The wedding night is called one of the four great joys in life, but it is someone else's wedding night.

Other people's bridal chamber flowers and candles were turned red, and Tangning's bridal chamber flowers and candles could only sleep on the cold ground.

He was relieved when he thought that this was not the first time he slept alone on his wedding night.

Tang Yaojiao kept reminding him that they were just pretending to be married, but she was still very attentive in her actions. After Tang Ning reminded him, she ran to the dry goods store and bought all the red dates, longans and other things.

Tangning had a bunch more things in her hands. She glanced at her and asked, "Weren't you talking about a fake marriage? It's almost done. Why did you buy these things?"

Tang Yaojing said confidently: "Since we are doing a show, we must do a complete set, otherwise what should we do if others get suspicious?"

Tangning looked at her and asked uncertainly, "Full set?"

"Except for the bridal chamber!" Tang Yaoyao knew what he was thinking, glared at him and said, "On the night of the bridal chamber, you sleep on the floor!"

Fairy Tang ran to a certain shop to search again. Tang Ning walked in and found an empty seat to sit down. She was wondering if she had missed anyone's invitation and it was still too late to make up for it.

During the two years in the capital, although he made many enemies, he also made some friends.

If Xiao Jue and his wife want to invite, Lu Teng will also be invited. General Ling is Tang Yaoyao's uncle. Naturally, people from the Ling family will also come, and there are quite a lot of them.

Naturally, the Fang family also wanted to invite them. Fang Xinyue and Xiao Xiaoqing were sisters, and Fang Hong had some friendship with him.

In addition, Princess Anyang also needs to be invited. In addition, some colleagues from the six divisions before, and colleagues from Zuo Xiaowei, the number of people is quite large.

The calculated auspicious day was the twenty-seventh day of the first lunar month. Although Rich Man Tang was reluctant to get married, he still made all the arrangements a few days in advance.

Fang Zhe and Fang Hong arrived half an hour ago. Earlier, Concubine Fang Shu in the palace also sent a little maid to deliver gifts.

Tang Ning had no intention of inviting Wu Liehou. After all, he had just lost his son and it was not appropriate to attend such an occasion. However, Wu Liehou came uninvited and gave him a gift.

He walked in, bowed his hands to Tang Ning, and said, "General Tang, congratulations."

Tang Ning was a little surprised, then a little embarrassed. She raised her hand and said, "Master Hou..."

Wu Liehou waved his hand and said: "Don't say anything. General Tang is very happy. It would be shameful for me to pretend not to know..."

Tang Ning smiled and said, "Master Marquis, please."

Marquis Wu Lie was not the only one who came uninvited. King Huai actually sent someone to deliver a gift. Although his people did not come and the gift was not heavy, Tang Ning had no friendship with him. This gift from him was... It still surprised him a little.

As soon as the gifts from Prince Huai's Mansion were brought in, Wei Jian's old face appeared in Tang Ning's eyes.

The emperor sent people to give gifts. When he married Xiao Ru and Xiao Yi, there was no such grand ostentation. Rich Man Tang was quite satisfied with this. When he faced Tang Ning in the evening, he finally didn't have a straight face.

The atmosphere tonight was good. Most of them were from the same team. It was the two brothers Ling Yun and Ling Feng who drank a lot of wine from Tang Ning. If Xiao Jue hadn't helped him stop some of the wine, he would have drank it under the table tonight.

Ling Feng's hundred laps were temporarily recorded for him. When Tang Ning was helped by Xiao Jue to the door of the wedding room, Xiu'er hurried over to help him.

Xiao Jue burped and said, "He leaves it to you."

After Xiao Jue left, Tang Ning straightened up and the expression on her face returned to clarity.

Xiu'er looked at him and said in surprise: "Uncle, you..."

"I'm fine." Tangning smiled. Just because he doesn't drink often doesn't mean he can't drink. It's okay to get drunk at other times, but he must not get drunk tonight.

If he did something to Tang Yaoyao while he was drunk, the consequences would be disastrous.

Of course, the unimaginable thing here refers to the fact that he touched Tang Yaoyao after he was drunk, had sex while drunk, etc. Will there be rumors tomorrow that the third wife of the Tang family murdered her husband on their bridal night?

He looked at Xiu'er and asked, "Is she in there?"

Xiu'er nodded and said, "Here he is."

Tangning pushed the door open and went in. Xiu'er closed the door from the outside. Tang Yaoyao, who was sitting by the bed, trembled slightly.

Tang Ning raised her head and looked at Tang Yaoyao, who was wearing a red wedding dress and a red hijab on her head, sitting quietly by the bed with her legs together and her hands folded. She felt that the world was really crazy.

Fairy Tang was actually so quiet and well-behaved at times. This scene had never appeared in his dreams.

While he was thinking this, the door to the room was suddenly pushed open.

Several figures rushed in from outside, Ling Feng, Liu Jun and others rushed in, shouting: "Where is the bride, we want to see the bride..."

It is an ancient custom to have a wedding ceremony. "On the night of marriage, there is no distinction between men and women." This means that on the wedding night, everyone does not need to be overly restrained. Men and women can also put aside etiquette and cheer for the newlyweds.

"Why don't you take off your hijab!"

"We want to watch you drink Hexin wine!"

"Master Tang, why are you still standing there? Go and take off your hijab!"

Everyone rushed forward and started shouting. Before Tang Ning could speak, Tang Yaoyao pulled the red hijab off her face, stepped forward, slammed the table, and said, "What are you making a fuss about? I don’t even go back to sleep at night!”


The table fell apart under everyone's gaze.

Ling Feng's head retracted, and within two breaths, only Tang Ning and Tang Yaoyao were left in the room.

Tang Ning turned around and looked at Tang Yaoyao, who had put on the veil again and sat on the bed with her hands folded, acting like a lady. She looked at the table that had been heroically martyred, pursed her lips, and finally just shook her head slightly, turned around and closed the door.

When she walked back, Tang Yaoyao whispered, "What should we do now?"

Tang Ning walked to the bedside, Tang Yaoyao dodged to the side and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Lift the veil."

Tang Ning held the wedding scale in her hand and slowly lifted the veil on Tang Yaoyao's head. This action was called "satisfying", although she had already lifted it herself just now, and she didn't know if she could be satisfied the second time...

Tang Yaoyao lowered her head, and her folded hands were twisted together again without knowing when.

She looked down at her toes and asked quietly, "Ran, then what?"

"Drink the wedding wine."

There was a small table at the head of the bed with two glasses of wine on it. Tang Ning looked at her and asked, "There's no one else here anyway, why don't we just forget about this step..."

"It doesn't count." Tang Yaoyao picked up a glass of wine and said, "Since it's acting, we should act more realistically and not skip a single step..."

She added, "Except for the bridal chamber!"

Since she wanted to drink, then drink it. Tang Ning picked up the wine glass and put his arm around her. When they did this, their bodies inevitably came close to each other. She saw Tang Yaojing's face flushed, as if she had put on rouge. Her eyes were slightly closed, but her eyelashes were trembling violently.

After drinking the wine, she put down the glass and asked, "What's next?"

Tang Ning thought for a moment and said, "Let's skip the next step..."

Tang Yaoyao put her hands on her hips and said, "I said no, then no!"

"Okay." Tang Ning nodded and began to take off her clothes.

Tang Yaoyao covered her chest with both hands and asked in shock: "What are you doing?"

Tang Ning said: "After drinking the wedding wine, the next step is the bridal chamber. You said not to save it."

Tang Yaoyao threw clothes to him and said: "You sleep on the floor. If you dare to climb up at night, I will break your legs!"


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