Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1764: : Not so good

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Zhan Feilong glanced at the three giant lizards who were injured and comatose, expressionless. "These are not within our scope. Our task is to take it away according to the order of His Highness."

"General Flying Dragon, you see, we are the people of His Royal Highness after all, can we be accommodating? Of course I am not trying to make it difficult for you, nor do I want to disobey the order, I just think that Your Royal Highness is not here now, I hope you take care of it, at least , Help us say a few words in front of the Three Halls?"

It’s rare that a protector such as a four-legged beast can also be so flattering, not all for brothers?

It's a pity that the people of the Imperial Guard are simply unreasonable.

Therefore, even if the four-legged beast has already been very polite, the guy of the twelfth legion is still Pluto.

"Senior law protector, don't waste time. Your Highness is still waiting for us to return to life."

The four-legged beast looked down at the brothers around it. It was sour, but of course it was more wronged.

At this moment, if His Highness was still there, who would dare to do this to them?

Now that His Highness is missing, His Highness suddenly came back to take over, maybe nine of them...

I dare not think about the future...

"Master Dafa, let's hurry up, don't you think you can beat us and forcefully disobey the order?"

The four-legged beast hurriedly pushed people to each other. "How come, I can't wait."

"Don't dare to be the best, and also work for Devil Realm, please be considerate and say goodbye."

The men of the Twelve Legions took the three giant lizards in a coma and disappeared at the entrance in an instant.

The twelve legions just arrived have at least a hundred small men, each of whom is a brave man.

Not to mention, the four-legged beast is not sure to deal with this hundred people. If he can, will he dare to do it?

Dare not, this is only the twelfth legion, there are eleven teams in front of him, even if the copper walls are iron walls, he can't resist.

What's more, this is the order of His Highness, the man of His Highness...

Forget it, the man from His Highness didn't even understand His Highness, or don't take the risk, for a three-headed lizard is not worth it.

It didn't take long for news to arrive that the three giant lizards were taken to the Demon Temple by the twelve legions.

His Royal Highness Fengying used his spiritual power to hallucinate the three giant lizards from the coma.

Asked, "Does the flame of Ming Yan hurt?"

The three monitor lizards asked were stunned. In order to protect their face, it was impossible to say pain.

So the buddy shook his head and said, "No pain."

His Royal Highness Feng Ying smiled, "Very well, then I will let you know what hurts."

Afterwards, His Highness condensed spiritual power, and a long whip made of an icicle was transformed into his hand.

The wailing sounds could not help but spread out thirty miles away.

No one from the Nine Guardians has stepped forward, but what he heard was frightened.

Even the little fellows watching around were terrified.

As we all know, the magic of His Highness contains ice and snow, so no matter what kind of attack, it is related to this department.

Icicles, the degree of hardness can be imagined, then the long whip of icicles...

It's not just pain, it's the most important thing is the ice thorn, it's pain and cold.

Pluto didn't let the three dragons hurt their vitality, but Fengying's such a pump really made the three dragons lose half their lives.

Until the end, it's not good to see it.

Feng Ying only closed his hand and glanced at the three giant lizards, "Pull it down, shut it up, and shut it for five hundred years... 800 years old, this is auspicious."

Everyone: ...

In the end, the three giant lizards were dragged away by the twelve legions to the demon prison, and no one in the other guardians came to plead.

These three Highnesses usually looked pretty gentle, how can they know that it is also a ruthless character, not very easy to provoke.

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