Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3621: : Meet acquaintances

Jiang Liu looked at the glass cup in his hand and said in silence.

Jiang Xinrui was aware of Jiang Xinrui's state of mind for a long time, but she had never thought about how serious it would be.

Looking at Jiang Xinrui's current state, Jiang Liu finally realized.

He is not afraid of being said that his daughter is cruel, cold-blooded and aloof, but Jiang Liu doesn't want Jiang Xinrui to really turn herself into this way.

Life will be different only if you have company, and you shouldn't be lonely.

Go out and have a look, it will definitely change, if not, Jiang Liu can only give up.

But Jiang Liu believes Jiang Xinrui will not.

He waited for Jiang Xinrui after the change...

What Jiang Liu didn't know was that when they thought to change Jiang Xinrui, Jiang Xinrui also changed his parents with the same idea.

They are all changing each other for each other's sake, never changing themselves.


It’s not far from Jiangcheng, but there is no direct car, and no plane. It needs a detour, mainly because the first one she wanted to investigate was in a small town. When Jiang Xinrui arrived, it was already nine o’clock in the evening. , The sky was getting dark, and the night in Gancheng was still a bit cool.

Jiang Xinrui did not find a place to rest, and it was not very prosperous. There were very few lights on. Jiang Xinrui immediately went to the house with her bag on her back. She was worried that she would be late and there was nothing to let her discover. It's not that Ji Li can't be found now, Jiang Xinrui may not be tossing like this, she may follow the wind.

"Jiang Xinrui?"

"It's really you? Why are you here so late? A small town?"

Just as Jiang Xinrui was looking for the address in the photo that Ling Ji gave, a woman suddenly ran out behind her, her voice was even more slender, if it weren’t for street lights, there were also some sporadicly lit shops around, who couldn’t see people clearly. It's a bit scary.

"Do you know me? A student from Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School?"

"I remember, we met yesterday?"

Jiang Xinrui turned to look at the woman who appeared suddenly, and looked up and down, but she was not scared by her, because in an unfamiliar environment, Jiang Xinrui was always vigilant, and she knew how many people there were within 100 meters.

Looking at the other party wearing the school uniform that she also has, Jiang Xinrui knew that this was her alumni. Isn't it a coincidence that they just met in such a place?

Of course, this is not the most important thing, but the breath of the other party, which is very strange.

Jiang Xinrui's eyes flashed with surprise, and at the same time he did not relax his vigilance. This woman is not like a human, but she is a human...

It has nothing to do with human feelings.

Jiang Xinrui didn't want to care about the nosy. She was wrong and it was her problem. As long as it didn't affect her, Jiang Xinrui wouldn't say much.

That's right, Jiang Xinrui could see the other party clearly through the light. This person is not familiar, but not unfamiliar. I saw it yesterday. She is the captain of the sports cheerleader.

When there was a dispute that day, she stood up to reconcile and listened to others calling her Jingmei.

"Yes, we saw it yesterday. I was in a cheerleader. My name is Yuan Jingmei. If you don't dislike it, just call me Jingmei. It's my honor to be called by the school clerk.

"This is my hometown, and my parents work in Jiangcheng, so I went to school there. This is not a school... During the holidays, I will come back to see grandma, then why are you here?"

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