Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 298 Then I'll try

The text of Ruyi Xiaolangjun, Chapter 298 Then I will try Tang Ning's sick leave application. After Han Shilang and Qian Shangshu signed and filed it, it officially took effect.

After returning to the Duzhi Yamen and saying hello to Chen Langzhong, he left the Ministry of Revenue.

Chen Lang was naturally happy to see this. Tang Ning was nominally his subordinate in the Duzhi Yamen, but he, as a superior, could not afford to offend this subordinate.

Moreover, during the time he was away from the capital, the Duzhi Yamen, under the leadership of the other party, had incredibly completed the tasks that he thought were impossible to complete. The officials in the Yamen respected and obeyed him, and he, the Langzhong, was redundant.

The clerks of the Duzhi Yamen walked out of the Yamen to say goodbye.

Although Tang Zhushi had not been in the Duzhi Yamen for a long time, he impressed everyone in the Yamen with his knowledge and mind.

Of course, the most important thing was that after he left, they would fall from delicacies to cabbage buns...

Tang Ning's departure made the officials above the Langzhong of the Ministry of Revenue breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as he was in the Ministry of Revenue, all those who were higher in rank than him would have to hold their heads high, fearing that one day, they would add a heavy stroke to his record.

Tang Ning was originally an unnecessary official in the Ministry of Revenue. His departure only caused some disturbances in the Ministry of Revenue, and the entire capital remained as calm as before.

No one noticed his departure, just as no one noticed that late one night, the tightly closed gates of the capital suddenly opened, and more than ten riders ran out of the palace and left the capital secretly.

This was the first time Tang Ning had been so free since he officially joined the Hanlin Academy.

Of course, although there was nothing important to do, he did not let himself be idle.

He had long wanted to learn the method of poisoning from the old beggar. It might not be used to harm others, but at least he could ensure that he would not be poisoned.

At this time, ten days had passed since he took leave, and there was still no movement in the capital, but the secret agents sent by the court must have arrived in Bozhou and other places. If the journey went smoothly, they would have set off to return to the capital.

The people of the capital still work from sunrise to sunset, and the officials go to court and leave court. No one knows that behind this seemingly calm situation, a bloody storm has been brewing.

No need to go to work, in addition to practicing and studying every day, they live a shameless life, leisurely and comfortable.

After more than half a year, Liu Laoer has integrated all the beggars in the capital together. The beggars have changed from being a loose group to being organized and disciplined. Of course, organized beggars are still beggars. They are not of much use for the time being, and Tang Ning has no place to use them, so Liu Laoer will be allowed to develop freely for the time being.

The old beggar took Xiaoxiao out, saying that he would take her to experience for three days and learn some survival skills in the wild.

The old beggar had taught the art of playing the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, as well as poetry and wine earlier. Whether it is two or three people, or five or six people, there are different formations and moves.

Although the girls had no martial arts foundation, they had a good foundation in dancing and learned very quickly. When the six of them joined forces, Tang Ning had a hard time dealing with them.

From this point of view, in the future, when they have achieved some success, there will be no problem in protecting Xiaoru and Xiaoyi.

He sat in the pavilion and looked at the poison scripture that the old beggar casually threw to him. Xiao Jue walked in from outside, walked to his side, and said mysteriously: "I had a wet dream last night."

When he said this, his face was a little red, but it was not shy, but obviously excited.

Wet dreams are a normal manifestation of boys during puberty, but for Xiao Jue, it was the first time that a hard dream had blossomed.

After nearly a year of tossing and turning, he finally looked a little like a man, no matter how excited and happy he was, it was not surprising.

Tang Ning bowed and said: "Congratulations."

He didn't expect that one day he would actually congratulate others for having a wet dream. This feeling was really strange.

Xiao Jue patted his shoulder excitedly and said, "There will be a banquet at Tianranju tonight. Wait for me for a while, I will come to find you, and we will go together."

Tang Ning did not expect that Xiao Jue was not excited enough, and actually wanted to celebrate with a banquet. In the entire capital, no, in the entire Chen State, there was no one else who would celebrate such a thing except him.

After Xiao Jue shared the news and left, Qing'er came in from outside and handed Tang Ning an invitation, saying, "Son-in-law, this is from the person who often gives us gifts."

