Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3513: : Life for life


"Hua Sheng, you can't solve the problem by hitting me now. No matter what the process is, there will be results now. I have recorded the video and left evidence..."

"You don’t care, but what about the kids? You can’t bear to watch Jiang Xinrui suffer rumors, right? The video is controlled remotely. Even if you want to kill me directly now, it’s useless. If I dare to do it, it’s impossible not to. Leave a way for yourself, besides, I don’t hide it from you. Someone helps me. I still have a back hand. I know all about it. Huasheng, you don’t have to lie to me. Your method is simply to bet! No one has tried. Yes, half of my son may die. If the spell is opened, we and my son will both die!"

"You can give everything for your child, and I can do it for my child. Don’t blame me for my unscrupulous measures, Wumei, I really can’t help it. I know you have hatred in your heart, as long as you nod your head and the two children are in Together, for me, kill if you want, I won't be able to resist..."

"With my life, if you don't ask for your forgiveness, just take it as a vent for you!"

Hua Lin kept coughing and subconsciously resisted with her hand. She actually saw red. She looked at Hua Sheng and others. When she slowly stood up and looked at Jiang Xinrui, she felt a little guilty, but she soon felt that. It's gone, no matter how reluctant it is, I can't compare it with my own children.

Besides, Hua Sheng should have vented her breath, and beat her to vomit blood. What else do you want?

Just like Bai Hao said, if it weren't for Hua Sheng, would she find someone?

To put it bluntly, it's not Hua Sheng's relationship!

It's just these thoughts that Hua Lin can't say, she is now begging Hua Sheng to let her go.

The most important thing is her own child, and Hua Lin doesn’t even know that Bai Kangning’s current state is in a coma, but the main problem of her body has not been resolved. It is a kind of charm...

The only thing Hua Lin understood was that she would rather be beaten to death by Hua Sheng, Jiang Liu, or even Jiang Xinrui. It didn't matter. It was enough for her purpose to be achieved. In her eyes, Bai Kangning's future had been arranged for her.

Hua Lin has no regrets.

"Do you think you deserve it?"

"Originally, I didn't want to deal with you in front of the child, but Ruier didn't want to leave, so I used a gentle method. Your family must pay for this matter!"

"Don't blame me for not being kind enough, all my kindness has long ceased to exist, and I am not a kind person."

Hua Sheng didn't want to look at Hua Lin's face anymore, and he didn't want to hear anything about Hua Lin's family. Hua Sheng didn't want to be innocent or innocent.

Isn't her daughter innocent?

No mother can forgive her child when she is calculated in this way. Besides, this person is still her own sister?

Hua Sheng really couldn't think of how his former sisters had come to this point. Hua Sheng's heart was no longer uncomfortable, it was just numbness, which might be the price.

She insisted on staying in the world, seeking a perfection, but there was loss, and the harm caused by the people around her might be the biggest price to her.

But this price has crossed the line, how can she hurt her child?

Hua Sheng can no longer control any rules. She now wants to pay the price to those who hurt her child. Hua Sheng will not let go of all the people involved!

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