Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3539: : Wanfeng is missing

I Shaohua.

It is next door to the Spring Breeze of Shili, which was bought by Jiangliu, and now it is given to Chifeng and Wanfeng's sister and brother to live in. It is also an antique villa with a decoration style similar to that of the Spring Breeze of Shili.

"Sister? Why do you feel that you haven't said much today? Is it uncomfortable? Is it because you haven't been relieved when the blood was taken?"

Chi Feng was the first to return to her current place of residence. She was really not far away in her first life. After returning, Chi Feng kept thinking about Wanfeng in her heart. She was also very strange today.

The time spent with Jiang Xinrui is not too short. If something like this happened today, Wanfeng did not show up either. This does not fit Wanfeng’s character. Normally, when someone bullies Jiang Xinrui, Chi Feng almost didn’t shoot the person directly. Wanfeng was not bad at all when she died, and she even made up her feet.

In normal times, if Jiang Xinrui feels upset by what she does, Wanfeng will still jump out. Moreover, since living in the human world for a long time, Wanfeng has basically not hidden behind him.

I'm standing with him more often...

Because of Jiang Xinrui's matter, Chi Feng didn't have time to ask, this would only be their siblings, and Chi Feng found something was wrong.

Only after Chi Feng asked a few times, he found that there was no reply for a long time.


"Wanfeng? Where are you? Stop it, sister?"

"Where can I go? Is it back to the Demon Realm? When the blood was taken, nothing changed..."

Because this is the place where their sister and brother live, Chi Feng didn't even think about it, nor did he even think about exploring this place. After all, it was their place. There was a river outside the enchantment, and there was a strong devilish energy inside. Who can come in, who Dare to enter again?

In this way, Chi Feng is naturally relieved, but when Chi Feng called Wan Feng for a long time, but did not feel Wan Feng, Chi Feng was really a little anxious, Wan Feng would not leave without telling him anything. of.

Chi Feng muttered in a low voice. After she couldn't find Wanfeng in her lifetime, Chi Feng didn't delay. She wanted to contact her parents, but after another thought, what if Wanfeng just went out on her own? Because Wanfeng is already an adult, her personality will change significantly, so she thinks about telling his parents after he is sure what happened, so as not to worry about the two elders.

After that, Chi Feng didn't even think about contacting his unreliable third uncle...

He should have discovered that something was wrong with his sister. After the blood was taken, everyone was anxious to find Jiang Xinrui, and Hui Wanfeng also said to go with her, but since then he has not seen her. Others didn't think it was any strange. Can't blame anything, after all, Wanfeng really has a low sense of existence, because she is used to hiding behind Chifeng, even if she is standing in front of people, Wanfeng will subconsciously hide her breath, so after a long time, everyone will get used to it.

It's just that anyone can get used to it, but Chifeng can't.

Over the years, Wanfeng has been taking care of him. They are obviously two siblings. Because of their own reasons and his appearance, people usually only pay attention to him. Few people pay attention to his sister...

"I said my lord, what's the matter? I finally remembered your third uncle, a widowed old man?"

"Where's Wanfeng? I've grown up, and I haven't seen her yet, how about that girl?"

At this time, Fengying was working on his latest formula in her wine cellar, and Chifeng’s urgent news came, and a trace of magical air belonging to Chifeng appeared beside Fengying. Fengying’s eyes moved slightly, and she directly raised her hand to open and Chi. Feng said.

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