Fortunate Young Gentleman

Chapter 19: Invitation from a Loving Person

Playing dumb is not a long-term solution after all, Tang Ning needs to learn to control his mouth.

Even though he usually cares about it, when he is chatting, some words will come out of his mouth without thinking, which will cause embarrassing situations like last night.

He didn't see Zhong Yi all morning today. He was sure that she must be in the study, manually searching every book with "Li Qingzhao" as the keyword.

Her hands must be sore from flipping through the books now, and Tang Ning felt a little sorry.

Fortunately, Baidu's business has not expanded to the other world, and here, in the long river of history, there is no such person as Li Qingzhao, otherwise, his identity would be exposed.

Zhong Yi can't find it, so he can only think that he remembered it wrong.

Speaking of Li Qingzhao, Tang Ning felt a little depressed.

He began to envy the guy named Li Yi again.

What world did he travel to? There was no Li Bai, Du Fu, Su Shi, or Qin Guan. He just copied "Magpie Bridge Fairy" and "Water Melody Song" and became the most talented person in the world by copying poems and lyrics. He alone accounted for eight out of the nine talents in the world...

What about him?

Just flipping through a few books in Zhongyi's study will tell you that Su Shi and Qin Guan were at their peak in their time. Yan Shu and Yan Jidao, father and son, also shouldered half of the graceful poetry school. Going back a little further, in the Tang Dynasty poetry world, Li Bai and Du Fu had long been known as the immortal poet and the sage poet. The title of the world's literary master was also given to Wang Wei...

If others copied Li Bai, Du Fu, Su Shi, and Qin Guan, they would be the most talented person in the world. If he copied, he would be a complete plagiarist...

Tang Ning did not do much in-depth research on poetry and lyrics after the Song Dynasty. He naturally remembered some classics, but the number was much smaller and not very useful.

It's not that he can't copy poems. After all, neither Li Qingzhao nor Zhu Shuzhen existed in history. One is the most talented woman in history, and the other is on par with the most talented woman in history. They are both great poets. Their poems can still kill a large group of people.

But Tang Ning is a man. If he writes about love and grievances, he can't afford to lose face...

Let's not talk about these for now.

Rong Xiaorong didn't lie to him about the wife he got when he traveled through time. It's just that he just traveled through time and had two pretty sisters with strong martial arts skills, and a cute maid...

What about him?

Zhong Yi naturally has nothing to say. She is good at both housework and cooking. You can't find such a wife even with a lantern.

Let's not talk about Tang Yaoyao's mediocre kung fu. She doesn't have the cold and aloof iceberg goddess style. She is just a crazy woman who often does stupid things. Except for her longer legs and breasts..., let's not talk about it.

As for the little maid, the little maid..., Tang Ning can only laugh. One day, he will prove that to her.

Think about others, then think about yourself. We are both time travelers, but the gap is too big...

Tang Ning sighed, and a voice came from behind.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you sighing?"

Tang Yaoyao wore a skirt today, which covered her long legs very well.

Tang Ning looked at Tang Yaoyao who walked into the yard and came over here, shook his head and said, "Nothing..."

Tang Yaoyao sat opposite him and comforted him, "If you can't think of it, think about it slowly. Haven't you remembered a lot of things recently? Don't worry. The more anxious you are, the less you can remember..."

Tang Ning knew that she misunderstood. She thought he was worried about the past that he couldn't remember, but he was not worried about the memory.

"Miss Tang." Tang Ning looked at her and said seriously, "I swear to God, this matter is really not your fault, you don't need to blame yourself."

It is not recommended to touch porcelain, and repaying kindness with enmity is not Tang Ning's style. However, he told Tang Yaoyao countless times, but she never listened. On the contrary, the less he cared, the better her attitude towards him became..., some things in this world really don't make sense.

"I'm telling you this very seriously." Tang Yaoyao looked at him and said, "Your amnesia is because of me. I, Tang Yaoyao, am not someone who dares to do something but not to take responsibility. I will be responsible for you to the end."

Tang Ning thought about it and suddenly said, "I have another way."

Tang Yaoyao showed an interested expression on her face: "What is it?"

"How about this..." Tang Ning thought for a moment and said, "I'll hit you with that hydrangea as well. Then we'll be even. You don't owe me anything and you don't have to be responsible for me anymore. How about that?"

"You wish!"

Tang Yaoyao rolled her eyes at him and turned away gracefully. The self-blame and guilt on her face obviously faded a little.

It was obviously her who hit him, but in the end he had to comfort her.

Tang Ning sat in the yard and continued to sigh.

