Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1788: : Rubbing hands

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Yes, people who can be selected as the heirs of the 85th generation of the Feng family, would this be a general?

If the wind is really so useless, it will die early, can it still live to the present?

After all, it was also fought in the monsters and monsters.

Therefore, Feng Wuming is more optimistic that his granddaughter can bear this time, but he still doesn't worry about staring at it, in case...

In case there is something wrong, he is not impossible to shoot, as Ling Jiuzhou said.

Although he took the liberty to rescue people and violated the rules, he didn't blame him for being blamed because Lord Pluto was familiar with Fengxi.

Therefore, the old man of Feng is still very confident. At the same time, he is concerned about the wind and the wind is all over the city.

Feng Qingcheng also lived in the mist around Yunshan Mountain of Wuliang Mountain, and took several mentors and sisters sent by Wuliang Venerable to practice together.

Those children are all smart, too, and this day happened to be difficult to see the wind.

"Sister, don't you really want to save people? If you do it..."

"I don't need my shot." Feng Qingcheng's anger is more than the nameless wind.

"Okay, but sister, since you don't want to shoot, are you still looking disturbed? In case she didn't pass this level... that's too much for you..."

"No, if she dies, she is not as good as others. I will not shoot. If she wins, she should be. There is no joy."

Everyone: ...

Well, it is said that Feng Qingcheng has always been rational and indifferent in doing things, really.

She can watch her heirs fighting with others under this disadvantage, even if she is dead, she will not be saved?

Also said that people are not as good as others, really cruel.

But it's not to blame Feng Qingcheng, if she doesn't really cut off the seven emotions and six desires, she can't be sealed.

It is so difficult for mortals to cultivate immortals. For many years, there have been no mortals in the world who can be consecrated by the emperor of the Nineth Heaven.

Feng Qing City is one of the best, so many gods came to join in the fun at the Fengshen Conference.

I just wanted to see the demeanor of this mortal, and even now there are many legends in the Three Realms and Six Dao, saying that Feng Qingcheng is a **** by virtue of beauty.

In fact, it's just a vain watch, with little strength. After all, I haven't seen her do anything in recent years.

Others said that it was Emperor Tian who took a fancy to her appearance and planned to train for hundreds of years to be included in the harem as a little wife.

Of course, these are really just rumors.

Heavenly Emperor has only seen Feng Qingcheng once, and that was at the meeting of Fengshen.

And it was a distant look across the crowd. Although Feng Qing City was beautiful and beautiful, the Heavenly Emperor was not tempted.

Why? The reason is very simple. The Emperor's harem is already full of flowers and beautiful women.

Those women's appearances don't have to be different, so why bother with a mortal woman?

Yes, just because she is a mortal, so Heavenly Emperor can never be tempted by her.

In the Nineth Heaven, in fact, these nobles later value bloodline heritage.

After the mortal is a god, no matter how powerful he is, he is despised in his bones, and the royal family has always been arrogant.

So it's normal to look down upon the wind and fall, but... Huasheng...

Huasheng is just the opposite. If Sanjie Liudao currently elects a noble lineage, it is Huasheng.

Because she has the blood of the first **** in the ancient times, the lady of the nine-day mysterious lady, and she is pure blood.

The words pulled back to the wind, and at this moment, she had stopped bleeding for herself, with a white bandage on her arm.

Then I watched the aggressive vampires and started to rub their hands...

"Things that don't have long eyes, today's grandma and grandma will tell you, who is the father?"

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