Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1798: :what did you say

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"I have endured you for a long time, Hua Qing, to give you five seconds to consider, tell all the bad water in your stomach, otherwise... I will strangle you now, and the body will directly move you to 100 kilometers in an instant. Outside Heishuitan, when you are missing, no one will look for you. Four sisters and eldest sister will also forget what happened today, don’t doubt me, if this can happen, it depends on how you choose?”

For the first time, Hua Sheng's eyes were murderous. She rarely took the initiative to destroy anyone, but Hua Qing was different. This woman was too bad...


Hua Qing only said one word for you, and she felt that her brain was a little hypoxic.

Because Huasheng's hand is constantly increasing its strength.

At this moment, she stuck Hua Qing's neck with one hand, propped her up, and leaned her back against the bathroom wall.

This power and instant killing intention have made Hua Qing scared enough.

She does not believe that Hua Qing is not afraid of death. If she is not afraid of death, she will not always be restricted by others.

There were Wu Nan in the front and vampires in the back. These people used her, but they just saw her as a weakness.

He always said that he was for his son, but isn't he afraid of death?

Is she willing to be willing to die? No, Huasheng has lived in the world for so many years, and the most thorough is human nature.

Some people have a conscience, and doing wrong things really knows to repent.

But some people have no conscience, even if they know they are wrong, they still have to continue to make mistakes.

why? Because they can make them feel at ease by doing the wrong thing and make them feel comfortable living.

Hua Qing is such a person. She is bad by nature, so in these years, since Hua Sheng went down the mountain, she has never really believed this woman.

In the past, Huaqing just wanted to make money for his family, and he didn't threaten his family too much, so Huasheng didn't care.

Now, she is hitting her with bad ideas, she can't stand idly by.

"I said...I said..."

Hua Qing was caught in that powerful hand and nearly suffocated.

The feeling is like feeling stuck in your throat by a giant pliers. Not only does it hurt, it really makes you feel close to death.

Hua Qing is afraid of dying, she really doesn't want to die.


Hua Sheng let go of his hand, Hua Qing fell instantly, and fell heavily on the marble in the bathroom.

Knock bones are painful. Fortunately, the sound of hand washing is good, and it is a bit away from the living room.

I don’t know what’s going on outside.

Hua Qing fell to the ground, coughed a few times, and resumed calm before speaking. "I was threatened by the vampires. I didn't want to come back. I know that you don't like me. I can't afford to look down on me. But those guys let me come back, because I can get close to you, this you, refers to you and the wind. Lord Dekas wants the blood of the wind, and your blood, he is going to give Princess Leia first of."

"Decas, Leia, are they all vampires?"

"Yes, I have only seen Decas a few times, and I have never seen Leia. It is said that they are their mistresses and they are in the same position as the Queen. But Decas is already very powerful, he is scary, like a monster. It’s not just blood-sucking, it can make people’s bodies wither instantly become skinny. I’ve seen it with my own eyes, I’m scared, and my children and I want to live, so we have no choice.”

"So what did you do?"

Hua Sheng looked at Hua Qing without feeling, just like watching a stranger and an animal.

"So we designed to lead you to Fengxi to the jungle in the southern suburbs, where an ambush was set up, but... unexpectedly, you didn't go... Fengxi and Xie Dongyang went."

"What are you talking about?" Hua Sheng's eyes dimmed a little.

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