Remember for a second

After the Fa, the light in the room dimmed instantly, and I could barely see the silhouette of the person opposite.

Lin Qingyin stretched out her hand to cover Xiaomin's forehead, Xiaomin closed her eyes and fell asleep, Lin Qingyin caught the small body, and then hooked her body with spiritual energy, pulling the little person away come out.

Ma Rui couldn't help crying when she saw the boy's face in front of her. Although it had been six or seven years, she still remembered the face of the child she had only seen once. That face seemed to be imprinted in her heart. It was a pain she would never forget.

Strong and strong! Ma Rui cried and squatted down and stretched out her hand to the shadow: Will my mother hug you?

You don't love me, only your sister! The little man pouted and muttered, but he still threw himself into Ma Rui's arms: You never called me by my name, and you never kissed me.

I'm sorry, Zhuangzhuang. Ma Ruixu hugged the air in her arms and looked at the child in front of her with tears in her eyes: Actually, mother loves you very much, just like her sister, mother has never forgotten you!

The anger on Zhuangzhuang's little face finally dissipated. He leaned over to Ma Rui's face and kissed her, then turned to look at Lin Qingyin: Sister, you are amazing!

It's good to know! Lin Qingyin shook her finger at him: You can't go back to your sister's body, it's not good for you, it's also a kind of harm to her.

Zhuangzhuang lowered his head sadly and whispered, I know, but I'm reluctant to leave my mother.

Lin Qingyin now has a good understanding of the attachment of family affection, and also understands Zhuangzhuang's nostalgia for this world, but he is different from the white snake. The white snake has been practicing for hundreds of years. can exist in this world.

Lin Qingyin glanced at the stone supporting the formation, and sighed softly, Give you five minutes to say goodbye.

Five minutes is not long, but it is extremely precious to Ma Rui and Zhuang Zhuang. The mother's embrace and kisses dispelled Zhuang Zhuang's obsession. At the last minute, he floated to Xiaomin's side and kissed her on the forehead. Take a sip: My brother can't play with you in the future, you have to be good!

The spiritual energy in the stone dissipated, the formation was broken, and Zhuang Zhuang disappeared in front of Ma Rui. Lin Qingyin took out a stone and skillfully carved a formation. After putting on the red rope, she put it on Xiaomin's neck. Only then did she lightly hit her forehead to wake her up.

Zhuangzhuang has been in her body for several years, and yin gas will erode her physique to some extent. You let her carry this stone with you. When the stone is broken, you can take it off.

When Ma Rui first came in, she saw that Aunt Zheng and Uncle Zheng were both carrying a similar stone. Knowing that it was a good thing, she quickly thanked her again and again, and took out the only 3,000 yuan she had to hand to Lin Qingyin. Gua money.

Lin Qingyin waved her hand and said with a smile: I said no, you can keep it for yourself, and let me give you a suggestion. You take your children to the city with the sea in the name of the south in the New Year. You hear this sentence instantly. Go wherever you want, your career and future are all there. As long as you work hard, you can take your parents over in five or six years.”

Ma Rui bowed and thanked Lin Qingyin again and again in excitement. Although she was more comfortable at home than outside in recent years, the job she was looking for was unsatisfactory, and her monthly salary was not enough to pay for this hexagram. Usually, her children have some minor problems. Parents have to pay for it. She was only in her early thirties, and she didn't want her parents to help her for a lifetime.

In fact, she had thought about going out countless times, but every time she was too worried to take this step. Today, Lin Qingyin's remarks seemed to give her a boost, giving her the courage to start over in an instant.

Thank you, little master! Ma Rui bowed deeply to Lin Qingyin, and just as she was about to leave, she suddenly remembered something and turned around and asked in confusion, Master, my ex-husband and his mother had sex with him. Will there be retribution for that kind of thing?

Lin Qingyin smiled: This kind of evil magic will damage people's fortune and longevity. She won't be able to jump around for a few years. In addition, from Xiaomin's face, she has no siblings.

Ma Rui didn't understand the meaning of Lin Qingyin's words for a while, and was stunned. Lin Qingyin smiled and explained again: Whether it's from your side or from her biological father's side, she is an only child and has no younger siblings.

Ma Rui laughed when she heard the words, and the depression that was still in her heart was gone. For those who prefer sons to sons, this is the biggest blow. Not only do they have no sons, but they don't even have daughters.

Our Xiaomin has never eaten a single meal from his family since she was born, and never asked for a single cent from his family.

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