Remember for a second

He looked very haggard on his face.

Lin Qingyin raised her eyes and glanced at her, her expression a little dignified: Your Dragon Palace is obscure and the gate is partially sunken, you are here for your daughter, right?

Ma Rui froze in her heart and nodded quickly: I really came for my daughter, are you really a master? She looked at Lin Qingyin a little uneasy, with a slight trembling in her voice: My daughter has been a little weird lately, I took him to the county, the city, and the hospital in the province to see him, and several nearby gentlemen and goddesses have also invited him. I don’t know how many rituals and spells I have used, but none of them worked.”

As she said, she lowered her head and wiped her eyes: I know this is impolite, but I still want to take the liberty to ask, are you really a master? To tell you the truth, I have spent my family's savings by taking my children to see a doctor. There is only the three thousand yuan that my relatives lent me yesterday, you must not lie to me!

Lin Qingyin looked at her and smiled: Don't worry, I won't lie to you. I see that you have clear eyes and a bright forehead, and you are a kind-hearted person. This time I gave you the fortune telling, and I won't charge you.

Ma Rui glanced at Bai Juan in confusion, surprised and a little uneasy: Is this really possible? Isn't it good?

It doesn't matter, I see fortune-telling and fortune-telling all come at will. I only gave you a fortune-telling because you are kind-hearted and really have no money. After all, you have already passed away a boy, and this girl is the only one in your life. The child. Lin Qingyin took out the carving knife and began to carve the talisman on the stone in his hand: Go and bring your daughter.

Tears suddenly appeared in Ma Rui's eyes. When she and her husband were working outside, she did have a child. At that time, Ma Rui was working 12 hours a day, so she couldn't keep up with her physical strength or nutrition. The child was born when she was only eight months pregnant, and she died within two days.

Because the child has no support, and the family has not made a public statement about it, no one in the village really knows about it. After this incident, Ma Rui became pregnant again after taking care of her body for two years. This time, she learned from the previous lessons and quit her job to raise a baby at home as soon as she became pregnant.

When Ma Rui's mother-in-law took care of her in the past, she was very strict with her. She had three meals a day except fish and meat. She usually didn't ask Ma Rui to go out, for fear that she would be slapped. Seeing that when the melon was ripe, Ma Rui's pregnancy test report was not very satisfactory. The doctors felt that the head of the fetus was too large and suggested a caesarean section.

Ma Rui's mother-in-law was reluctant to have her daughter-in-law fu give birth by caesarean section. Ma Rui's mother was naturally reluctant. Her own daughter was distressed, and she was not the fertility machine of the old Ma family, so why not allow a caesarean section.

Ma Rui's husband, Li Chenming, was in a dilemma in front of his mother-in-law and mother. At this moment, Ma Rui suddenly broke the water, and the cervix also opened. Ma Rui's mother-in-law took the opportunity to say, Let her give birth first, it's really embarrassing to dissect it.

Li Chenming felt that this was right, so he stood with his mother. As a result, because the child in Ma Rui's belly was too big, after barely giving birth to a daughter, she developed symptoms of heavy bleeding. After another day of rescue, Ma Rui was cut off from the zigong.

Ma Rui's mother-in-law didn't dare to say a word and went home in despair, Li Chenming cried angrily but did not regret yào to eat. Ma Rui stayed in the hospital for more than a month, but she failed to feed her child and did not enjoy the joy of the child's arrival.

After recovering her physical strength, the first thing Ma Rui did was to propose a divorce from Li Chenming. She couldn't bear the fact that the person she loved the most put her in such a dangerous situation for four or five thousand yuan surgery fees at that moment, and even caused her to lose Zigong. Li Chenming was naturally reluctant, but her mother-in-law, who had always wanted a grandson, would naturally not want her son to guard a woman without zigong. She tried her best to persuade her son, and felt that marrying any one would be better than Ma Rui.

Ma Rui's family lived in the yard in front of Mrs. Zheng. After she divorced, she brought her daughter back to live there. Three years later, no one from Li Chenming and his family ever came to see the children, and Ma Rui also They don't exist, they just want to watch their daughter grow up alone.

But what Ma Rui didn't expect was that after three or four years of quiet life, her daughter, Xiaomin, got a strange disease.

At first, Xiaomin was always muttering alone and didn't know what to say. Ma Rui thought that her daughter was telling stories and didn't care, until two months later, Ma Rui overheard that her daughter was actually talking to her. Talk to yourself. What horrified him was that she, a small child, actually made two different sounds.

At that time, Ma Rui's hair was all up, and the first reaction was that the ghost was on her upper body. She dared to call Xiaomin, but Xiaomin looked at her unexpectedly.

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