Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2140: : Infatuated with crazy demon

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"You asked this question tens of thousands of years ago, didn't I answer you?"

"Why have you lost your memory after a few years in the human world?"

Hua Sheng didn't miss it when he heard the mention of the man, but his eyes were impatient.

When Cut Moon heard Hua Sheng saying this, he quickly apologized, and in front of Hua Sheng, he fell in his arms and did something small.

"No, I... I'm just happy and silly for a while, talking nonsense, I remember!"

"I will never ask again!"

Choi Yue hugs Huasheng, presses her in her arms, and lets her listen to his heart.

"Have you felt it? I'm really happy, A Sheng, no, Hong Jue... I miss you so much!"

Huasheng leaned in the arms of Choyue, whispered softly, and said nothing more, but his eyes concealed deep meaning...

Somewhere in the demon world.


A woman in purple dress raised her hand and flew the table in front of her.

This Wen Wanxianshu is also for the purpose of chopping the moon. Now, in the eyes of the chopping moon, only Huasheng is in my heart, and now he even brings Huasheng directly to the demon world.

There was a blue kitten at the foot of the table. He stepped back scared and did not dare to move.

"How can she not leave her soul apart, and never go away! Why should she come back!"

"Why did she come back!"

The woman is crazy.

After all the effort, how many things she did, and Hua Sheng was like a stubborn stone, just in front of her!

This hysterical woman in purple was named Qiluo, and secretly caused a lot of stumbling blocks for Hua Sheng, but in the end it was useless, and it didn't happen once.

Qiluo has always been obsessed with chopping the moon, but she has never received a response. She even did not hesitate to provoke the war between gods and demons. Even when she pretended to be Xiaohei and coaxed Jiang Liu to release the chopping moon, she did it.

Of course, she did more than that, but her goal was never achieved.

After repeated failures, Qi Luo's patience has been completely wiped out.

For whatever she wanted, she couldn't get it. Hua Sheng's face was desperate, she didn't want anything, but she had everything.

"I'm not happy, she doesn't want to be better! Damn..."

Qi Luo's eyes were full of resentment, and he wished to kill Hua Sheng at the moment.

Qiluo's family is also very important in the demon world. The girl in the family has become the ninth demon guardian of the demon world, that is, the black devil earth spider.

And Qiluo is obsessed with the things of His Royal Highness, no one in the devil knows.

"Master, you calm down. Now she is no longer Huasheng. She was demonized by Her Royal Highness II. When I came back, I secretly went over and watched. It was not His Royal Highness who brought Huasheng back, but Hongyu! Her forehead. Red lotus appears!"

"The subordinate felt that she should have remembered..."

The blue kitten dared to look at Qiluo Road.

"Remembered? That's good!"

"The careless woman, cheating His Royal Highness, hangs His Highness on one side, but is also restless on the other side. Since the memory is restored, it is an old friend!"

"Be prepared, I have to visit her. By the way, help her to recall the past. I want to see if she remembers it all!"

Qiluo smiled at the corner of his mouth, but he didn't feel good about it at first glance.

At the same time, the seventy-two illusion, Feng Xi was saved by others, otherwise she had been destroyed when she lost her mind.

If I go back and tell everyone that she hasn't seen it, she hasn't broken through two levels and was shot first.

But this is not the most embarrassing, because at the moment Feng Xi looked at the person who saved her, it was really hard to say, and even once suspected that this was an illusion.

But it turned out that she wasn’t. The person actually saw the river with the wind. It was a real river, not a fantasy. To distinguish this, the wind brought a magic weapon, so when I first encountered Qin Wanyu, the wind No need to think about it, knowing that the other party is fake.

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