Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4212: : Fuxi shows up

"Who are you? Who is your master?"

Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu's expressions have not changed, they are alert in their hearts. The man in front of him is covered in white mist, without entity, floating in the air, handsome in appearance, respectful, and he has been waiting for a long time to speak, which proves that when they entered this gap in time and space , The other party already knows.

And what is the identity of the master in his mouth, can he know this?

What does the dead appearing outside have to do with him?

Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu can distinguish between fantasy and reality. What makes people feel strange is that the other party still does not have any living breath.

"The goddess Xuannv and Emperor Chenyuan, the two gods can call me chanting, this place is only me and my master."

"Please come with me, both of you. If you want to know, my master will tell you! When you enter the crack, the master will send me to wait here!"

"The master said, if the two gods do not want to meet, let me send them back."

There is a white mist under Wan Yin, and only the upper body shows the silhouette of a man. The white mist and the long gown combine to give people a feeling of immortality.

When facing Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu, he was also very respectful and did not show any false expressions.

When the words were over, Wan Yin turned and led the way, knowing that Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu would definitely follow.

Indeed, after the man who claimed to be called Wan Yin broke the identity of Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu, the two were already shocked enough, and now there is no other way than to follow him to meet the master in his mouth.

The important thing is that the other party has no intention to kill, and strictly speaking, they can't feel any breath. Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu silently followed Wan Yin to a small thatched cottage, which was very simple, just like a temporary construction.

Along the way, Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu felt even more horrified. They didn't know that there was still such a place in the Three Realms and Six Paths. There was no breath of life around, and no breath of death!

But it is real, not an illusion.


Wan Yin stood in front of the thatched hut and called out in a low voice. A figure slowly walked out of the thatched hut. Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu held spiritual powers, but when the person walked out, the attacks of the two were instantly retracted. .

"Long time no see, it's rare that you two remember me."

The man's head and snake body hovered at the door of the thatched house, and he looked at Hua Sheng and Jiang Liu with a smile.

"Emperor Fuxi!"

"What the **** is going on? You..."

Jiang Liu looked at the man in front of him. This old **** who was once called the emperor of the East, the old **** who existed at the beginning of the creation of the world, should have fallen long ago. He and the **** Nuwa contributed to the world!

The whole body is naturally integrated into the world, and it is also because of the early sacrifices that there is a later evolution, and the gods who give everything are headed by the people in front of them.

Could it be that in the cracks of time and space, not only the beasts of demons, but also the righteous gods are resurrected?

But what is the principle of all this?

"Actually, you already know it in your heart, don't you? I haven't been resurrected, and neither are those outside."

Fuxi was still the same as before, giving people a sense of being close to the father of the earth. A set of coffee table appeared between the three raising hands, and Wan Yin poured tea for several of them.

"It's all because of you!"

Fu Xi looked at Hua Sheng.

"What does it have to do with A Sheng? In the beginning, it was the human world that I forced her to subdue. Only then did the following thousands of years of entanglement..."

This was the last thing Jiang Liu wanted to hear, and he immediately refuted it.

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