Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1897: : Do not wake up

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!


Lord Pluto stared at the dust edge mirror for a long time, the woman there was sleeping peacefully, still so delicate and moving.

But he still likes her to be awake, he can talk, he can be angry, he can make jokes, and he will take the initiative to fight.

She is so changeable, so she is so unpretentious, so unguarded into his heart.

Ming Yan once thought that he would never move his heart forever.

The world talks about life and life, and the gods talk about eternal life.

Because without making mistakes and without going through the robbery, the fairy would not be reincarnated into six reincarnations.

Unlike Bairan, he can unscrupulously molest all the beauties of the Three Realms and Six Dao, and brazenly chase after Feng Qingcheng's ass.

A cold and ruthless person like Ming Yan was regained control of the underworld by his previous emperor because of his lack of feelings.

But I don’t want to, nowadays...

"If you can fall asleep like this, without any worries, it's better...I don't want you to wake wake up, it is estimated that it will change again..."

This time, Pluto did not hope that Hua Sheng would wake up like other people.

Because he knows that if the child is gone, Hua Sheng must wake up as if he is enchanted.

He didn't want to see her who lost her nature, so she would rather stay awake in the world she likes.


"Xiaosheng, come here quickly."

"Xiaoping, you pull me, I'm afraid..."

"Come on, take my hand, the water is in a hurry, you hurry..."

The next second, Hua Sheng suddenly released his hand and fell off the bridge.

Yu Ping screamed and woke up from his sleep.

"Ah... Xiaosheng, Xiaosheng..."

"Are you all right?" Yuan Shao is still guarding the hospital.

Yu Pingcheng was not discharged after delivery, because of a temporary accident, the child was only four pounds and entered the incubator.

Therefore, Yu Ping's condition is not very stable in the past few days.

Hua Sheng didn't tell her about it, but Yuan Shao already knew that she took a nap and visited Shilichunfeng.

"I had a nightmare... what time is it?"

When Yu Ping was sweaty, Yuan Shao quickly handed over the tissue.

I looked at the time on my cell phone. "It's one o'clock in the morning. I thought you fell asleep. Do you miss your baby? I'll show you to see?" Yuan Shao asked her.

Yu Ping didn't seem to have recovered yet, gasping for gasps.

"Don't use it first. It's too late. I'm going tomorrow."

"Well, then drink some water."

Yuan Shao got up and poured a glass of water on Yu Ping. After his mother passed away, Yuan Shao's relationship with his father was also very weak.

When his father remarried, he directly moved out of the house and did not go abroad. He has been doing Internet entrepreneurship in Jiangcheng.

Unexpectedly, Yu Ping could still experience the divorce battle, so he came back to her when the time coincided.

"Yuan Shao, why hasn't Xiaosheng been coming to see me recently?" she asked suddenly after putting down the glass.

Yes, this is not in line with common sense. Taking Huasheng as a person and her relationship with Yu Ping.

Yuan Shao will not be seen for several days, and Yuan Shao can only continue to lie without conscience. "Ah, A Sheng has reacted very recently and is uncomfortable. Brother Jiang Liu refused to let him go, but you can rest assured that I went to Shili yesterday. "

"But I sent her a message during the day and I didn't reply to me."

Yu Ping was panting, only feeling a little weak, and even dizzy.

Just that dream, she and A Sheng went outing together. When crossing the bridge, the bridge suddenly collapsed.

Hua Sheng was trapped and couldn't get through. She wanted to help, but watched her fall... This dream was really unlucky.

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