Before this, he had never thought that there would be such a day when a beautiful woman would shamelessly want to be responsible for him and he couldn't get rid of her...


It was July, and from the seasonal point of view, it was already autumn a few days ago.

Tang Ning only felt that the weather had become hotter these days.

Qing'er and the maids in the Zhong Mansion did not think so. They were very lively these days and were obviously more energetic than before.

This was because the Qixi Festival was approaching. In this era, there were not many festivals for women, and the Qixi Festival was the most important one.

Similar to drying clothes and books, making Qiaoguo, and worshiping the Weaver Girl, these were all reserved programs for the Qixi Festival.

Qing'er's dream of lying under the grape trellis and listening to the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl whispering on the night of the Qixi Festival was shattered.

Of course, it was not because there was no grape trellis in the Zhong Mansion.

It wasn’t because the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl hadn’t seen each other for a year, so they certainly wouldn’t waste time whispering on the only night.

It was because it rained on the Qixi Festival.

Although it was just a light rain, Zhong Mingli didn’t have time to collect the books that he had hung outside, so they were still a little wet. When he was eating, his face was still full of heartache.

Chen Yuxian looked outside and said, “The rain came suddenly, and I don’t know when it will stop.”

“The weather was too hot a few days ago. If it continues to be so hot, I’m afraid something will happen.” Zhong Mingli put away the heartache on his face and said, “It’s good to have a rain to cool off.”

Chen Yuxian put a bite of food in Tang Ning and Zhong Yi’s bowls respectively, looked at Zhong Yi and said, “Since it’s raining, don’t go out at night.”

Zhong Yi originally had a poetry meeting to attend, looked at the rain outside, nodded slightly, and said, “I’ll have someone push it off in a while.”

Tang Ning’s favorite thing to do on rainy days is to sleep. After dinner, he walked around the room for a while to digest the food, read a book for half an hour, and then prepared to go to bed.

In this kind of weather, closing the door, leaving only a small gap at the window, wrapping oneself in the quilt, and leaving only the sound of rain in the whole world is a great enjoyment in life.

Unfortunately, the rain was not heavy enough, which was a pity.

He had just rolled himself into the quilt when there was a knock on the door.

Helplessly, he could only get up, put on his shoes, walk over and open the door. Zhong Yi put away a paper umbrella and walked into the room, only to find that he was only wearing an inner lining.

Zhong Yi propped the paper umbrella against the wall, looked at him, and asked in surprise: "So early?"

Tang Ning nodded and said: "There is nothing to do, so I might as well go to bed early."

In fact, he had already found a movie, and planned to go to Zhong Yi after watching it, and discuss with her whether the ribs in the kitchen should be sweet and sour or braised...

Zhong Yi looked at him and asked: "Can you sleep?"

Tang Ning shook his head.

Zhong Yi smiled and said, "I don't have anything to do. How about we play chess?"

Tang Ning then realized that she was holding two small boxes in her arms. He continued to shake his head and said, "I don't know how to play."

He might be able to play chess, but he had never played Go.

Zhong Yi was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll teach you."

In her opinion, Tang Ning must have known Go before, but he just had a temporary amnesia. From past experience, letting him touch something he was familiar with before would be very helpful in regaining his memory.

Tang Ning went to her study to get the chessboard. Zhong Yi started with the most basic things. She was very serious. There was nothing to do in the rain, so Tang Ning listened very seriously and just regarded it as a way to kill time.

At a certain moment, Zhong Yi put away the chess pieces and said, "Today I will teach you these two patterns. We will take it slowly and you will be able to get the hang of it in a few days."

Tang Ning nodded. He was free anyway. After learning to play Go, he would have another way to kill time.

Zhongyi put away the chess pieces, and suddenly looked at him and asked, "Do you have time the day after tomorrow?"

"Ah?" Tangning looked up and looked at her in surprise.

Zhongyi blushed slightly and said, "The day after tomorrow, I think, I think..."

Tangning's face also blushed.

Although the relationship between him and Zhongyi has changed a lot in recent days, the day after tomorrow..., isn't it a bit too hasty and careless?

"Too, too soon..."

"I want you to accompany me to a place."


Tangning was stunned, "To a place..."

Zhongyi nodded and said, "I have to attend a banquet the day after tomorrow, and I want you to accompany me."

"Is that all?"

"Anything else?"

Tangning had nothing else to do in the evening except cooking... with Zhongyi.

Since Zhongyi was busy, he had nothing to do except sleep.

Zhongyi worked hard to cook for him every night, so of course he couldn't refuse this little request, so he nodded and said, "Okay..."

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