Remember in one second

Then she agreed, and she said that she would use the money to pay off the family's debt.

Three years ago, Lin Qingyin's father used all his savings to open a store with his friends in order to improve his family's life, but he was honest and didn't want to do business at all. The partner took the money away within a year. Running away, Qingyin's father's business failed, not to mention that he owed a debt of 150,000 yuan. Lin Qingyin's parents have been working double jobs to repay the money over the years. If they can get this 100,000 scholarship, the family's debt can be repaid earlier.

As for study, the original owner has never been worried. She knows that the teaching level of the teachers at Dongfang International High School is still good, but the students are a little more difficult to manage, so they don't get grades. As long as you study hard and don't get too close to those students, you won't be affected.

But what the original owner didn't expect was that she didn't really know what a devil is until she went to Dongfang International High School. As a high school entrance examination champion who is often talked about by teachers, she was ostracized by the whole class. She was accustomed to being smeared with paint on the table, putting nails on the chair, and putting buckets on the half-open door. Small things, the most unbearable thing for the original owner is that they attacked her parents who were small workers and her poor family. In this atmosphere, the original owner couldn't settle down to study at all. In the final exam of the first year, he actually scored thirty-five in the final exam. This ranking caused ruthless ridicule from the whole class.

The original owner was just a fifteen- or six-year-old student. No matter how sensible she was, she couldn't stand the pressure. She took the transcript and didn't go home. She jumped directly into the Xiaofu River not far from Civic Park.

Lin Qingyin woke up at that time.

In any case, there is indeed a cause and effect between her and the original owner. What Lin Qingyin can do is to take care of her parents for her and fulfill her wish to go to university.

She went back to the room and flipped through the book. Although this knowledge was stored in her brain, she seemed to be at a distance from her. She knew it by looking at it, but after thinking about it, she couldn't understand it. Lin Qingyin recalled the knowledge system mastered by the original owner, and resignedly found out the books of several major subjects in junior high school.

Don't say anything, just learn!


After two days of flipping through books at home, Lin Qingyin felt refreshed when she walked out of the house on Thursday morning. She still loves fortune-telling more than studying.

After trotting all the way to the Civic Park, Lin Qingyin still came to the place where the stall was set up last time, and took out her sign full of creases and placed it in front of her.

Just after sitting down for a while, she saw Fatty Wang walking over from a distance with something in his hand looking around. She saw Lin Qingyin's eyes lit up and she ran over.

I knew you were still carrying this cardboard this time, it's too detrimental to your master's demeanor! Fatty Wang said, unfolding the things in his hand, and said excitedly, This is a calligraphy master I found. It's written, don't look at these few words, it cost me 5,000 yuan!

Lin Qingyin stared at the words fortune-telling and one thousand yuan a hexagram, only cash on the scroll, and felt that she had found a way to make more money than fortune-telling. The words she wrote were much prettier than these words!

Looking at Fatty Wang's smug face, Lin Qingyin resisted and didn't reach out and shoot him out. This prodigal thing, that is, relying on the blessings of his ancestors to live a good life, he must have starved to death by himself!

Lin Qingyin sat cross-legged on the grass under the old tree, Fatty Wang was too fat to sit down, so he could only sit on one side with his legs stretched out, looking very embarrassed.

Where did you memorize that book? Lin Qingyin moved a small pebble by her hand, and after feeling the temperature was right, she raised her eyes and glanced at Fatty Wang: Recite it to me.

Fatty Wang's face flushed with shame. This time, he really showed more energy than he did when he was in school, but his brain is really not smart, and it took two days to memorize half a page.

Fatty Wang wiped his old face and stuttered while reciting the contents of the book. He heard a scream of Ow next to him just after reciting a few sentences. Fatty Wang was taken aback and almost cried when he recovered. What's that thing about?

It's this little girl! Aunt Li, an enthusiastic citizen, rushed over excitedly: That day was what she told the little policeman!


Ma Mingyu, accompanied by his colleagues, went to the hospital for a gastroscope that day. After the operation, the doctor directly handed him a list, saying that he would take a sample from his stomach for a biopsy, and asked him to make up the cost of a biopsy. When Ma Mingyu heard this, he felt a little stunned. Sure enough, he got the biopsy results two days later and was left for a series of examinations. In the end, the doctor announced that it was in the early stage of gastric cancer and gave him a hospitalization bill directly.

Aunt Li has been thinking about this all the time. Every morning after going to the park for a walk, she goes to the police station to ask about Ma Mingyu's condition. When she heard that she was hospitalized after being diagnosed with stomach cancer,

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