Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1803: : Where is sacred

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

When the wind went away, I saw a giant bat demon in the sky.

Swooping down, facing Xie Dongyang's head, it was really a crit.

Even if her hands are long, it is too late at this moment.

"Mother, it's finished, I'm still late..."

Feng Xi can't say any regrets, at the critical moment he just hates himself for not giving power.

"Look over there."

The white wolf king reminded him that the wind only discovered that the mid-air is behind the bat demon.

I don't know when a white sword feather appeared, it was an arrow, very thin, but striking.

Because of the dazzling white light, the speed is several times faster than the bat monster.

That is to say, before the Bat Monster waited to touch Xie Dongyang's hair, an arrow in the back had already penetrated the Bat Monster's head.

From back to front, to what extent is the power so great, that after the bat demon hit the sword, he didn't even have his brain popped out, and the whole body was turned into ashes and scattered in the air.

"Oh my god, what a sacred place is, it's amazing."

Feng Xi is very curious about this sword's owner, and also very admired.

Then, the figure appeared in midair.

Through the light of the full moon, I saw that it was a 17-year-old boy.

A short silver hair, wearing silver armor, there is a mark of the Fox family in the center of the forehead.

Although he can't compare with Bairan, he is also in a charming position.

Yes, a man is described by his allure, it is really very good, this young man is perfect.

His arm strength should be huge, thinking that his two arms are significantly rougher than normal.

There are dragon marks on the arms, which can also be said to be tattoos, but these marks are purple like the ones on the forehead.

The teenager just fell from the sky and became a rescuer at this critical moment.

He had a silver bow in his hand and a quiver behind him, and it was not clear how many arrows there were.

Because the light was too dazzling, Feng Xi just thought that this kid was simply a heavenly soldier, and it was too time to come.

Xie Dongyang thought he was dead just now.

Unexpectedly, the giant bat demon turned to ashes before he could start to deal with him.

Then, he also saw the teenager who appeared in the sky.

He glanced down at Xie Dongyang with no emotion in his eyes.

Then he drew an arrow from behind again and shot it violently in one direction in the jungle.

There was a wailing in the dense forest, and a huge rhino ran wildly. Before waiting for a few steps, he disappeared into the air like the bat monster just now.

"Lying trough, you can see your opponent so dark."

"People have sky eyes, and you haven't read the mark on your forehead." The white wolf king was speechless.

Where is this genius of the Feng family that has been seen for a hundred years in his own contract, is this obviously a fool?

"Eh? Where did I see that mark?"

Feng Xi looked at the mark on the teenager's forehead and squeezed his chin.

"That's the mark of the fox tribe, it should be a fox tribe."

"Yes, the fox tribe, the people over the white fox, I say so familiar, haha... The fox tribe is not a loss, it is a high-value tribe, just come out, they are all amazing... I am also the ancestor of Fengqing City, how Can you resist the temptation of male sex? If I were, maybe there would be a few foxes."

At this moment, Wuliangshan

Feng Qingcheng blushed slightly after hearing these words.

The younger brothers and sisters also laughed, "Sister, you and the fox emperor Bairan are really better for a while, it seems that it is not a rumor."

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