Remember in one second


Father Jiang's face instantly turned snow-white. He looked down at the jade pendant he had been wearing for two years on his neck. He couldn't believe it was actually related to his best brother.

But if you think about it carefully, it is exactly what Lin Qingyin said. Two years ago, his good brother's business was in dire straits. The company was on the verge of bankruptcy, his property was frozen, and his house was seized. I can't take care of my business, and I don't even have the heart to plan for my wife's 25th wedding anniversary.

Jiang's father still clearly remembered that on the night of his wedding anniversary, Chen Yucheng came to the door with a small paper bag, and while wishing them a happy marriage, he shyly handed over two jade pendants, and said don't look at the jade pendants. It is ordinary, but those who have been consecrated by eminent monks can keep peace.

At that time, Jiang's father was not concerned with these little things, and he was still thinking about his loan. At that time, Chen Yucheng said that he had already made up his mind and would be able to solve the predicament immediately. At that time, he was anxious to see Jiang's father putting the handbag containing the jade pendant aside, saying that Jiang's father looked down on poor friends and was unwilling to wear the gift he gave.

Jiang's father knew that since Chen Yucheng's downfall, his former friends were not willing to associate with him except himself. He didn't want to embarrass Chen Yucheng, so he and his wife put on the jade pendant he gave him. Originally thought to wear it for a few days and then take it off, but who would have known that there would be a car accident within a few days, and the two of them had nothing to do except bruise their skin and bleed a little. At that time, Chen Yucheng rushed over when he heard the news, saying that the jade pendant must have blessed them and told them not to take it off.

Looking back now, the company has had some troubles since coming out of the hospital. At first, it was a trivial matter, and then a problem with the supplier caused a batch of goods to be scrapped. This incident is like a fuse, triggering one thing after another. Just as Father Jiang has dealt with this incident, another incident comes up again, and the business that was originally done has become more and more difficult. , new orders cannot be received, and the bank's loan has expired to be repaid.

In just two years, Jiang's father has changed from an entrepreneur envied by everyone to a pauper now; and Chen Yucheng is now in the limelight, comparable to his former glory.

Pulling the jade pendant from his neck, Jiang's father's hands trembled: You mean it's because of this jade pendant that I became what I am now? He looked at his son who was standing on the side, and he couldn't turn the corner no matter what he thought. Lai: Didn't you say that my son is born with wealth? Why is it related to the jade pendant we both wear?

Lin Qingyin reached out and took the jade pendant from Jiang's father's hand, and put it aside with Jiang's mother's, just to form a heart shape, and the red parts inside vaguely resembled a person.

Jiang Wei's eight characters are hard and qi luck is strong, and it is easy to backlash with his method to intercept the qi luck, so the other party came up with this roundabout way. Lin Qingyin pointed to the two jade pendants: This pair of jade pendants has been advanced in advance. If you do it, as long as the blood stains it, it will exist instead of you, that is to say, as long as someone casts a spell on this jade pendant, it will be the two of you who will be recruited.

Looking at Jiang's father's ugly face, Lin Qingyin tapped the bloodstain on it: This is a pair of child jades, and the other should have a mother jade in their hands. Let's put it this way, he used your two bloodstains to create a fake. Jiang Wei came out to confuse the luck and cut off the good life that originally belonged to Jiang Wei.

She glanced at the bad luck on Jiang Wei's forehead and shook her head: If the other party only intercepted Jiang Wei's life, you wouldn't be so down. But the other party was worried that one day the fake would not be able to suppress the real, so he intercepted the truth. After the bad luck, he covered Jiang Wei's life palace with bad luck. The life palace is the natural palace of destiny and the place where vitality condenses. Being covered by bad luck not only has bad luck, but also affects life. Your family's luck is always linked. In Jiang Wei, he has become like this, can you not be unlucky?

Lin Qingyin stretched out her hand towards Jiang Wei: What gift did your godfather give you in the past two years?

Jiang Wei returned to the room with an ugly face, and after a while, he came out and took out a hat. Fatty Wang couldn't help taking a breath when he saw the sign above: I've seen this hat on the Internet, it's 18,000.

Jiang Wei touched the hat in his hand and looked a little disappointed: After my family went bankrupt, I sold all the famous brands I used before. My godfather saw it and gave me this hat as a birthday present. He threw the hat on the coffee table. , touched his forehead mockingly: I wear this hat all the time except in summer, and I wear it to show my feelings.

This gift is quite straightforward! Lin Qingyin looked at the black air lingering on her hat and couldn't help but take two steps back: It looks like this is the thing.

Jiang's father looked at the things on the table that his good brother sent, and his heart was very complicated.

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