Remember for a second

There is something on the face.

Lin Qingyin reached out and took the crutches standing at the head of the bed, reached under the bed, and hooked out the person underneath. Only then did Shang Jinghua see clearly that it was actually a cardboard man wearing a suit, and the lack of light under the bed looked like zhēn rén at first glance.

The cardboard man depicts the facial features very finely, and it really looks a little like Shang Jinghua. Lin Qingyin picked up her clothes with a cane. Inside the cardboard was written Shang Jinghua's eight characters in cinnabar, and around the eight characters were pasted sheets of talisman paper, depicting various terrifying spells.

Shang Jinghua's face was ugly. It had been at least a week since his two younger brothers came back to worship the old man. The room had to be cleaned twice a day. He couldn't believe that the two nannies couldn't see such a big cardboard man thrown under the bed.

Shang Jinghua saw Lin Qingyin lift up the talisman paper, and all kinds of messy things were drawn on the cardboard, and his scalp felt numb.

Little Master, what should I do with this? Throw it in the brazier and burn it directly?

Lin Qingyin glanced at him and said, Have you seen the spell around the eight characters? This is a possessing spell. With this spell, this cardboard man will be exactly the same as yours. No matter what kind of treatment it suffers, it will be It's reflected in you. It's just that this paper man has been lying here for ten days now, and the effect is not strong. When it stays here for seven, seven, forty-nine days, your brother will take this paper man away. That's really what he wants You die how you die.

Shang Jinghua asked with an ugly face: Master, why do you have to lie here for forty-nine days?

Harmful things are not made so easily. In Feng Shui, the house is divided into eight directions, and the east is the direction of the Zhengua, which represents the eldest son. Lin Qingyin pointed to the bed and said, This room is the whole room. The room in the east of the main room, and the bed is in the east of the room. As long as you use a suitable formation and then place the paper figure with your horoscope in the direction of the hexagram, it will become yours in forty-nine days. Substitute.

Lin Qingyin took out the rune pen: Fortunately, it's not a substitute, it's easy to crack. Lin Qingyin took out the foreshadowing, dipped it in cinnabar and kept sketching on the cardboard man, and dipped the spell on it. As soon as it was broken, and finally swiped on the eight characters with a cinnabar pen, the previous connection between the paper and Shang Jinghua was completely erased.

Lin Qingyin then stood up and said, While the fire in the yard was still alive, I threw this into the brazier and burned it.

Shang Jinghua didn't dare to delay. He gathered up his clothes, picked up the paper man and put it under his arm, and rushed out. Seeing that the fire in the brazier in the middle of the yard was about to go out, Shang Jinghua hurriedly put the clothes in his hand away. The cardboard man threw it in. The flames immediately jumped more than half a meter high when they touched the paper figure, and instantly burned the paper and clothes clean, leaving only a pot of ashes.

Lin Qingyin walked to the position in front of the door, ordered a floor tile and said, Fat brother, tilt this floor tile up, dig a hole and bury the ashes in it.

Fatty Wang immediately carried the shovel over. It was different from the moving floor tile just now. This floor tile was almost stuck to the ground. It took a lot of effort for Fatty Wang to lift it up. Put it in the hole and cover it with a thin layer of soil.

Lin Qingyin drew a talisman on the soil with a talisman pen, then took out a few pebbles and threw them inside, so that Fatty Wang covered the floor tiles back.

After Fatty Wang placed the floor tiles, he felt that they were a little higher. He threw down the shovel and jumped on it a few times. He threw it to the bottom of the tree.

Shang Jinghua circled around the brick for several times, and asked Lin Qingyin in confusion: Little Master, what is this for?

Go to the bad luck, this is the gate, everyone who comes in and out every day will step on it, the more you step on, the better your luck will be. Lin Qingyin showed a sly smile on the corner of Lin Qingyin's mouth: But for 'bad luck' It's not very good to say that, every day you are trampled under your feet, what do you say you can do!

It was only then that Shang Jinghua suddenly realized that he immediately stepped on the floor tiles viciously, finally letting out a sigh of anger.


A chef and two nanny at home are both busy in the kitchen. Before, Shang Jinghua thought that eating at home tasted good and quiet, but now he knows that the two nanny at home have been bribed, and he feels a little uneasy to eat this meal again. Especially when one of the nanny brought up a steaming pot of sheep scorpions, he wanted to ask her if she had dug in.

Lin Qingyin looked at Shang Jinghua's worried look, washed her hands and sat down at the table, took a piece of sheep scorpion and took a bite.

Actually, you don't have to worry about that

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