Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 4006: : Finally left

"I know what you think. You want to persuade me to be kind. You are still too young, but I remember your thoughts. I don't hide it from you. No matter it is you or your sister, there is nothing outsiders who don’t know, so don’t worry. Well, I didn't hide from you, I haven't seen your sister."

"If you still don't believe me, then I have no other way..."

After finishing talking, the king of camphor took his trunk and closed his eyes and walked away directly. Originally, king of camphor wanted to say something, at least he wouldn't let Chi Feng and Jiang Xinrui leave so easily.

His business is not a trivial matter, even if Jiang Xinrui and Chi Feng's identities are not ordinary, Xiang Zhang Wang naturally has to deal with it carefully.

It’s just that the King of Zhang Zhang didn’t expect that after saying a few words, Chi Feng would give him a completely different feeling...

This child is really too young, and because of this young age, King Zhang Zhang saw his original self. For a moment, he knew that even if Chi Feng really said things here, Chi Feng would make peace in the future. The same choice as yourself.

This is the heart after being contaminated with the world.

As for himself? There are also those things that Chi Feng said, what Wan Feng is not Wan Feng, Xiang Zhang Wang does not know, but he knows that he is probably inexplicably involved...

Jiang Xinrui and Chi Feng looked at Xiang Zhang Wang and didn’t want to say more, and they understood that it’s useless to ask anything in this situation. , And besides, they are already stunned by the way they are now.

No matter how you look at it, if you want to continue investigating something here, you can't force him.

Although Chifeng is a little reluctant, especially when the king of camphor said inexplicable things, he has to continue the theory with the king of camphor. Chifeng feels that what the king of camphor is saying is wrong, and he does not want to watch the king of camphor continue. Those who are wrong, they are all outsiders to this human world. Of course, the most important thing is Wanfeng’s affairs. No matter which one of the mother, the third uncle, and the father are, they will not feel wrong Wanfeng’s breath, just He was not there at the time, otherwise there would be one more affirmation.

Even so, Chi Feng believed it, and Chi Feng knew even better that King Zhang Zhang refused to tell the truth that there was a hidden feeling, and he wanted to use other methods to open up this hidden feeling.

Unexpectedly, I was taught a lesson by the Xiangzhang King?

Not only did he teach a lesson, but he also said a lot of things that Chi Feng didn't want to understand and wanted to refuse.

But at the moment, in the eyes of King Zhang Zhang, he felt that what he said was right. Waiting for Jiang Xinrui and Chifeng to leave, it is to give Jiang Xinrui and Chifeng a choice, whether to leave, or to continue talking. If you continue to speak, then you can’t. I'm sure you can say it like...

The path of Jiang Xinrui and others when they came has been revealed. Those tree-patterned stairs reappeared in front of them, and even the place where they appeared was much closer than when they came. You must know that when they came, they had walked a few more steps. …

It is obvious that the king of camphor wants to see off the guests.


"Let's go! Chifeng."

Chi Feng looked at King Zhang Zhang and wanted to say something, but was blocked by Jiang Xinrui's mouth. Not only did he stop him, she stretched out her hand and took Chi Feng to leave.

A few steps out of this place, deep big tree hole.

"Rui'er? This camphor king obviously has something to say. He must know something about my sister. We just left. It is difficult to come in. He must be prepared now..."

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