Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2036: : Pursuit of the Jedi

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"No need, follow the rules, this is what she deserves, everyone has their own lives!"

Hua Sheng interrupted the words of Emperor Fengdu and turned to leave.

After watching Hua Sheng leave, there was a girl in her twenties in the back of Emperor Fengdu. She was dressed in a festive red dress and wore a claw braid.

In fact, she is more than five thousand years old this year. She is really a jade unicorn and the mount of Emperor Fengdu.

"Master, why do you care so much about her? Heavenly Emperor has been paying attention to her! Even if we have some friendships with Lord Pluto, is it not the case now? Isn't it to blame the upper body? Look at the price of Pluto, we can..."

The girl looked puzzled at Emperor Fengdu.

"Take care? Do I have? It is just a good reminder that for her sister, I am also within the scope of my powers. I will not be as stupid as Ming Yan. For a woman, it will be like today!"

"I did this for another purpose. Huasheng is a descendant of Jiutian Xuannv, and she has a distinguished status. I believe she will not be a waste. In the face of the repeated pursuit of Heavenly Emperor, I believe she will sooner or later On the contrary, when the time comes..."

Emperor Fengdu was silent for a moment, and the corner of his mouth under Heisha smiled, "Every time the emperor and the courtier, the rights of our capital city will not change!"

Yu Qilin nodded inexplicably, but still asked somehow: "How does the master know that Huasheng will win? Even if she is noble, she is also a reincarnated mortal, how to hold a few hands with Jiuzhongtian Hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers fighting for heaven?"

The eyes of Emperor Fengdu changed, and there was no answer. The deep blue eyes were as charming as the vast universe.

Of course, he knew she would win. If Huasheng's ability was not enough, there would still be that mortal river!

That man...

It’s just that he can’t say that!

At this moment, eighteen layers of hell.

Since his death, Hua Qing went to **** and watched the reincarnation of others. He thought he would soon be reincarnated, but he didn't want to stay in this dark prison.

"Huaqing, bring it up!"

The ghost mission opened the jail where Huaqing was held, and then dragged Huaqing out of the prison.

"Where? Did I get reborn? Where would I get reborn?"

Along the way, Hua Qing kept asking, and the uneasy feeling in his heart always felt a bad hunch.

"Reincarnation? You have been doing bad things all your life, still thinking about reincarnation? Dreaming!"

"Welcome to you is the torture of eighteen layers of hell, you have to pay the debt now!"

After the ghost mission finished, without waiting for Hua Qing's scream, he directly advanced the reincarnation ladder of the 18th hell.

The woman stumbled into the boundless darkness... At this moment, it was really that the sky should not be called.

People's World, Ten Mile Spring Breeze Villa

Hua Sheng left the Underworld and went straight home, because she felt the constant warning of the enchantment, someone was coming!

Huasheng had just arrived at the forefoot, and chopped the moon with his hind foot quietly into the bedroom of Huasheng.

Standing in front of Hua Sheng's bed, looking at her quiet and beautiful sleeping face, the inner joy disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Hua Sheng opened his eyes instantly at the moment when Chaiyue left, Chaiyue had not been in her room for several nights. Why did she suddenly appear today?

The important thing is that although Huasheng is not as good as before, he can still feel the **** smell just standing in front of her bed.

It was not that Hua Sheng was worried about the life and death of the moon, but that the **** blood seemed to be contaminated from others, and there was a strange sense of familiarity!

This made Hua Sheng play drums in his heart, but after checking the entire Shili Spring Breeze, there were no abnormalities and no signs of damage to the enchantment!

"What's going on? Why is it so uncomfortable? What's wrong with me..."

Hua Sheng covered his heart, his eyes puzzled, and wanted to do divination, but because he went to the underworld today, it cost too much, and there is no clue at this moment!

At the same time, from the outskirts of fifty miles to ten miles of spring breeze, Xiaohei is desperately escaping!

Every step is leaving dark red blood stains!

The black kitten is hunted down by evil things at night...

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