Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1888: : One person bears

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Ai Chen saw that he was so gentle, and he couldn't control it all at once, so his eyes were wet.

"Why is this, why are you still crying? Like a child, you are a big star. If you let your fans know, you will be a joke."

With that said, Xie Dongyang pulled out a tissue and wiped Ai Chen's face.

Seriously, he has worked very hard to take on the role of husband and really wants to give Ai Chen a warm home and a home for himself.

"Dongyang, in fact, Hua Zhi sent me a message just now."

Xie Dongyang stunned?

"Hua Zhi, isn't she yet to confine her baby? What's going to happen again?"

"She... She is already in ten miles of spring breeze, and Huasheng has an accident."

Ai Chen is a kind girl in the end, even if she knows that her husband might worry about other women, she still doesn't want to hide it.

Hua Zhi said that A Sheng was unconscious and was in a very bad situation.

Ai Chen was afraid that in case there was anything wrong with it, he could not afford this responsibility. How should Xie Dongyang know the truth?

Hua Zhi is also reasonable. When sending WeChat, she told Ai Chen that you can choose not to say it or you can tell him that this is your right, because you are his wife now.

Ai Chen finally chose to tell the truth, and she was relieved in her heart. Some people are not born to be bad guys. Even if they do something wrong, they will feel guilty for a long time. Ai Chen is such a person.

So even if you get divorced and you don’t have any reputation, you can marry the Xie family dignitaries Xie Shao, who is envied by thousands of people. This may not be destiny, but God’s reward and love for kind people.

Sure enough, hearing A Sheng fell into a coma, the situation was very bad, Xie Dongyang just felt that his heart was suddenly picked up by someone, and began to tingle...

He remained silent for a long time without saying a word.

"If you want to go, go, I won't be angry."

"No, you are my wife. I must take care of your feelings. If you are not happy, I can't go to peace of mind."

"I'm not angry. It's all like this. I'm still angry. Hua Zhi was not full in her confinement. They all went out. It should be very bad..."

Ai Chen knows the situation in many important events and will never delay a moment.

This is where Xie Dongyang appreciates her.

"Then you come with me, let's go together?"

Ai Chen was a little flattered. She didn't expect that Xie Dongyang wanted to take her with her. It was really the kind of feeling that was recognized by people. It was too warm.

"Can I?"

"Idiot, you are my wife. Of course you have to go together. Let's go and see A Sheng."

Xie Dongyang hugged Ai Chen, and the two hurried out of the car and went straight to the spring breeze.

In front of master bed

Hua Sheng still closed her eyes, she was still so delicate, so amazing beauty.

But what attracted the river at first was not such a beauty, but her unique temperament and personality.

Among the giants, she obviously is the least hype, but at the engagement scene that year, he pulled him into the game.

In front of so many people, he took the initiative to kiss him, and at that moment, he decided that this woman...this life belongs to him alone.

Jiang Liu held Huasheng's hand and said softly, "You have to wake up quickly, we still have a lot of things to do, you like plum blossoms so much, we will find a place where we can have plum blossoms all year round. Living in seclusion and living idyllic, I think that must be what you like."

At this moment, the black cat that disappeared for a long time, did not know where to get out, and gave a meow...

It walked slowly in front of the river, and there seemed to be a lot of information to convey in his eyes.

ps: There will be three chapters to be updated in a while. These days are for everyone to change six times a day, and it is also a key moment to reveal the identity of Jiangliu. Please be sure to follow it.

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