Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 2001: : Support you

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Xie Dongyang immediately rounded the field, "Mom, my daughter-in-law called you mom, don't you give red envelopes? There is no change fee?"

Ai Chen quickly pulled Xie Dongyang's sleeves to prevent him from speaking, feeling embarrassed.

Originally, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was very rigid.

Xie Dongyang didn't care about that. After all, he was his own mother, and he still grasped the scale.

Mrs. Xie still has a blushing face, "Isn't this not married yet? Isn't the wedding yet to start? Can't you wait for the wedding day? My old lady can shake your money?"

"Good, then waiting for your big red envelope, Ai Chen, let's go upstairs first."

Knowing that Ai Chen is uncomfortable at home, Xie Dongyang has been holding her hand, giving a lot of warmth and security.

After Xie Dongyang went upstairs, he answered the company's phone and kept explaining the company's affairs.

Ai Chen sat in the room by herself, and Xie Ning came in at this time.

Did not knock on the door, quietly...

Wearing a white princess dress, Ai Chen smiled after seeing Xie Ning, "Wow, your skirt is so beautiful..."

"Are you my wife's wife?"

Xie Ning blinked his eyes, but was more friendly to Ai Chen.

"Are you Ningning?"

The little girl nodded, a little shy.

"Come on, hug, you look good."

In fact, Ai Chen had seen Xie Ning several times before. At that time, he pursued Xie Dongyang wildly, always with Hua Zhi, and always talked about Xie's family.

Hua Zhi said that Xie Dongyang was very hurt for his little niece, but now that a few years have passed, it is finally possible to see her at close range.

Xie Ning stepped forward without repelling, but was closer to Ai Chen.

"how old are you?"

"Eight years old."

"You look so cute."

"I also study very well."

"Haha, is it? Like your second uncle?" Ai Chen was teased.

"No, my second uncle is very rubbish. At that time, he often counted down in the exam. My grandfather took the whip for a meal... My dad studied very well, he was a tyrant, my mother was also, I was very much like my parents, but... ...My second uncle looks good, and my face is more like my second uncle."

Xie Ning said something that could not tease Ai Chen.

She held the little **** her lap and was very intimate.

"Oh, you are right, you look like your second uncle, and your second uncle looks good, but when you grow up, you will look better than your second uncle."

"Auntie, do you like my second uncle?"


It really seemed weird to mention this topic to an eight-year-old child, so Aichen stayed.

"You don't need to be embarrassed, I know the secret of my second uncle. He used to like Aunt Asheng, but Aunt Asheng had Uncle Jiangliu, so... I don't like my second uncle, my second uncle has been sad for this for a long time. "

"Well, Ning Ning is really smart."

"I also heard from Aunt Hua Zhi that you have liked my second uncle before."

"Ah? Hua Zhi said all this, so shameless, this big mouth."

"Yeah, I thought at that time, you sing so nicely, and people look good, my second uncle doesn't like you, really his loss... But fortunately you are married, although my grandma, my mother they treat you I have a point. But don't be afraid, aunt. You still have me. I am also part of the Xie family. I will support you and stand by you and my uncle."


"Yeah, my second uncle got married for the first time. He chose you, definitely because you are the best, so I believe my second uncle."

The child's words were very warm, which made Ai Chen feel a lot more comfortable.

Your own black history can't be regarded as black history, it can only be said that marrying the wrong person, indeed, in the eyes of outsiders, is not worthy of Xie's family.

But Xie Dongyang is so good to herself, she really can't do without it, she really can't do without this kind of good.

Even if it's a dream, make this dream longer.

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