Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2031: : Candidate

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Ten miles of spring breeze.

"Wumei, do you look a little bit unenergized? Are you uncomfortable? Your child is really pregnant!"

In the early morning, Hua Zhi and the wind came to kill ten miles of spring breeze. It was really bad for Hua Sheng yesterday, but no one could be close to Hua Sheng because of the moon, although Hua Sheng sent everyone a message last night Say it's okay, but no one can really be assured without seeing anyone!

"Maybe it's because I have a cold disease, it's harder than ordinary people, but thinking of the little life in my stomach, I still think everything is worth it!"

Hua Sheng reached out and stroked her stomach while talking to Hua Zhi lightly.

At this moment, Hua Sheng, the whole person is full of the glory of motherhood, perhaps, the child is her only hope of survival now.

"I'm suffering from you! Wumei, insist on persevering."

Hua Zhi actually agrees with Hua Sheng because she is also a mother.

But the wind can't agree with it. It's not because she doesn't have children. It's just that in her eyes, Huasheng is more important, plus she can't tell clearly. She just thinks that the person who cuts the moon is very strange. Strange, like why there is such a person in this world.

Feng Xi is not a person who can hold back her words. She has nothing to hide from Hua Sheng. She thought about looking directly at Hua Sheng and said: "A Sheng, I have always felt strange in my heart recently, like something is missing, especially Every time I saw Choiyue. And you have been pregnant for so long, and you haven’t heard that Choiyue talked about his parents. Since you fainted, you knew you were not in good health, so I didn’t come to see...Of course I don’t mean anything , It’s not that the moon has changed, or..."

"The wind, you seem to hate me, even in front of my wife to say bad things about me, huh."

Feng Xi was talking, but was interrupted by a male voice, and then saw that Yue Yue was carrying a glass of milk, and handed it to Hua Sheng.

It was said that my husband was just heard, even if the wind was careless, it was also embarrassing, plus every time we faced the weird feeling of cutting the moon, I smiled embarrassingly and was pulled away by Hua Zhi.

Choi Yue looked at Feng Xi and Hua Zhi's back, his eyes dark. Of course he could feel that these people were awkward towards him, but he was confident that they could not remember anything, but they could not be allowed to chew their tongues in front of Hua Sheng.

"Don't think about it, the wind is so straightforward, she doesn't mean anything else."

Hua Sheng drank the milk she handed to Yueyue, and Yu Guang said softly when she saw the look of Yueyue.

"I don't care what those people think, as long as you are good, I can rest assured!"

Cut Moon sat next to Hua Sheng and looked at her affectionately.

Hua Sheng smiled faintly and didn't speak.

Such a character of chopping moon can disguise mortals and spend a few days with these people, showing how difficult it is.

Heaven at the moment.

"You said, just now in the palace, the emperor actually handed over the eighth prince's previous rights to the four princes. Let's change the heavens!"

"The harem is very favored, the emperor has no longer seen the other concubines, and the son of the former court is so powerful, it seems that the prince's candidate..."

"Don't say it! These things are decided by the Emperor of Heaven, let's not speculate!"


This was just the morning meeting, and several fairy officials looked at Heavenly Emperor's will for several days and couldn't help whispering in private.

Because the eight princes from the heir were exiled to the world, the heavens were reshuffled, and the pattern changed.

Wan Peng dominates the world, and has become the most favored concubine of the Heavenly Emperor. Its favor has exceeded that of the mermaid princess and Yu Jiaer!

As a result, Heaven Realm has divergent opinions, Wan Wan is so favored, and the four princes apocalypse produced by Wan Bang are even reused.

Heavenly Harem.

"Mother concubine, what does father emperor mean, do you really want me to replace my eighth brother? Let me be the prince?"

The four princes apocalypse, went to the meeting and directly met their mother-in-law, Wansao. Although he wanted to be a prince, he did not expect such a high profile.

It is well known that Emperor Tianwan loves Wanpin and reuses him. Wanpin’s family also rises with the water. Although all this is what he wants, the four princes feel a little unbelievable.

"What is my child worrying about? The Tianhou family has been completely honest and the eighth prince was exiled. Apart from the eighth prince, this harem is not a heir. You are the most prominent and the most qualified!"

Wan Peng was able to comfort her son so confidently, also because the Emperor Tiandi secretly indicated...

And she and her mother are also determined to get...

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