Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2183: : Accepted as a concubine room

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"Since the Holy Girl is so obsessed with Her Highness II, if I disagree, wouldn't it be the wicked man who beats mandarin ducks?"

"His Royal Highness, there is such a second person next to me, how can he be so violent to the heavenly things? In this way, I will take the lead, pay Qiluo as a concubine for your Highness, and be with you!"

Since coming to this celebration feast, this is the first time Hong Yu has opened her mouth.

The following people looked at the first place, Yan Yan's Hong Yu, how to see how weird, after all, when Hong Yu was with the cut moon, but the whole world was full of excitement, and the entire Devil must be shocked by their moving love.

Now that Hongyu has just entered the reincarnation calendar, how has it changed so much? Actually tolerate that there is a woman beside the moon?

Is it true that the legend is true, when the Red Master Zi robbed, don't fall in love with a man in the human world, can not extricate themselves, and even the children in the belly are the man in the human world!

Nowadays, your Highness does not despise the green grassland above her head. Both mother and child are raised?

At first glance, His Royal Highness is a pitiful person. Master Red felt uncomfortable and began to be willing to let His Royal Highness concubine?

Many people think they are the truth, and their eyes are clear.

It's just that no matter what they know, their second hall is not good.

It was not good when Qiluo stood up, although he was also a tester of Hongyu, but when he hit his face, he couldn't help but have frost on his face.

If a woman really loves you, how could she be willing to share her man with other women?

Do not believe that there is any generous person in this world, thinking that Hong Yu has never said that he loved him personally, and the cold on him was even greater.

Was there someone else in her heart, thinking of this, the coldness that cut the whole body of the moon actually started to sour.

The vinegar is strong. Isn't he enough for Hongyu?

Why not love him?

Cuiyue couldn't bear to doubt Hongyu, but in fact, he felt that Hongyu didn't really love herself at all, she was using him.

Taking advantage of his love for her, he could not bear it, tolerate, let him obediently, willingly kill the heavens, so that she could go to the nineth heaven, then break through this interface and soar!

Because she regretted that she didn’t want to stay in Demon Realm, she had to go back, go back to where she really belongs, and go back to that person...

Finally, let Hua Sheng not think of the river, go round and round, and return to the original point...

Hong Yu missed that person again!

Thinking of this, he subconsciously slammed the bronze wine statue in his hand on the table in front of him. The glass was not broken, the table did not explode, but the crack was visible to the naked eye.

The action of chopping the moon shocked everyone's heart, quickly got up and knelt down, shouting that His Highness was angry!

"What are you doing? If you don't want to, you shouldn't be so. Where do you put our face of Marshal Yipin?"

When Hongyu cracked the table, she picked up the juice in front of her and glanced at the moon. She complained a bit, and then looked at Qiluo apologetically.

"Oh, Qiluo, don't you mind, His Royal Highness should be the wine master's failure!"

In other people's eyes, I was only shocked. Let's not talk about anyone but her who would say that the Moon Sovereign was not stable? Isn't that saying that cutting the moon is not good?

The main thing that shocked everyone was when did Hongyu become so empathetic?

People with a discerning eye can see that this is the reluctance of His Second Highness. Hong Yu speaks for the face of the saint!

But in Qiluo's eyes, they only thought it was humiliation, and Hongyu insulted her fiercely!

Who is Hong Yu and who is unclear in the realm of the world, will apologize to himself, but it is ridicule! Straightforward and merciless mocking!

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