Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3419: : Go and go

Hua Sheng's mind began to think of Chi Feng's child, who was obedient and obedient in front of his elders. Because the agreement with Wanfeng was indispensable for contact, Hua Sheng didn't think much of him.

Don't mind Chifeng's identity even more.

After all, fate can't be blocked, Jiang Liu is always worried, the more he is depressed, the more he misses it?

The best is to go with the flow.

Just like now Jiang Xinrui also missed it because he hadn't seen each other for a few days?

He was just a playmate, and Hua Sheng would not stop him.

"Hmm... Mother, can I go and see him? He rarely hasn't looked for me for three months in a row. I was a little worried. The last time he left, he was in a hurry."


Jiang Xinrui saw that her mother was not very resisting, so she just said it straight. In fact, she was a little worried about Chifeng. Before, let alone three months, it was three days, he also came to give some gadgets.

Even when the two of them were having trouble, there was no news.

Jiang Xinrui hadn't cared about it at first, and then became sulky, and now worry about it, it's almost three months.

She was worried that Chi Feng could do something and couldn't figure it out. During this period, Jiang Xinrui recalled the last time they two got together, or at Zhaojue Temple.

At that time, she said a lot about Xie Dongyang's affairs. Although she didn't tell Chi Feng, Chi Feng's brother and sister's complexion were also very silent. When they returned, no one said much.

Jiang Xinrui worried that he was thinking too much, maybe because Chi Feng is too delicate, Jiang Xinrui always inadvertently treats it like a "sister".

Although the other party is a boy and even better than her, but the same underage, Jiang Xinrui feels that her mature age is older than Chi Feng.

So this sister is sincere.

Of course, in normal times, she would not show it, and because of Wanfeng, father and mother's request, Jiang Xinrui subconsciously took care of Chi Feng very much.

Really worried about something happened to him.

"Are you going to the Demon Realm?"

"Otherwise, let me ask Wanfeng to come over and ask her? Since Chifeng can't come out, can Wanfeng always do it? Wouldn't the two siblings not come out?"

"If you really want to go, and you really want to go, you go. I thought that if you go, Chi Feng will take it with you, or Wan Feng will lead you. After all, you are not familiar with it and you can't find it anywhere. But if you are really worried, just check it out. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me and your father. We will be there soon."

Hua Sheng heard that Jiang Xinrui was leaving now, and he was still going by himself. He was a little worried, but after another thought, Jiang Xinrui's ability was not something that could hurt anyone.

Besides, there are also her and Jiang Liu, and nothing big can happen. They have really taken Jiang Xinrui too nervously these years. This child has his own ideas.

When Jiang Xinrui heard that Hua Sheng finally agreed not to delay her time, she naturally went right away. Only when she saw Chi Feng could she be relieved.

When she sees Chi Feng, she will definitely scold him first, and leave a sentence without contacting him for more than three months. There is nothing else, which is really excessive.


Jiang Xinrui really didn't delay her time, so she just left. Her natural spiritual energy can suppress the magic energy and enter the Demon Realm. She didn't feel uncomfortable at all, and didn't need to use external force to resist.

At this point, even Huasheng can't do it.

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