Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1856: : Damn it

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"A Sheng, this..."

"This is your sister's three souls and seven souls. I use my Fengjia Soul Removal Technique to draw out the three souls and seven souls in her body and separate them. Only in this way can I tell where she has been demonized and then I can find it. Come up with a solution instead of killing it directly." Feng Xi said this.

"That Yaoyao she..."

"Can you see it yourself? The red light is demonized. The one without red light is what she was."

As a reminder of the wind, Xie Dongyang noticed that Xie Dongyao's scattered souls were indeed divided into two colors.

One is dark gray without luster, and the other is slightly red with strange light.

Actually... there are so many demonized...

Even if he didn't understand the metaphysics of Muggle, he knew that it wouldn't end well. Also, A Sheng could drag him out of his dream to meet Xie Dongyao's last side. Doesn't that mean everything?

"A Sheng, my sister..."

"You talk to her first." Hua Sheng interrupted Xie Dongyang's question.

Also knowing what he wanted to say, he just wanted to ask, was it saved?

Hua Sheng did not directly give a definite answer, just let their brothers and sisters narrate the old first.

"Yaoyao, my brother has done his best..."

Despite the seven-foot boy, Xie Dongyang was still uncomfortable at this moment. He kneeled directly on the ground. He just felt sorry for the Xie family, sorry for the dead father and great love, and said to protect the rest of the family, but the sister is still ...Can't escape.

"Second brother, you want to avenge me."

"Second brother, I'm not dead yet. You listen to me. If you kill the two women, I will be saved."

"Don't believe it, second brother, you listen to me, you go away, I don't complain, I can see my father and elder brother below now, I have no regrets, you take good care of your mother, sister-in-law, Ning Ning..."

Because there are too many three souls and seven souls, it will be chaotic in an instant.

Hua Sheng raised his fingers, condensed spiritual power, and fixed those with red light.

In the end, only the original expression of Xie Dongyao was left, and Hua Sheng said, "You said, if you say too much, he will be chaotic."

The remaining three souls and seven souls of Xie Dongyao understood the meaning of Hua Sheng.

Hua Sheng has used spiritual power to contain the demonized ones and only let the original Xie Dongyao speak.

Xie Dongyang has collapsed at this moment, but just kept regretting and silently weeping...

It's more self-blame. It's because I feel I haven't protected my only sister.

One of Xie Dongyao's souls slowly walked out of the air and walked to Xie Dongyang's side.

He touched his head, "Brother, you're hard, I know... these don't blame you. People are inherently dead, and I'm not afraid. It's just that I regret to have done a lot of wrong things. In fact, I should have been **** long ago. I was supposed to die on the blood curse that year. Sister Asheng saved me and gave me a statement for a few years. Unfortunately, I was still used by the bad guys. I bewitched my sister-in-law to let her seduce you. Threatening Ning Ning, let me She didn’t dare to say it. Actually, the person who kidnapped her last time was me. I did it with Qiao Xue and Hua Qing, and the group of vampires. I gave my mother something in the tea, so she was always Feeling dizzy, unconscious, listen to me for everything, you see, I have done so many bad things, I am damn."

"Yaoyao, don't say that, those bad things are not you, not your intention." Xie Dongyang has choked to the extreme.

"Brother, don't cry, I will see the elder brother and dad when I go down. I will tell them that the elder brother is very good and has been working hard to protect us. For our sake, the second brother has been worrying about it, but...The elder brother is still a person now. Just have a wife."

After talking, Xie Dongyao raised his head subconsciously and looked at Huasheng. Huasheng was a little embarrassed and silently lowered his head.

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