Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2024: : I will regret it

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

After Feng Qingcheng came in, the subordinate quickly walked away.

Unexpectedly, Bai Ran did not lick the dog in seconds when he saw Feng Qingcheng.

Instead, he continued to raise his head to drink, and he didn't care about his wife.

Feng Qingcheng saw it, stepped forward, grabbed the wine jar and threw it to the ground to smash it.

"what are you doing?"

"Don't let you drink."

"Why don't you let me drink, you are not my lady." Bai Ran said so shamelessly.

Feng Qingcheng couldn't help but cheek a little red when faced with the teasing, "You are not talking nonsense, white fox, you see what you are like now? Where is the fox clan that the Three Realms and Six Dao dragged to heaven?"

"I'm not, I'm just a waste fox, just go, if you want to watch jokes, continue...If you want to step on me, continue...I won't mind."

Bai Ran was not in the mood to play with Feng Qingcheng, and this time, he was probably the most unbearable person.

Having said that, just take the child away.

Jiangliu's king **** betrayed temporarily to save the moon.

What's scary is that the old ghost guy also agreed, so it became the situation today.

Bairan didn't care how the emperor's sons fought, so he didn't mind how the eighth prince turned out.

What makes him uncomfortable is that there is no way to protect the river.

So I didn't have a face to see the relative's girl. If that girl meets again, he will ask him, White Fox, what about my husband?

How would he answer, would he say, has your husband entered the seventy-two illusion, instead of cutting the moon and sinking in the lake?

In this case, he couldn't say it, because he knew too much that girl loved the mortal.

And the old ghost has been exiled to the land of the North Wilderness, and he is not unable to go there.

It's just, how about going there, is it still possible to drag him out?

That was the order of Emperor Tian, ​​he did violate the rules, so...

Bai Ran felt that he lost a lot at once, so he didn't have the mind to talk about love.

The Three Realms and Six Ways began to be rumored that Bairan was detained by the emperor and even dismissed from his post.

Anyway, the Fox race has lost its glory.

At first, Feng Qingcheng could still breathe, but now, he is worried.

After all, the two had been better for so long, and she couldn't bear it after all.

"Bairan, the present situation may not be the worst."

"I know, cut the moon and bastards, and now I am happy to be a mortal, pretending to be a river, Asheng's husband... This big liar, if he can't contain the one in heaven, I Really want to unload him for eight."

"Just brag about it. You used to go with Ming Yan, and you haven't beat anyone."

White dye: ...

"Isn't it true?"

"Qingcheng, have you eaten, would you like some food?"

"Don’t talk about it, white dye, I came to you to say that I hope you can view this thing correctly... how come you have lived for so many years, why don’t you know the truth? Everything that should happen will happen, I I think these are the lives of the rivers."

"And then?" Bai Ran smiled.

"Jiang Liu was not an ordinary mortal, do you remember?"

"So?" Bai Ran lay tired on the bluestone, in a state of self-abuse.

"So I don't think Jiang Liu will be trapped in the seventy-two fantasy, maybe this is a turning point in his destiny, maybe..."

"What about Asheng, what do you think Asheng will do?"

"A Sheng and the children, there is the protection of the demon head, there is nothing wrong, at least I think... It is not a bad thing to wake up at this time of the cut moon." Feng Qingcheng even thought that it was best to wake up at this time. s Choice.

Bairan feels that they are all crazy and everyone is crazy...

"You are actually willing to believe a murderous, non- blinking devil, you will regret it." The white fox smiled coldly.

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