Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2123: : Who is it

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Sheng didn't think about seeing the wind in the past, but he didn't know how to face her. Even if Qin Wanyu had already come back to life, it was also that Feng Xi snatched it back with his life.

This incident will always become a thorn in the hearts of the two people. In fairness, if the death is a river, Hua Sheng does not know what mentality to face the wind. In addition to guilt, more is also uneasy.

There was a spring breeze in the heavens, and as long as the wind was still in Jiangcheng, she would definitely know that if she didn't come at that time, it proved that she was still in a hurry.

Hua Sheng also did not intend to tell Feng Xi about the stuff of Shen Brew, so Feng Xi only thought that Shen Brew was the "sealing fee" for the month.

But looking at the wind and finally came to see her, Hua Sheng didn't know what to say, just stretched her hand and pulled her tightly, without a word for a long time.

"Oh, goddess, I haven't been here for a few days, are you so excited?"

Feng Xi looked at Hua Sheng with a funny expression on his face.

"So, if Sister Feng Xi is okay, she will come often, so that Sister A Sheng will not be excited because he misses you!"

Jasmine looked at Hua Sheng's excited face and said with a smile.

"Recently, I'm really busy recently. Jiangcheng is not peaceful. There are monsters everywhere. I'm busy slashing monsters and eliminating demons. I haven't had time to see you!"

Feng Xi said casually, holding Huasheng's hand side by side. Today's Fengxi seems to like holding Huasheng very much.

"The demon is messing up?" Jasmine was a little puzzled when she heard the wind.

"Yeah, so the little girl is fine. Don't take Huasheng out. It's still safest at home!"

Feng Xi looked at Jasmine's face with doubts and unbelief, and his tone increased.

"This little girl is very honest and doesn't go out often. Me too. I'm often sleepy recently, and I won't go out anymore."

Huasheng took out his hand and picked up the water glass, took a sip of water, and when talking about the little girl, the tone was a little heavy.

"It's normal for pregnant women to fall asleep, it really hurts you!" Feng Xi said, trying to raise Huasheng to hold Huasheng, but he didn't want to be avoided by Huasheng's ingenious and ruthless.

"What's wrong with you today? Always like to lead me? Didn't you say it was too sticky before?"

Hua Sheng's eyes were filled with a smile, but the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes, and then he rose slowly.

"That wasn't it before, it's been a while since I saw you, I miss you!"

Feng Xi said while trying to touch Hua Sheng again, but he saw Hua Sheng got up and evaded her, and even stood opposite her.

"Oh, who the **** are you? Feng Xi won't say such things, I think you're weird when you pull my hand from you, even if I don't see Feng Xi for a long time, I won't keep pulling me like you Don't let go!"

Originally because of the sudden visit by Feng Xi, Hua Sheng was a bit surprised, but after chatting for a while, the wind in front of him was not correct in terms of behavior or manner of speaking.

It is very different from the previous one. At the beginning, Huasheng thought it was because of Qin Wanyu's things. It can be understood when the wind changed, but the previous wind would be a lot of scruples. It seems to be carefree, but it is delicate.

Knowing that Jasmine was scared and didn't know much, she never said anything about slashing demons and demons in front of Jasmine.

"What are you talking about? I'm windy, who else can I? It's not because I haven't seen you for too long!"

Feng Xi looked at the little babysitter who was completely stupid, and looked a little funny, smiling at Hua Sheng Road.

"Really? Give you a suggestion. The next time you imitate others, remember to know more. The wind calls me Asheng! Instead of a goddess, she has never looked at Jasmine's eyes. She looks down... By the way, she’s not called Jasmine girl, I think you don’t know what the people around me are called? You haven’t done enough homework, and dare to come to me in front of me?”

Hua Sheng looked at the wind indifferently, with a cold, contemptuous smile on his lips...

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