, and after the routine rescue measures were completed, they were directly covered with a white cloth; Chen Yucheng was lucky enough to be robbed. He took a breath, put on an oxygen mask, and got into the ambulance.

Jiang Wei looked at the ambulance whizzing away with mixed emotions: Master, will Chen Yucheng die?

Lin Qingyin touched her tortoise shell: Sometimes death is a kind of relief. For Chen Yucheng, seeing all the things he has worked so hard for come to nothing is more terrifying than death.

Jiang Wei nodded in agreement: Chen Yucheng is charged with tax evasion and illegal fundraising. Even if he can't die, he can't escape from prison. Seeing his virtuous behavior, I really feel relieved.

Lin Qingyin

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