Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 8: Drink more hot water

The atmosphere in the room was a little awkward.

Tang Yaoyao looked at him suspiciously.

Even Zhong Yi looked at him with a hint of suspicion.

As for the look in Doctor Sun's eyes, Tangning felt that when he first came to this world, he must have looked like this when he saw that bun.

Tang Ning knew that as a person with amnesia, he should not remember the "Thousand Gold Prescription", let alone discuss with the miracle doctor in front of him whether the Heavenly King Buxin Pill is a twelve- or fourteen-flavor medicine.

The most inappropriate thing is that the Heavenly King's Heart-Building Pill is really a fourteen-flavored medicine...

Tangning pointed to her head, shook her head, and said, "I don't know. When I saw this recipe just now, I suddenly remembered this. Maybe, maybe, I have seen it somewhere before..."

He could only choose to play dumb to the end.

Doctor Sun looked at him nervously and asked, "Little brother, can you really not remember anything else?"

Tangning shook her head.

Divine Doctor Sun was silent for a long time, then sighed and said: ""A Thousand Gold Prescriptions" was written by our ancestors. The original book was lost hundreds of years ago. Now even the Sun family only has a fragmentary copy... I doubt it. My little brother has some connection with our Sun family ancestors.”

Tangning apologized: "Sorry, I really can't remember anything..."

As a fool...and as a person with amnesia, Tangning could only continue to be confused.

"There are many lost prescriptions recorded in "Thousands of Gold Prescriptions", which are of great significance..." Divine Doctor Sun looked at him and said seriously: "If my little brother recovers his memory, he must remember to tell me!"

Tangning nodded and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Sun, if I think of anything again, I will definitely let you know."

Tang Yaoyao looked at Divine Doctor Sun and asked, "Can't even you cure him?"

Divine Doctor Sun looked at Tang Yaoyao, shook his head and said: "Human memory and thoughts are extremely mysterious. When he can recover his memory, it only depends on fate..."

Tang Yaoyao was a little disappointed. Even Divine Doctor Sun was helpless against his apathy. There were not many doctors in the entire Lingzhou City, and even in the entire Chen Kingdom, who were more skilled in medical skills than him.

And she also remembered what Divine Doctor Sun said just now.

The guy who lost her memory after being hit by her was related to the inheritance of medical knowledge and the common people... The more he was related to, the greater her guilt she felt.

There was a deep look of remorse on her face.

Tang Ning knew that she wanted to cure herself, and didn't care about the curse she had just made on herself. She said, "Miss Tang, you don't have to blame yourself. Doctor Sun also said that it depends on good fortune. Maybe one day good fortune will arrive. When you wake up, drink A cup of hot water will make me think of it."

Tang Yaoyao was startled, her eyes changed slightly, but she still curled her lips and said, "If drinking hot water can cure the disease, what else do you need the doctor to do?"

"That's wrong..." Tang Ning shook her head and said, "Drinking hot water can not only maintain gastrointestinal health, prevent colds, detoxify and nourish the skin, but also improve menstrual pain..."

In Tang Ning's generation, drinking hot water has become a tradition.

Auntie is here. Drink more hot water.

If you feel sad, drink more hot water.

If you have a headache or a cold, drink more hot water.

If you have diarrhea, drink more hot water.

No matter where the pain or disease is, it can be solved by just "drinking more hot water". Except that it is easy to lose your girlfriend, there is almost nothing wrong with this sentence.

He often saw the rhetoric just now in public account articles forwarded in his circle of friends.

Divine Doctor Sun nodded and said: "My little brother, what you said makes sense. The Nei Jing says that the decoction is used to cure the disease. Mencius also said..."

When Tang Yaoyao heard "detoxification and nourishing the skin", her heart moved. She didn't hear what was behind it and asked: "What kind of pain can be improved..."

"It's nothing." Tangning shook her head.

I just said it smoothly, but even in later generations, it is not an issue that can be discussed with girls face to face, let alone now, it would be strange if they are not regarded as hooligans.

Doctor Sun said: "My little brother is right. When a woman is pregnant with geranium, it is indeed very beneficial to drink more hot water..."


Tang Yaoyao's face turned blood red, she glared at Tang Ning fiercely, and walked out quickly.

Zhong Yi blushed, looked at Tang Ning with a look of reproach, and followed her out of the room.

Qing'er covered her face and ran out. When she stepped out of the door, she almost tripped over the threshold...

Tangning looked at the door innocently.

Countless ancestors struggled with all kinds of pains and illnesses before summing up the saying "drink more hot water". What a valuable experience this is, why don't they know how to cherish it?

What's more, "Tiankui" is what Old Man Sun said, it has nothing to do with him...

