Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1843: : Let me think about it

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Xie Dongyang glanced at Ai Chen's profile and suddenly didn't know what to say.

Ai Chen smiled, "I used to think that losing to an excellent woman like Hua Sheng, I am not wronged, but Hua Sheng and you can do it? People have never liked you from beginning to end, I think she and her husband The relationship is very good, and the same... Listen to Hua Zhi said that she is pregnant, do you really have to wait? Is it to wait for someone to divorce, or to wait for the first child to be born?"

Ai Chen's remarks were true, but they were also true.

Xie Dongyang took a deep breath, "Actually, even if she is divorced, she won't follow me. I know that even if there is no river, she won't be mine, because I don't deserve it, I'm not that good, it's not that she likes it. The vote."

"You are so clear, can't you let go?"

"I think too, but..."

"Xie Dongyang, are you looking at me?"

Ai Chen suddenly put away her mobile phone and walked over, ignoring Xie Dongyang's body.

Then the next second, before waiting for Xie Dongyang to speak, Ai Chen kissed him directly. Xie Dongyang, who was caught off guard, was too late to hide.

Just being kissed, Xie Dongyang froze for a few seconds, and then did not push away Ai Chen, mainly because she was a girl.

And she is still a big star. In case she was photographed by the media, Xie Dongyang pushed her away, then her reputation...

"Do you feel it?"

I kissed others actively and asked if they felt any more.

"Ai Chen, aren't you...?"

"We split."

"Aren't you all married?" Xie Dongyang was shocked.

Before listening to Hua Zhi, Ai Chen had a stable boyfriend and had been with each other for a long time, and had already talked about marriage.

Later, I also saw media reports that the two seemed to have received the certificate and had a wedding in Australia. Why?

"We got married abroad, and the wedding was done, but it was divided... William didn’t want me to entertain, but you know, like Hua Zhi, I’m not in the entertainment industry for money or fame. . Not for fans and idol auras. I just like to sing, this is my biggest dream, I like to listen to that beautiful music melody. The two of us have always had a must for this matter, the biggest contradiction is that I also had children before , But I was killed."

Xie Dongyang was even more shocked...

"Don't be shocked, the child was actually detected to be defective, and I just killed it. It wasn't for my career. I wasn't so cruel. But this matter was known to him, he couldn't accept it, and we divorced peacefully. To be honest, I realized after the divorce that I didn’t love him that much, because if I really loved, I wouldn’t hide everything. Speaking of that, it was also because he was very kind to me and I was an older woman Young people, who just need a support, they come together naturally, but there is no such feeling. You can think of me, but I still want to say, Xie Dongyang, your mother is so handsome, the old lady sees you and wants to Kiss you, what can I do?"

Xie Dongyang: ...

"If you feel a loss, you should come back in person, haha." Ai Chen finished pointing to his lips. After all, he was cheerful, so he was very calm, but Xie Dongyang blushed slightly.

"Don't make trouble, you don't know what to say."

"It's okay, you don't need to respond. I just like you. I'm single now. If Xie doesn't mind if I'm a divorced woman who has had a baby, consider thinking about being with me. I'm really good. I sing nicely. , Can be cute and fierce, sweet or salty."

In fact, this sentence is ridiculous, originally thought Xie Dongyang would refuse...

However, he did not expect a sentence from him, "Well, let me think about it."

Ai Chen:? ? ?

"What do you want?"

"Give me some time, I think about it, do we want to be together?"

Ai Chen:? ? ?

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