Tang Ning opened the invitation and realized that tonight was the dinner party of King Kang.

In recent months, King Kang has been very proud and active. Whether it is the people or the court, the public opinion is biased towards him.

There is nothing to do in the evening anyway, so it's better to go to Tianranju for a meal, and then go to Su Mei's place after dinner...


When Tang Ning and Xiao Jue came in, King Kang stood up to greet them, "Lord Tang, Captain Xiao, you are here, please sit down..."

The two seats closest to King Kang were reserved for Tang Ning and Xiao Jue.

Tang Ning had seen most of the other people at the table, but he only knew their names, and didn't know which families they were from.

However, King Kang's main supporters were the powerful people in the capital, and it was expected that the families of their parents were not simple.

During the banquet, King Kang, as the host, was toasted with a lot of wine. After three rounds of wine, King Kang put down his glass and sighed a little depressed.

Someone said in surprise: "Your Highness is now in the limelight, has won the support of many court officials, and has surpassed Prince Duan. Why is Your Highness sighing?"

King Kang filled the cup with wine again and said: "Although I have temporarily gained some advantages, King Duan has not broken his muscles. The Tang family is the backbone. They have many party members in the court, almost all over the six tribes. I am The king is far inferior to him."

Someone said: "Your Highness, there is no need to worry. The Tang family's gang members have been slowly attracted over the years. Your Highness's reputation in the court is now unparalleled. However, the Tang family and Prince Duan are retreating steadily. The courtiers are all smart." People, as long as His Highness is sincere enough, they know what to choose."

King Kang thought for a while and said, "What do you mean..."

The man said: "Everyone in the world is prosperous. If King Duan can bribe them, so can we. Now that King Duan is in a downturn, it is a good time for His Highness to attract people's hearts. Why don't Your Highness allow them to use heavy profits to win a few from the six ministries?" Come here personally and use it for us?”

"High profit?" Upon hearing this, King Kang twitched the corner of his mouth and glanced at Tang Ning with a look of hesitation.

The man hurriedly said: "Your Highness, everything you do in this world has to pay a price. If we choose well, we can get back what we invested in the early stage..."

King Kang thought for a while, seemed to have something on his mind, and said, "In your opinion, who among the six tribes should we win over?"

The man thought about it carefully and said: "The Ministry of Rites is the back garden of the Tang family. We can't get in. Besides, it's useless to win over the people in the Ministry of Rites. The Ministry of War is all generals. If we can't win them over, we don't dare to win them over. There is no need to win over the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Justice. If you want to win over, you still need to win over the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Household Affairs. As long as Your Highness can win over a minister, it will be much easier to do things in the future. "

King Kang knew that it would be a great joy if someone from the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Husband could stand by him, but the real power of the ministers of these two departments was still higher than that of other ministers, and how easy it was to win them over?

He looked at the man and asked, "Who else can win over the Ministry of Husbandry and the Ministry of Personnel?"

"Your Highness, the Fang family has two of the four ministers of the Ministry of Hubu and the Ministry of Personnel. However, the Fang family has never been involved in party disputes and is not easy to talk to. However, Han Ming, the minister of the Ministry of Hubu, is an excellent target to win over. The Han family is in The capital does not have a strong background, and he is not from the Duanwang family. If His Highness can win over him, it will be of great benefit to His Highness’s future affairs..."

"This person is a good candidate." King Kang suddenly looked at Tang Ning and asked, "Master Tang is in the Ministry of Revenue now. I wonder if I can have a conversation with this Minister Han..."

Before Tang Ning could swallow a mouthful of food, King Kang immediately said: "The position of the household department is extraordinary. I can't take action personally. I still need to trouble Mr. Tang. I will prepare a generous gift tomorrow. Mr. Tang can try to win over me first." Minister Han..."

Tangning finally swallowed her food and said, "Your Highness, this..."

The person who advised King Kang said: "It's just a message. Mr. Tang won't reject it too, right?"

Tang Ning looked around and found that everyone was looking at him. King Kang's eyes were full of expectations. If he refused at this moment, there would be no convincing reason, and he would immediately become the target of public criticism.

But this matter is still a secret among secrets for the time being, and not a word can be revealed.

He drank some water to moisten his throat, looked at King Kang and others, nodded, and said, "Then let me try..."

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