Tang Ning turned to look at Divine Doctor Sun, and saw that his hair and beard were all white, his face was pale, and he had an immortal spirit...

Even when he said that sentence just now, he seemed to be talking about an ordinary thing, without showing any obscene expression. I am afraid that in his eyes, there is no distinction between men and women, so naturally it cannot be said to be shameless. …

Outside the courtyard, Tang Yaoyao's face was no longer so red, but he looked distressed and said, "What if he really can't remember what happened before?"

Even Divine Doctor Sun asked him for help. As she got to know Tangning better, she realized more and more clearly how big a trap she had created...

"Don't worry, there must be a way..." Zhong Yi knew that she was doing it for herself in the first place, but it was useless to worry about it. She changed the subject and said: "Even Divine Doctor Sun just said, um, uh, drink hot water at that time It will be better, do you want to try it?"

Tang Yaoyao would have a stomachache every time Kuishui visited. Although she wasn't in pain, she still didn't feel good.

She also wanted to solve this problem, but when she thought about that guy actually saying such embarrassing things to her, a trace of blush appeared on her face again, and she said angrily: "I don't want to listen to him!"

Until he returned home and locked himself in his room, the blush on his face had not dissipated.

She walked to the table, poured a glass of water, raised it to her mouth, but quickly put it down.

She looked outside the door and said, "Xiu'er, please come in."

A maid came in from outside and asked, "Miss, what's the matter?"

Tang Yaoyao thought for a while and said, "Go and pour me a cup of hot water."

Tang Ning was very leisurely, a little unaccustomed to being idle.

Perhaps he was used to being busy in the past, with studies, life, and work. In his previous life, he seemed to have never been idle.

And in this strange world, he really didn't know what to do.

There is no need to think about studies, there is no need to work at all, and there is no need to do anything in life, including food, drink, and housing--how do you feel like you are being taken care of?

He was so free that he squatted in the yard and watched the ants move.

The bright sunshine suddenly disappeared, and her eyes became a little dark. Tangning raised her head and saw two long legs.

Tang Ning conservatively estimated that Tang Yaoyao was at least 1.75 meters tall, with a tall and slender figure. Because of her flat chest, it felt like her legs were all from the neck down...

If she were ten centimeters taller, Tangning would have to look up to her.

Tang Yaoyao handed him a book and said, "Divine Doctor Sun asked me to give it to you. You should read it first and see if you can recall anything."

Tang Ning stood up and took the broken copy of "A Thousand Gold Prescriptions" from her hand. Even though she knew it wouldn't remind him of anything, she still opened it in front of Tang Yaoyao.

Tang Yaoyao looked at her and asked expectantly: "How is it? Did you remember anything?"

Tangning shook her head.

Tang Yaoyao had a look of disappointment on her face. She suddenly looked at Tang Ning and said, "How about I hit you again? Maybe if I hit you again, you will remember..."

Tangning's face turned dark.

Looking at Tang Yaoyao who was eager to try, he quickly said: "Miss Tang, thank you for your kindness. I don't blame you for the amnesia. You must not worry about it again in the future..."

"No, this girl dares to do things responsibly. Don't worry, I will be responsible for you to the end..." As she spoke, she suddenly covered her lower abdomen, and a trace of pain appeared between her eyebrows. She couldn't help but bend down and asked: " Do you have hot water here?”

Tangning looked at her with a strange expression and nodded: "Yes."

Since he came to this world, he has developed the habit of not drinking anything other than hot water. The worst he can do is boil water and let it cool down. With today's medical level, if he gets diarrhea or is infected with some germs due to drinking raw water, He was afraid that he wouldn't even have a chance to travel through time for a second time.

He quickly walked out of the room, holding a cup of hot water in his hand and handed it to Tang Yaoyao.

After Tang Yaoyao frowned and drank the water, she held her lower abdomen, but the pain between her brows did not diminish.

Tangning looked at her, thought for a moment, and said, "Actually, drinking hot water has limited effect, and drinking too much will not help. You can't touch cold water at this time. Keeping warm is very important. You should find a hot water bladder..."

Tangning pointed to her lower abdomen and said, "Putting it here will help relieve pain."

"Really?" Tang Yaoyao looked at him suspiciously.

"Just try and you will find out."

"Who wants to try..." Tang Yaoyao looked at Tang Ning and saw that he was still pointing at her belly. Her face turned red. She looked at him and said in embarrassment, "Shameless!"

Tang Ning watched her swaying her long legs away in confusion. After a long time, she twitched her lips and said, "Ah, woman..."

Tang Mansion.

The maid named Xiu'er walked into the room, looked at Tang Yaoyao lying on the bed, and said, "Miss, I brought the hot water bag you asked for..."

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