Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1811: : Bad spirits

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

After being busy with everything, the couple finally went to bed.

Hua Shengwo was in the arms of the river, and the two told the family like an old wife and wife.

Suddenly, Jiang Liu thought of something.



"What did you do over there?"

"Ah?" Hua Sheng also pretended to be stupid, actually knowing what Jiang Liu asked, but pretending not to answer.

"Don’t give me a sloppy eye, the important things over there are handled by me, but my daily tasks are not dealt with by my father, and my mother specially sent me a WeChat of thanks, saying that I can understand her and my father. What's more, I also said that the company has so many things that I can't bear it.

"Oh, that's a good thing. Your relationship with your parents has eased."

"I am not asking this, you know."

Jiang Liuban straightened Hua Sheng's body, and the serious Xing teacher was blamed.

"Oh, that's all right, I said, I did handle it. I asked Li Jian to find your assistant and sent me all the small jobs."

"So, did you handle the work for the past few days?"

"Ah, although I haven't managed such a big company, but you know, I have always been smart, and these are not difficult. And, ah, after I became pregnant, I became a waste person, nothing to do, I can't help the wind. Come on, can't help you and dad?"

"But they treat you so..."

Today, Jiang Liu still has a grudge about his parents forcing Hua Sheng to do the paternity test.

After all, such a big injury still exists, so I really feel bad about my wife.

Hua Sheng vigorously drilled into the arms of Jiangliu and continued to be coquettish. "After all, it is your biological parents. Even if you verbally broke the relationship, how could your loved ones be broken? They are all mortal and they are old. Sometimes, it’s confusing to do things, then look at my three sisters, so smart people, sometimes not Hua Qing seize the opportunity to take advantage of it? They all say that people are not sages, but they are not easy, There is nothing wrong with defending your own interests. Your father is so old, and his health is really bad. Your mother is worried about her husband, but also about the harmony of her son and their family. It is not easy..."

"They are not easy, what about you?"

"I'm a goddess." Hua Sheng blinked his eyes and told Mengliu.

River flow: ...

"Did you not listen to the boy from Nangong Liuyue, I am a since I am a god, I must be generous, otherwise all of your brain powder on Weibo will kill me."

"What brain powder?"

Jiang Liu frowned slightly, and didn't seem to know what the stem was.

Hua Sheng smiled and picked up his phone, opened Weibo, and entered a superstitious talk.

"Look, these little girls who love you, treat you like your husband. They not only talk to you, but also talk to yourself here every day, as if they are genuine ladies, I am a fake. same."

"Those are neuropathy, are you jealous?"

"Je jealous? How is it possible, I found it very interesting, all said that brain residual powder brain residual powder, I used to think that it is to discredit others, but now it does not seem to be all, those little children, do not know whether it is small or what, talk It’s really not mindful. The private messages you sent to me all scolded me and Xie Dongyang for having a leg or something, and said that my child is Xie......"

Before he finished the speech, Jiang Liu covered it directly, preventing Hua Sheng from speaking.

"They are mentally ill, why do you have general knowledge of mental illness." Jiang Liu was helpless and hugged his little wife tightly in her arms.

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