Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 3242: : Bless the Feng Clan

Luo Yao walked to Chi Feng's side and touched Chi Feng's little head, remembering that when he gave birth to him, the whole was a red little phoenix, and her sister was still in the shape of a baby.

Luo Yao knew it at that time, or maybe it had been predicted.

In fact, she couldn't believe it, after all, it was a legend that has been there for thousands of years. She had never seen it before and thought it was fake.

After all, there is one in tens of thousands of years, and the Baofeng clan for tens of thousands of years, this time will not match.

But this is the fact!

Back then, her body was severely injured, and it was already the limit to survive. If it weren't for Brahma, she wouldn't have a home.

The two children were also an accident. Her body was already barren.

She was the only one of the Feng clan left, and she would naturally be extinct after her death, but she did not expect her to have a child.

Luo Yao thought it was a gift, but didn't want it to be catastrophe at all.

Chifeng is the Baofeng tribe who has prospered for thousands of years, while Wanfeng is the inheritance of the Feng tribe.

Luo Yao never knew that she was left with her, a single old phoenix long ago, and there was such an opportunity.

The mission of inheriting the Feng Clan is hers.

Transferred to her child again.

And her body can no longer recover because of the birth of these two children. A slight injury will kill her. For the Feng Clan, she is useless, and the glory of her own Feng Clan will not bless her.

It's all on Chifeng and Wanfeng's body. Luo Yao is also willing to do this.

After all, it's her children, they can be good, and she is good.

It's just Chi Feng's body, which is Luo Yao's constant heart disease. After Chi Feng's birth, he worked with Brahma into the devilish energy and dyed his body purple.

Otherwise, this blood phoenix would not be easy to hide.

Everyone knows that he is a purple phoenix.

Therefore, Brahma and Luo Yao can't oppose the kid's bleeding, isn't that just telling the world.

Moreover, what Qilin blood is needed to go down his bowl of phoenix blood? What can't be cured or solved?

But these Luo Yao can not say.

Don't let outsiders know.

She doesn't expect the Feng Clan to last for many years. She just wants her and Brahma's children to be safe and live like a normal child, even if there are some differences, she and Brahma are behind them to help them make up...

It was also to make up for the world that the children lacked.

After all, Wanfeng had never seen the outside world, because Chifeng had already wronged Wanfeng too much.

They can't just wrong one child all the time.

The palms and arms are all meat.

"I actually became the scarcest phoenix in thousands of years? Blood Phoenix? This name is not new."

"With me, apart from giving me this excessive look that shouldn't be there, it's useless? Just a blessing?"

Chi Feng really couldn't accept this setting.

How can this be?

He has always been happy.

Over the years, elder sister, parents, third much did he pay to hide this incident and make him look like a normal child?

And he?

Never felt, but caused trouble?

If he didn't tell his parents about his bloodletting, or he didn't know until he became an adult, he would have gone to Shili Chunfeng that day according to his personality...

That really stabbed a big basket.

He just talked back to his parents...

It shouldn't be.

"Chifeng, this is not to blame for you, it is the blood kinship given to you by your mother, I can't help it, I don't know, why..."

"But you really can't hurt yourself, you can't bleed..."

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