Remember in one second

The sun climbed higher and higher, the coolness of the morning gradually dissipated, and the sun gradually dazzled. Lin Qingyin used the folding fan in her hand to push a bunch of small stones from the side, and saw that she placed these stones in different places at will. After adjusting the last stone, the temperature around her dropped again.

Lin Qingyin raised her head and glanced at the sun, guessing that it should be 2:30 a.m., and according to the current time, it should be 7:30 in the morning. Even though she sat here for two hours and failed to get a single business, Lin Qingyin didn't seem to be in a hurry, and there was no impatience at all.

Comrade police, she is. Aunt Zhang, who has been practicing gossip fans in the Civic Park all the year round, panted and dragged a policeman, pointed at Lin Qingyin and said, Look whose child this is, why are you doing fortune-telling here? Woolen cloth?

The policeman knelt down and looked at Lin Qingyin, and suddenly smiled: Little girl, do you still know me?

Lin Qingyin looked up at him and nodded. The original owner blamed herself for her failure in the final exam last month, and was ridiculed and ridiculed by her classmates. She jumped into the river for a while and committed suicide. It was this policeman who jumped into the river to save her. When the little policeman dragged her ashore, Lin Qingyin just woke up from this body.

Thank you so much that day! It's fate to meet you. You saved my life, and I'll give you a free divination.

Lin Qingyin looked at the little policeman, her eyes were a little softer than before: I see that your mountain roots are dark and blue, and you are afraid of serious illness; your tongue is red, and the snake's entrance is in the stomach.

Seeing the confused look on the young policeman's face, Lin Qingyin kindly reminded: You have three great calamities in your life, birth is the first calamity; eighteenth birthday falls on the second calamity, and this illness is the third calamity. As long as this catastrophe has passed, you will be safe and sound for the rest of your life, and you will be happy and worry-free.

After Lin Qingyin finished speaking, she stood up and picked up her cardboard and walked away very dashingly. Aunt Zhang looked at Lin Qingyin's back and pinched her waist angrily: This fortune-telling is still up to the police, and the courage is too fat! Comrade police, you The next time I see her, I have to educate her well, how big a person is, why don't you follow the right path!

Aunt Li, who was watching the fun, watched the little policeman with saliva sprayed on her face, and dragged him aside a little unbearably: Actually, fortune-telling is not all feudal superstition, some experts can still calculate some things based on their faces and horoscopes. Something. That one just now...

Aunt Li remembered Lin Qingyin's age and appearance, the word Master was really hard to say, and she could only say vaguely: The little girl said just now, it's true, it's true, don't you? Not serious.

Aunt Zhang was not happy when she heard it, and she started to talk about Aunt Li. The little policeman didn't care about other things, and hurriedly squeezed between the two to persuade them to fight. It took a long time to coax the two of them.


Ma Mingyu returned to the police station to greet his colleagues and returned to his seat. He drank water and fell into contemplation: Lin Qingyin said that he had three disasters, one was when he was born, and the other was on his eighteenth birthday.

He did have a hard time when he was born. When his mother gave birth to him, he had a difficult labor and hemorrhage. At that time, the doctor asked to protect the big and the young. Fortunately, the adult was saved and he survived. His mother's health has been bad for so many years because of the birth. He was fundamentally injured.

The second catastrophe was on his eighteenth birthday, when a classmate who was close to him celebrated his birthday and invited a group of classmates to sing on KTV. At that time, a flower-shaped candle that could fly was popular. Before a group of people sang the birthday song, they saw the candle fly out with flames and landed right under the curtain, lighting the cheap acrylic curtain.

Ma Mingyu has never told his colleagues about these two things, and he himself is not a local. It stands to reason that no one here should know about these two things, but Lin Qingyin said it right.

Ma Mingyu couldn't help but fell into contemplation. Could it be that Lin Qingyin can really tell fortunes? But how is this possible? He subconsciously touched his stomach, but he didn't feel any discomfort at all. Maybe the kid was talking nonsense? Although he comforted himself in this way, to be honest, Ma Mingyu still vaguely believed what Lin Qingyin said in the bottom of his heart. After all, she was quite accurate about the other two things that happened.

When Ma Mingyu was restless, Aunt Li ran to the police station out of breath. As soon as she came in, she saw Ma Mingyu standing in front of the table in a daze, and rushed over immediately: Little comrade, do you feel uncomfortable?

Seeing Ma Mingyu's uneasy expression, Aunt Li persuaded her heartily, I don't feel relieved no matter what I think about when I get home, so don't hurry up and talk to me.

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