Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1841: : All local tyrants

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Hua Zhi said, Xie Dongyang and Ai Chen were shocked.

prince? Is this a joke?

"True and false, my sister, don't tease me." Ai Chen didn't believe it, and thought the child's name was a bit too... kiddy.

"Do you believe my husband?"

Ai Chen and Xie Dongyang looked at Wang Junxian together, and Wang Junxian also nodded awesomely, acquiescing to this cruel fact.

"This...who wants the name?" Xie Dongyang was speechless.


"Hahaha, did you deliberately pit your son?" Ai Chen still wanted to laugh.

"How come, I really got it after hard thinking and meditation. My son is actually not so precious. He doesn't need to cry the name of the ghosts and gods. It just needs to be casual, so that I can grow up healthy and healthy."

"Then why don't you pay the dogs?" Ai Chen teased.

"Get off." Hua Zhi covered her face.

Xie Dongyang smiled, approached and looked at the child, then pulled out a box from his arms.

Inside is a good jade pendant for a while. He opened slowly and said to Wang Junxian, "Hua Zhi and I are very good friends. She is also a major shareholder of my group. When I was the most difficult to start a business, I was helped by a huge amount of capital injection, so I am sincere Chose gifts for the children, hoping to give the best wishes for the baby to come to this world."

"Thank you, it's a waste of money." Wang Junxian looked at the jade pendant with his naked eyes. They all felt that they were first-class, and they were definitely expensive.

"Do not spend money, just don't be jealous."

"I'm not such a stingy person, nor is the river."

Wang Junxian is also particularly interesting. You can say that you don’t need to be jealous. Why don’t you bring the river? Haha, Xie Dongyang is a bit embarrassed.

Fortunately, Ai Chen stepped forward to make a siege at this time, and also brought out a gift for the baby.

In a box of golden beans, depending on the quantity and weight, it is also millions of dollars.

Ai Chen itself has a good family and is a popular singer, so naturally it is not bad money.

But Hua Zhi was still shocked, "Your local tyrant is always sagging, what is this stuff?"

"Jindouzi, God Nima's hard to buy, I ordered it with Jindian in advance, but it's still too late. You don't follow the common sense. Isn't it a few days before the expected date of delivery? ."

"Jindouzi, why can this be used?"

Hua Zhi was also curious, and took out a few from the box to play in the palm of her hand.

"A toy for your son."


Wang Junxian: ...

Well, Xie Dongyang and Ai Chen, these two goods are richer than one. Of course, the gifts given by Fengxi and Huasheng are more good things that money can't buy.

The long-lived lock made by the Fengjia secret technique given by the wind is really a blessing for a long life.

Huasheng gave an emerald abacus in the shop for a long time, and used it for accounting. I only hope that the child will be smarter than his father in the future and can inherit the great cause of the Wang family.

Hua Zhi gave birth to children safely, so that everyone was relieved.

Then, Xie Dongyang came out of the hospital, and the wind happened to be together.

"Aren't you going to see your niece?"

Xie Dongyang is silent...

Xie Ning has been living in the Spring Wind of Ten Miles recently. He also slept very well, being guarded by Hua Sheng and cared by the river.

There was food and drink, and the beautiful little brother of Nangong Liuyue talked to her, forgetting all the unpleasant things before.

Xie Dongyang really misses his niece, but...

"I still don't want to go, it will have a bad influence on the river and A Sheng." Xie Dongyang said this with confidence, a little counsel.

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